Attached: YEEESSSSSSSS.png (1066x1292, 1.34M)

>*also on PC

Attached: gachi-oh-shit-a-am-sorry.gif (250x230, 1.35M)

>PS5 is saved when you can't even buy one

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You wish.

>another shitty single player FF game
It's like Square Enix just enjoys pissing away its money

He doesn't have to wish it'll happen like it always does, this isn't Bloodborne this is squeenix who only care about $$$. Time exclusive, mark my words.

this ain't it

looks extremely bland and phoned in
will sell like trash


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There's like 1-3 20 minute windows a week where it's possible to order one, dumb sex poster

No it's just gonna be an EGS exclusive on PC

Oh no...

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It's gonna be trash just like Final Fantasy XV.


Okay but there is going to be cute girls with cute armpits right?

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MMOs are for faggots. PC gaming is dead because of those abominations.


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But FF is crap since FF13. Why should I be hyped for this one?

>FF crap since 13
It isn't.

vaporware until further notice

you forgot to click on to reply to it

How can you save something that doesn't exist?

>you forgot to click
No I didn't.


Enjoy your no sales. I’ll wait for an Xbox release in 5 years or whatever.

Final Fantasy is back, baby

>You wish.
It was already confirmed.

Final Blandtasy XVI shilled by two crippled sonybros.

Finally some new info is coming. I'm going to buy it either way but they really haven't shown off that much.

Stop giving money to SE, please.

>game actually polished and debugged
Too bad FFXV didn’t get that treatment

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The moment they put NFTs in a Final Fantasy game is the moment I start pirating them. They need to fire that CEO.

Of course it didn't, it was only shoved out so its development would stop bleeding money year after year.

I'll click you you son of a bitch!! Now follow the rules and give that user his (you).

final fantasy is dead

People were just terrified it was going to be another 13 or 15. They forget those two were in development hell for ages.

I wish for some hard figures on how my PC gamers are expressly pirating it over buying on EGS. I have a feeling releasing their games on EGS has been along term disaster for Squeenix.

I'm buying this one, I trust Yoshi P

Barry wrath currently on hold until he can compose himself

What sites did you use?

>playing final fantasy after XII

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I keep forgetting this is a PS5 exclusive, what a retarded decision

is it weird that ive never played a FF game before, but this is one of my most hyped games?
the trailer looked really fun.

Not that weird, it looks like the best single player one in a long time. 13 and 15 were complete garbage, and even 12 was pretty boring overall.

Agreed. What's the point after they made the perfect game?

This is the only correct answer
ff14troons, stop it
nostalgiafaggots, stop it
weeaboos, stop it
STOP giving this cancer of a company ANY money

Also on PC

Thx Tim

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no. 7th gen almost killed the franchise on home consoles. hell, jrpgs in general were saved by portables at the time.

Only 15 was in development hell

Nothing was in "development hell"

that reveal trailer was really something. I stamtly sold a number of people. just have action gameplay with cool looming iterations of ff summons and you're good, i guess.
i would like it to release on pc simultaneously with ps5. any chance of that?

Should have stayed there. What a terrible game

>basically done
>we haven't seen bullshots, a demo, or even alpha footage

XV is the best game in the series, user.

Sqeenix PC sales for titles released on EGS is extremely poor
Even FF7R did badly

>certain factors caused the game to be delayed

He means they waited so extra ps5s could get produced and sold

Retard. It was already announced in LAST YEARS trailer

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I'll care when they announce the PC date

>muh peecee
Final Fantasy isn't for you.

Shit I was about to sell my ps5 but if this is actually coming out this year (still don't believe) maybe I won't. God of soi 2 and this are tempting.

Literally every Final Fantasy game is on PC

Barry on suicide watch soon...

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finally a reason for a ps5

>literally every Final Fantasy game is on PC
Why lie?