what do they eat
What do they eat
Can you even imagine living in a time with no electricity, no washing machines or dryers, no microwaves or ovens, and no internet and video games?
Literally hell.
Mystery stew, all day every day
you can literally see farm fields in the photo
And I bet they would throw up at the idea of staying inside in front of a magical glass all day jerking off to drawings
sequel when
or even rivers to fish from.
They need to stop making soap and boardgames AND MAKE MY GAME
Can you even imagine living in a time with no brown people?
imagine the smell of unwashed pussy wafting around, life fuel
Cuman Khanate...
>life fuel
go back to looksmax ravi
Imagine spending half the day just to get your daily loaf of bread made
I remember when I met a lady crying on the road. I got off my horse and she shouted
and some mofos started attacking me. too bad I couldn't find her later
good times
>literally farmland in your own picture
What's the best way to level Agility?
whiter than south europeans lol just look at modern hungary
There's a bathhouse right outside the walls
Rich people? red meat and alcohol, which is why gout is called the disease of kings. Birds also were particularly expensive and reserved for the rich only because birds were believed to be closer to heaven and therefore more godly or whatever the fuck.
Poor people? crops, grain based food, shit they foraged or fish. Hunting grounds were reserved for the rich but fish swim bellow the water which is closer to hell and more "impure" which means royalty usually didn't eat that.
>Imagine spending half the day just to get your daily loaf of bread made
Feed & Seed
Good bread.
I've actually made medieval bread before, it takes a couple of hours to make it doesn't taste bad at all, definitely has a very firm feel compared to modern day soft breads
the thing most people might find sort of gross, is it was typical to have a pot of stuff above the fire in the home, just cooking at all times, and you'd throw whatever in it, like leftovers/unused stuff
you'd serve a bowl with every meal
would you still be virgins if you lived in the middle ages?
how catholic is the area?
and they wash like once a month tops
I already do that though
my cock and balls
the funny thing is tha whites literally had their utopian ethnostate it actually existed but since they are white and greedy they couldn’t stay in their lands and now their descendants are the ones to suffer while blaming the conquered and not their greedy ancestors who left them without a home
yes we would have all been forced to fight in a war and died alone in some shithole far from home
>The Cumans were reported to be handsome people with blond hair, fair skin and blue eyes
If you're a refugee and Henry's come to see you, nothing.
oh so at least we would have a good excuse
where the fuck did you get that shit?
Homeraised poultry (chicken, gees and ducks) were common part of diet of all social strata. It's just that much like beef, they really only eat the young male animals, becuase the female were still usable for diary and eggs. Meaning whenever you got a chicket soup at that time, it was either the pricy male chick, which were only available sometimes, or it would an aged hen that tastes like shit and needs to be boiled for like 10 hurs to be edible.
Other forms of poulty were rare and reserved for upper classes, but not because they were "close to god", but because they were wild game, which was considered property of a local lord. Peasants, cranes and quails typically were only available for nobility, or sold as a surplus by local huntsment at high prices.
Fish were absolutely a staple food for social classes. Again, there was nothing "unclean" about them. Keep in mind that Jesus served fish at the final suppper - fish was actually one of the symbols of devotion.
More importantly though, fish unlike poulty were not considered MEAT technically. Which means they were allowed to be consumed during Lent and on fridays when you were supposed to refrain from eating other types of meat. The majorty of the available fish until late renaissance came from scandinavia, in the form of pickled herrings.
Later on, Bohemia in particular developed MASSIVE carp farming that replaced herrings and became one of the most popular lent foods in the world. If there was an opportunity, sweetwater crayfish and beavers were used to replace fish for lent food.
Commoners also raised and ate pidgeons commonly, and rabbits were also faily common.
On top of that, goat and sheep were also quite common, though the same applies as with beef - you only slaughter the anime when it cannot produce milk and wool anymore.
Nobility had the exclusive access to wild game of any sorts. Wild geese, venison, wild boar, on ocassion bear meat, cranes.
it's easy to lose your virginity in a war just find some peasant girl to rape
As for non-meat food, commoners mainly ate lentils, basic vegetables like turnips and beets, and cabbage was incredibly important. White flower was actually kinda rare and expensive, so when it comes to grain, they mostly ate millet brewn into a porrage, often mixed with dried fruit (apples and berries), small quantities of cheeze, on special occassions smoked pork meat and intestines, often mixed with blood. Meat of any form was less than a weekly food on average for lower social strata. The combination sourkraut, peas or beans, and protein in the form of some fresh cheeze and milk was the go-to stuff.
Fish were reserved for aformentioned lent, and most luxurious commoner food was made from the expensive white wheat flour: usually sweet pies or buns often filled with fruit jam or provisions, sweetened with honey and "fattened" up with buttter. You'd see that kind of shit mostly on events like weddings.
Ironically, noble diet was a lot less variety. It really was mostly red meat, poultry, and limited amount of fruit and veg.
As for drinks: depended on region, but in general, if it was even remotely possible, nobody drank Water. the most common drink among commoners was beer. Keep in mind it was very different from our beer. It was dark, had very little alcoho %, and was often heated up and seved with dried fruit or even mushroom.
Wine was rarer, more expensive, and had religious significance. The church kinda did not want commoners to drink wine, as it was associated with the whole "blood of christ" thing and the euchariste.
With that said, nobility often prefered wine to beer, and so did the middle classes. Cheap wine was accessible. But it was terrible sour-wine for the - basically more vinegar than wine as we know it. And it was always bein dilluted with water.
And there you.
Oh yeah, and during Lent, the upper classes would also always eat fish, but they less shitty ones (like catfish, or the aformentioned beavers who were seen as fish).
>you only slaughter the anime when it cannot produce milk and wool anymore
you mean bliss.
You forgot to mention pork was fairly common, especially in Central Europe.
>No Jews
>Woman can't vote
>Family Unit strong
>Work 6 hours a day and drink all night
>Able to afford a big ass house and land to til soil
Literally heaven
literally farmlands right outside the walls, are blind or retarded?
I will never play this game for the first time again...
he thinks farmers only work 6 hours a day
wish the last 1/5th wasn't so terribly written
radzig being your father was silly, i had thought martin was originally a noble which would've been more interesting, though I'm not sure if Henry could be considered a noble in that circumstace
they should blame themselves. a couple cristal nachts would save millions
Can you imagine living in a time where you're a tiny worthless cog in a global corporate machine that sees you as a number, having half your income taxed just to be spent on ways to enslave you and destroy your civilization further, completely powerless against those who own you because you don't even know who they are or where they live, being fed sickness so you can buy cures, being unable to defend yourself without having your life ruined, being atomized from your neighbours and sometimes even your family, and having nothing but oblivion waiting for you at the end?
>it takes a couple of hours to make
Did you use electricity or wood
I think there is a lot of stuff from today you could show anyone living in a pre-industrial time, and they would think you were showing them footage of actual hell.
you're unwashed then
I made it at a renfaire, over a fire
it probably would have gone faster if I had an actual wood fire oven/stove
>kingdom cum
you mean you will never watch the 20+ hours of cutscenes and 2+ hours of loading screens for the horrible dialogue system
the game as 4 hours of cutscenes, which is obscenely low for a game made today
not sure what you're on about with the dialogue system, it's very simplistic, nearly a 1:1 of oblivion without the dumb speechcraft wheel
>low taxes
>physical work to keep your body healthy if you're a peasant
>mind activities for nobles and priests
>overall fewer work hours than we do today
>no niggers
It's paradise, not hell. I'd trade all the technology and the ability to read to be a peasant in the middle ages.
nobody likes it for the story
it's all about the graphics, realistic castles, forests and all the kids loving that everybody is swearing every second word
nevermind the fact that it hardly was a game with the giganiggazillion cutscenes and a few good fights basically made you too op for the other 100 hours of pointless drivel and empty landscapes the devs expected you to sift through
>You will never enjoy Theresa's unwashed vagine and bobs
Why even live bros...
>but the labor they did do was back breaking
yeah, and so is modern day construction, still, unless you're doing something easy as fuck like electrical or framing
and most of the tradies you might meet will brag about how they pulled overtime week after week until they're falling apart and held together via alcohol and pain meds at age 40
there is barely any fighting in the game and you spend hours talking to people in mostly non-interactive scenes that are behind a loading screen, i.e. basically cutscenes and you have to suffer that break in immersion every time you talk to someone
it's just so fucking bad and annoying
also kek at thinking oblivion is any kind of standard to go by
>The ancien règime in France is reported to have guaranteed fifty-two Sundays, ninety rest days, and thirty-eight holidays. In Spain, travelers noted that holidays totaled five months per year.[5]
>[5] Edith Rodgers, Discussion of Holidays in the Later Middle Ages (New York: Columbia University Press, 1940), 10-11. See also C.R. Cheney, "Rules for the observance of feast-days in medieval England", Bulletin of the Institute of Historical Research 34, 90, 117-29 (1961).
I don't think you've ever actually played the game, the game is rather combat heavy to the point that my biggest complaint is that fighting multiple people feels like shit (which is semi-realistic)
talking to people is not behind loading screens, you only get those when you choose to fast travel, and if you're loading screens are long it's time to retire that HDD
Shut up nigger
the writing was really good for a videogame, idk what you're talking about