Why is Persona 4 considered the best in the series?

Why is Persona 4 considered the best in the series?

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but it isn't, persona 3 is the one considered the best in the series.

>Better characters all around

Both have good music though.

I think small Japanese foggy town was a really nice choice of location
Cast is likable
Story is very personal since it’s tied directly to the people living around you like the detective dad

I missed out on Christmas because I fought Adachi on the very last day.

So where are the p3 remasters? Or portings? Or just a single thing done with that game?


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kek that is touchingly pathetic

Yea Forumstards are irrelevant

You can't hurt me more than life already has

It is.


Now this is bait

Most popular =/= best game, Fifacuck.

The games get worse with each entry.
The only exception is P2 which has such awful gameplay it is perhaps the only game I would be ok with someone just watching a walkthrough on Youtube.


But they're all great games

There are remasters and porting of games which were never popular but good games.
Try again p3cuck. Your game is just shitty emo stuff. They had do add a female character for the shota fantasies to make the game relevant, that's something.

>Defeated Ameno Sagiri on the 23rd
>Thought that would mean I could date my waifu on Christmas
>Nope, that date is taken too for plot reasons

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P3 > P2 > P4 >>>> shit >>>> P5
Also Fuuka best girl.


Persona 4 setting is undeniably comfy as fuck. It's the comfiest of the bunch.

Persona 5 is the most aesthetically pleasing

Persona 3 is, idk, objectively Persona 3 is a well written Persona game that paved the way and gave Persona it's own voice and moved away definitely from Shim Megami Tensei main series, although you could argue that they've achieved that way back in Persona 2.

The best one says more about what you personally value in gaming than which one is objectively the best one. The rest is bait.

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So cringe, why do you like the romance thing?

S - EP > P5R > P4G > P3FES
A - P5 > P4 > P3 > IS
B - P1 > Revelations

Never played P3P

fpbp, op get the fuck out like always.

japs don't even celebrate christmas, they just eat KFC

It's comfy

I will never not be mad that Kasumi is Marie 2.0 instead of new FemC

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This has never been refuted

>p4g above anything

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Because it is
Persona 2cwas pretty great, but gameplay lacked
Persona 3 and Persona 1 both were widely considered worst games ever made(until wave of newfags in 2010)
And Persona 5 characters were so cringe and annoying, it made impossible to play the game


Not really, it’s stressful
>you HAVE to have this stat on the specific day and you must have completed this boss on a specific day to get a specific item you have to gift to her after saying a specific line of dialogue to open the romance branch but if you don’t say that dialogue you’re locked out for the entire game

Swap P5 and P4 with P5R and P4G and it's alright

>Nearly 27
>Recently replayed P5R
>Couldn't shake the awkward feeling of being so invested in characters now a decade younger than me
>Most likely won't play P6 for the same reasons

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>Why is Persona 4 considered the best in the series?
Gee I wonder...it's because of Rise

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it had better characters and didnt overstay its welcome. i wanted more p4 at the end, i wanted less p5 80 hours into a 140 hour playthrough

>Persona 3 and Persona 1 both were widely considered worst games ever made

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Reasons like this is why I had to play with a guide. The games are simply too long to “wing it” if you aren’t min maxing your time you’re simply going to miss dialogue choices, character interactions, items, etc. and it’s not like I’m going to replay an 85-120 hour game again to romance the girl the right way because I fucked it up

P3sisters... check the 'cord ASAP

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You mean the 4 movies and the 4 spin off games?

That's the quote immediately following the one in the pic, user. Well, minus the kek.

Dont be disingenous, at worst it was
>You have 2 options of dialogue during the confidant/s. link that unlock the romance path, chances are that if you are attracted to the person, you would choose those options.}Hardest thing you could get was getting Naoto to dress like a girl during her romance, but the romance itself you can have it easily.

You posted it.

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I only played P5 and i know that P3 is considered the best

Yeah but having to build up particular stats by a particular date is stressful due to the min/maxing aspect. Like
>oh shit should I have studied at the library or ate a burger at the restaurant
Maybe the genre isn’t for me because guideless sounds like a stress inducing nightmare


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You just have to learn the tricks, they give you more than enough time to experiment. Specifically, making the most of weather bonuses and free time slots like lunch at school.

Inaba had way more soul than P5 Tokyo

you can see where everything went wrong youtube.com/watch?v=2sttTo5obkE

>This is a list of video games that multiple reputable video games journalists or magazines have considered to be among the best of all time
Lol stopped reading right there

That's just the nature of the life-sim genre. Everyday counts and you have to prioritize which stats you want to improve.

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You are both retards. Any person with a high IQ and large penis knows that Persona 3, 4 and 5 are all equally good for different reasons.

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It's only stressful if you're going for the harem ending, and even that is only really hard in P3. Other than that the time limits are quite lax and you'll enter the final month with nothing left to do.

>he doesn’t beat the dungeons on a single in-game day

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Defeating the "final" dungeon sends you immediatly to Christmas when you could have played every day until then, I waited until what I thought was the last day needed in order to have the Christmas date, on the other hand I saved Nanako literally the next day she was kidnapped.

The thing is that if you beat Ameno-Sagiri on any day until the 23th of December, the game will skip itself to 24th of December. So in order to make the most of December days and to have a comfy Christmas night with your GF, most players beat the dungeon on the 22th of December

>FGT REP: 130

should be much higher for this thread


>Fallout 3

For once, fpbp. Op is a massive faggot.