Wanna play this, best build?

Wanna play this, best build?

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wait till next week for the new league even though it's probably shit


They nerfed all the fun ones, only zoomzoom flashy streamer shit is allowed now.

>Check out new league
>it's nothing

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>copy some metasperg build

1) wait until the next Friday
2) which playstyle do you prefer?

sloggy trash hypershit that only true hyperautists still play.

I really tried to get into this game ,but after 300 hours I gave up

>which playstyle do you prefer?
the one that lets me sit back and watch the game play itself for me

>Wanna play this, best build?
Umm Lost Ark is better.

Melee is not viable no matter what anyone tells you.

Well, theres "Melee", and then theres actual Melee. "Melee" is viable only because its not really melee at all, the projectiles you throw are just colored different.

Sure, but there's always at least a few poor tortured souls who mained frenzy werewolf druid in D2 and still to this day really, really want flicker strike to work for them.

>10 hours in Lost Ark
>Level 10, still doing fetch quests to prepare for gear treadmill
>10 hours in PoE
>Campaign cleared, doing maps

No thanks.

werewolf d2 druid is not even remotely similar to flicker strike
something like double strike would be more appropriate comparison

You can still make Flicker Strike builds for superfast mapping but its a very inefficient build against bosses.

is Poe2 the new Diablo killer?

So a minions build

I'm fairly confident D4 will succeed in sudokuing itself just fine

>Had fun playing ssf last league
>will have to probably play trade league this time to grind challenges for that faggy armor set by paying discord trannies
any viable summoner builds other than skeleton mages? I dont want to play glorified totems

nu-Blizzard is the Diablo killer.

Summoner it is

okay yeah forgot about this lol

Lol no you can't, headhunter got nerfed.

>I skipped last league
>and the league before
>and played 1 week of the nerf league
>this league's mechanic looks shit

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>having to do the campaign on every single build you want to play
>GGG makes the campaign harder every league to waste more of your time
Yeah no, you only have to play Lost Ark campaign once. They give 9 powerpasses and additional one every time a new class is release

Just check whatever new builds the japanese-aussie necromancer-autist has in her channel.

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Then you spam dailies every day until you're locked out of them and get the urge to make a new character

Nice fucking game

It has the best league challenge rewards though if you're into that shit.

Man if you skipped the last few leagues you should absolutely play this one just for the new endgame

Based, but i think spectres seem kinda weak rn

>WAAHHHH The campaign is too boring.
>WAHHH Now the campaign is too hard! Make it more boring!

Make up your mind. If they would make the campaign extremely hard, it would be a fucking guarantee you would not get bored when playing it.

Doubt he even plays PoE.
I genuinely feel bad for people who are strangled by FOMO and play shitty games

I like trade and this league looks like it's going to have no players. I'll probably hop in for a week or so before the playerbase craters.
Even You-Know-Where that dickrides GGG seems lukewarm on this one.

>no balance changes
>no new skills for 2 leagues in a row
>only add content for top % of players as if you'll ever even touch something like uber maven on a meme build

it isn't hard, just slower
nobody gives a rat's ass about replaying the story, even D3 realized this

Summer season with no virus restrictions is on its way. All multiplayer games are going to lose players during northern hemisphere summer seasons. Coronavirus summers were the only exception because every bar and restaurant was closed.

dont forget the lab

>it isn't hard, just slower
Its slower because you have to play more carefully than usual, instead of zooming through with a blindfold on.

the meta leveling builds still zoom through it, just might need to swing twice instead of once

Let me fucking skip campaign after I played it once.
Every fucking league I need to bumrush identical content every time.
Fuck no, I have better things to do.

how to fix poe?

when you beat the campaign and lab for 1 character every new character you create stars with lvl 60 and you only need to beat uberlab

The meta leveling builds still need to actually dodge those goat jumps now. Instead of just tanking through everything.

Then people start whining about white maps and demand that players should be able to start with Yellows. And the whining only stops once GGG gives them the ability to start at level 100 and gain access to max tier red maps and portals to every endgame bosses instantly.

Burn everything with flaming skull!!! Flaming skulls everywhere!!!!

they said they didnt make any balance changes so builds from the last league still workyou can look at the last leagues best builds there are a lot of videos about them

>ability to start at level 100 and gain access to max tier red maps and portals to every endgame bosses instantly
Sounds like a good fucking idea.
Why not?
Why not let players play THE GAME THEY'RE ACTUALLY DEVELOPING and not the same old shit from 2014?

I don't want to rerun the fucking campaign every time I make a new characters you fucking shills. It's the worst part of the game and they make it worse every league. The campaign is the largest deterrence for players wanting to try new build.

>Just give the instant win button, thats what players want!

welp, not even gonna bother with the league then

Chris continuing to filter undesirables with the campaign I see. I hope next league is nothing but nerfs.

your 3.18 starters:
ea totem
phys trapper

The campaign takes like 4 hours, whoop-de-doo.


more like 10 for the average player, 4 is speedtranny territory

>just speed run it with fine-tuned turbo autistic build bro

Casuals detected, opinion discarded.

Are skelemages good?

sorry ma'am

>A shiny rock follows you and makes enemies more rippy for shit rewards.
This League mechanic reminds me of Nioh 2 Stone of Penances. The loot better be amazing or nobody's going to use it, just like in Nioh 2. Even if the loot is great but it becomes too rippy in maps, then people are just going to spam it in Blood Aqueducts or white maps all the time, like what happened with Betrayal League.

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It is just higher investment and the mentality of how much currency you need to make per hour.

Is it worse?
Yes, often.

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>huge ass round aoe magic

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Literally clown world
Because all my characters look like clowns due to mixmatching gears and armours for better stats

Its inherently worse because not only do you have to take more risks when playing with melee, your overall DPS is also automatically lower because you can't use "fire and forget"-type of skills that damage the boss automatically no matter where you are on the map. The new map bosses make melee builds even worse because they have so many area-placement mechanics, while at the same time they keep teleporting all over the place so a true melee builds overall DPS gets even lower.

Only way for melee builds to become viable is if all of them would become like the Warcry-oneshot builds before they were nerfed to the ground. Because at least then melee builds could do something ranged builds cannot. Instead of steady reliable damage they would do insane amount of damage with one hit, but that one hit requires preparation and waiting.

Skilltag Melee

True melee still works, its just even worse because you need gem swap until you are overgeared.

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Same. No new skills and just nerfs. That way I can continue not playing poe.

im done with PoE untill PoE 2 comes out

i just cant play the same shit over and over anymore

It's not fucking melee.
Melee is whacking a dude with a stick.
What you're showing me is magic.
If you call magic "melee" it doesn't become melee.
You don't call hadoken melee, because it's a fucking projectile.