Why can't euros into vidya hardware? Even their PC hardware comes from Amerikkka

Why can't euros into vidya hardware? Even their PC hardware comes from Amerikkka.

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Too busy stabbing each other and getting fucked in the ass by achmed.


Taiwan is making hardware for everyone (for now)

You mean eastern china

engineering =/= manufacturing


You mean West Taiwan?


ARM chips ran the vast majority of those machines, OP, try again.

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>didn't even mention the speccy for britain
This image is RUBBISH.

What a coincidence, ARM gaming sucks complete ass.


Why can't non americans do anything? how have they been made irrelevant by a country that has existed for less thatn 300 years? Embarrassing. This really only applies to euros as 3rd wordlers are beneath notice. Eastern Europe doesn't count either.

>Why can't non americans do anything? how have they been made irrelevant by a country that has existed for less thatn 300 years? Embarrassing. This really only applies to euros as 3rd wordlers are beneath notice. Eastern Europe doesn't count either.

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Because the US is actively sabotaging every other country since forever.

N-Gage was Switch before Switch. It was pure soulkinobased. Too bad that I was a poorfag back then

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Lol, asshurt NonAmerican faggot. Go make your own imageboard, oh wait you can't because you are fucking retarded. Lol

Europeans normally grow out of video games around the age of 14.

Because they just use our hardware and entertainment. Eurocucks will be watching Dr. Strange 2 tonight instead of making their own movies. This is why I can never take their banter seriously. They're literally inferior.

Don't euromutts live with their parents well into their 40's? I would think they love video games.

>Lol, asshurt NonAmerican faggot. Go make your own imageboard, oh wait you can't because you are fucking retarded. Lol

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europoors are too busy not being proud

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I know right? Look there is one now.
Imagine it yelping in its horrid 3rd world speak as it rummages through its entire folder dedicated to america for an image to post. What a joke lol

Europeans are capable enough, but the financial system isn't. This is a boring subject because short of a 3rd world war, that will never change.

America is literally the only country that makes anything anymore. The third world like europe has been fucked since forever.

The stupid ones do. People who think for themselves the world over fully back China in their continuing successes in slapping the mutts down.

America is so fuckin based

Why are euros so weak now? Remember 1812? For a while there you were threats to our existence, now you constantly cry about us mogging on you.

Uh huh yuropoor

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Talking to some teens at the skatepark the other day These kids don't even know how to register and LLC. This generation is fucked dude.

Ohno nonononononono!

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>23 and me

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No one cares about bugs lmao


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>america doesn't make any of its own shit
>still #2
Is the rest of the world even fucking trying?

This. That's pretty fuckin based.

>European Americans and their utter whiteness
God dude I can feel the seethe just dripping from every word. Feels good man. I love being white.

You're not Chinese, europoor. Have fun playing 3rd fiddle instead of 2nd now.

The age of Nip cringe is OVER
Now begins the golden era of POO KINO

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>america is so powerful other nations get propelled to center stage on their dollar
Welcome to the winners circle china. Feels good to be on the top.

nah that's you.


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Video games?

Why is your country too weak to do anything about it?

Don't worry, that's old. Shanghai and Beijing are totally fucking over the part right now and Jiang faction is taking advantage of Xi's ineptitude. Let me put it this way. If given the choice between operating/living in Mexico City over Shanghai, I'm going to pick Mexico City every time. That's how shit it is over there right now.

>N-Gage was Switch before Switch
That explains why it had no games.

Eurobros, why are we so weak and poor compared to AmeriCHADS and ChinkTHADS?

It's the foreskins Hans. Always. was. We didn't sacrifice the foreskins, god help us all.

You aren't, you quality of life is waaaaaaay better than Chinas, and only select areas of the US are nice. We don't even have any nice cities. Stop complaining.

It's over yuroshits

We don't even have that anymore. Violence and rape has been going up in our metro cities for a while now. We're basically America without guns and money now. It sucks.

Why do the Americans hate us so much lads? All we do is jump into every war they ask, give them a language, give them all of their best actors and directors, create their country. And they still bully us every day. It's HORRIBLE.

We fucking lost fellow euronigs

Pee pee poo poo, europoir

It's not FAIR

they don't it's just chinks and russian falseflagging because everybody in the world hates them.

Tucker Carlson HATES us though and he is their prophet.

>Why can't euros into vidya hardware? Even their PC hardware comes from Amerikkka.
Didn't you make that thread yesterday as well and it ended up (unsurprisingly) in a /pol/ thread where people where throwing shit at each other because "muh america" and "muh europe"?

Fuck off with your bullshit.

>chink slav shill hates his ancestors
makes sense

>We don't even have any nice cities. Stop complaining.
Visited Austin TX in 2019. I found it to be a very nice city!


>playstation in america
Snoy cope

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PlayStation literally moved to California after the PS3 dude. Yeah it's still owned by Sony but PlayStation the subsidiary is American now.

Uncle Joe, just as you would expect from a pedo, tricked Europe into getting fucked while saying exactly the words he's telling them to say. So now they are at war, wahoo!