Game allows teamkilling

>Game allows teamkilling.

Attached: PantherCougar attacks and later kills a cat right on the front porch in South Florida.webm (640x360, 955.96K)

Other urls found in this thread:

It's a catty cat world out there.

I hate instinctively violent animals for some reason. Like bitchass pitbulls and other shit.

there is always a bigger cat

lions are the niggers of pantheras

Imagine how it must have felt to watch this for the first time after you realized that your cat was gone.


Attached: +_71f94b8ca0265355b86cc1f7d8537f36.png (720x365, 309.62K)

>retard cat owner lets their cat outside unattended
neglectful idiots

>you get an easy kill in the game

>PvP server

Attached: 1650193528995.webm (432x768, 2.94M)

Ah yes, the hustle and bustle.

Small cats are worse cuz they're just pests

Thats pretty cool

What am I even watching?

I wish I was that panther.

>Europeans have the audacity to talk shit about America when this is their reality.

Cats are aggressive animals. They're just weak so they don't attack humans much.

Cats aren't indoor animals

If there's a domestic animal capable of getting by themselves it's cats, forcing them to stay inside is far more neglectful.

>lets their cat outside unattended

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How far up the taxonomy do you go before it stops being cannibalism? And do mammals have some kind of genetic predisposition against cannibalism? Personally, I couldn't willingly eat another hominid without feeling weird about it.

Yes they are
They're an invasive species that kills wild-life and outdoor cats live shorter lives.

I think it's chinks and brown third worlders who talk the most shit about America here.
They even project their third world life onto America, where even the poorest people can afford enough food to be obese

Thank God nothing like that happens in my European country.

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It's "cat eat cat world" retard

That's LITERALLY America though.

That kind of emergency stairs aren't a thing here.

neither are dogs. but because I love mine and am a responsible pet owner, I don't let them out of sight when I let them outside

Humans are the only creature alive that makes a big deal out of eating themselves

dog hands have written this

You literally have Chicago and Detroit

Isn't that a BLM riot in some nog neighbourhood? Or is it france?

Good bait.


The lion is just trying to eat

Still the pot calling the kettle black in both cases. I think Euros and Americans need to stop shitting on each other and band together against globohomo.
No more brother wars

almost had this happen with a neighbor cat and florida panther. cat made the mistake of running for it, luckily it made it into the bushes before the panther could get to it and the panther wasn't that interested. i hate having to chase these big cats out of my yard

fiery but mostly peaceful protestors

don't cry when you find mittens torn to shreds by wild animals or shot then

>enemy can mimic the player

Attached: 1643756664288.webm (1014x900, 2.08M)

Because eating human meat will literally drive you mad.

Well yeah its literally your fucking fault you subhuman Golem

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That's New York City you stupid mutt


Why is that webm wasting my time? It's literally 5-10 seconds of nothing until it happens!

Fuck you

More than that, there's a FUCKING LION ARROUND YOUR PROPERTY that shit is dangerous af, it will mostly definitely take a kid if it can

I'm in neither and you're both shitholes, but America moreso and needs to die

>They're an invasive species that kills wild-life
Don't care. So am I.
>outdoor cats live shorter lives
Don't care. My cat gets what it wants. Seethe.

Who's mimicking whom? Because whatever the fuck is happening, the dude on the right is doing it better.

The idea of a big predator just cruising around your front yard is a foreign concept to me.


that doesn't look like a cat, looks like a weasel or something

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>wild animals
Do you live in a jungle?
Who would shoot a fucking cat? Is it common practice in the US (or third world shithole where decency isn't a thing)?

I'm sure you live in a lovely non shit hole and that's why you can't say where youre from

>They're an invasive species that kills wild-life
so just like humans?

Large dark animals look cool and regal, but pooinloos and scrawny african negros look like low iq shifty thieves who want to scam you every chance they get.

>cant even do a half a good job copying him
top kek
women are a meme


>neither are dogs
Yes they are. They're completely domesticated and would die without human intervention.

My outdoor cat lived to 23

>that kills wild-life
Oh no the absolute horror, thank god no other species even killed.

>don't cry when you find mittens torn to shreds by wild animals or shot then
I don't

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>heh, cats are sophisticated animales, they don't act like niggers!
also catfags

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Based cats making niggers seeth.


Attached: cat-typing.jpg (450x337, 75.15K)

Feral cats should be shot and I like cats.

Nightlife in America

My cats get what they want
They're terrified of the outdoors and run away anytime anyone opens a door
They play on their cat towers, eat their favorite foods, and do so without harming native bird populations and getting eaten by the nearby coyotes or run over by cars.
You're the one who'll be seething when you find your cat in pieces.

>NPCs have poor pathfinding.

Attached: 1646521101067.webm (640x640, 1.8M)

quick rundown on this?

Cats kill billions of animals every year you moron. Pitbulls are fucking disgusting to us because they attack humans and on top of that they are bred to look and breath like shit

Most cats I owned were feral before. You just have to make them your bitch.

Yes, my country is wonderful and has no niggers

Attached: IMG_20220506_171549.jpg (2759x1662, 680.98K)

>cats are sophisticated animales, they don't act like niggers!

Attached: Cat2.jpg (480x724, 188.48K)

>Do you live in a jungle?
OPs webm is in the fucking suburbs
>Who would shoot a fucking cat?
anyone who doesn't enjoy some faggots feral cat shitting on their property and killing the songbirds

Lel dumbass

what are you spouting?
I've had dogs and cats, did console wars rot your brain so much you can't even conceive that liking something doesn't inherently mean you hate the alternative?

>OH N-


Attached: wrds.webm (280x158, 982.79K)

taxoplasmosis parasite, a side-effect from keeping a box of catshit in your home

>You're the one who'll be seething when you find your cat in pieces.
No I won't

>game allows smurfing

Attached: 1651760271678.webm (460x258, 2.85M)

flamingos are based

Saint. They literally proclaimed him the left's saint and martyr.

27% of the population yet

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>open world game lets you have fun with the npcs

Attached: 1622062377901.webm (636x800, 2.24M)

>Cats kill billions of animals every year you moron.

Idk I have a dog

>this thread

Attached: its time.jpg (500x375, 31.68K)

That's a good quote
I wonder what that person named his cat

Good thing mine does his business outside.

>wasting trips on "QRD?"
fuck you

Cats rarely kill birds. I had like 6 cats for 10 years and they only brought in like 2 birds compared to the hundereds of mice.

Every day I'm more convinced that blacks are subhuman

Based toxochads

Attached: Toxo Chads.png (1080x1466, 206.73K)

That's a lot of mental gymnastics to get around saying "I am a lazy fat catfag who based my pet choice around the lowest maintenance option, because I am pathetic"

Cats are predators, that isn't violence for the sake of violence. They're different you retard, whether they attack humans or not.

>newfound exploit breaks the meta

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pure scum of the planet

I will proceed to buy a cat

>you find your cat in pieces
If this were real and something like this happened to me I would escalate so hard I'd be on the news.

Just run them over. A nigger doesn't learn unless you whip him.

dogfags everyone.

Imagine simping for dogs

no it’s from a cat who got infected from being outside and eating infected birds/rodents etc.
do you fags seriously think all cats have it?

>based my pet choice around the lowest maintenance option

My indoor cat lived to 24
I win

what are you gonna do? go infect the coyotes with your cat shit parasites?

Why aren't they letting the women play?

Its obviously third worlders and chinks. Its always ironic, considering asia consumers nigger porn on a much larger scale than the west. As well, most of the niggers just seethe that they arent here

Amerinigger BTFO

I expected a bear or elephant to come and flip the car imagine how much cooler that would have been

My cats generate more joy than yours.

Just a quick back up would be hilarious

Trannies were a mistake


PSH. My outerspace cat live to 25.


Feral cats should be executed on sight

heem sleepy

>enemies gank you instead of waiting while you 1v1
Games like this?

Attached: 1629558278094.webm (720x480, 1.91M)

He didn't name his cat.

How many cats do I need to huff before I start noticing gainz?

niggerman was based

You say it like feral dogs don't exist.

dude, america its becoming third world plus weimer republic tier

Attached: ship_s_cat_by_keithspangle_d5lsf23-fullview.jpg (1024x1279, 164.97K)

uh oh BBC bros

What's the point of this? Why are they so determined to destroy any kind of cultural individuality in the world?

based cats

You say it like your dog wouldn't be dead after exactly 3 days of neglect

What would Yea Forums do in this situation?

It already is. Has been for a while.

Any animal that wasn't lucky enough to be domesticated will be extinct in 200 years
Future generations will learn in classrooms that there's only a few types of animals around to remember
"Cat", "Dog", "Parakeet", "Hamster", "Aquarium Fish", and various livestock