Do you agree Yea Forums?

Do you agree Yea Forums?

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Artifical fun, sure.

I used to be die hard pc, but I like that I cna just turn on my switch and everything loads up quickly and I don't have to fuck with settings or compatibility patches.

fun isnt real idiot

>getting cucked is ok as long as you enjoy it

just because you are "having fun" sucking dick doesnt make it ok

Unless it's a Nintendo platform, fuck Nintendo and fuck people that support them.

Console gaming has held back the potential of multiplats for ages. Your commitment to be computer illiterate is a blight on progress.

>Water is wet
Yea Forums: Wtf? Water is marxism propaganda made by trannies. If you drink water you’re a normalfag

Yes, but this shitty format doesn't make the point any more valid.

>rick and morty template meme
Go back and never return

I disagree because using a reddit meme template makes you wrong & a faggot

only a mobiletranny would make this kind of image

if a cuck enjoys then why’s bad? your post made not logic

my man why you hate nintendo?

you do that once for pc and then never again
except for maybe pcsx2

if you feel the need to have your fun validated by strangers then that is not ok. stop being such an insecure faggot.

>eating shit is fine as long as you are having fun
>being a pedo is fine as long as you are having fun
The absolute state of reddit

Fun is just a marketing ploy, fun isn't real, so no

sure, why not
a lot of people have really low standards though
and that ruins gaming for all of us

>tfw own PC, Switch, PS4 and Xbox
>just buy whichever best suits the console

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>eating shit is fine as long as you are having fun
same as explain why is bad
>being a pedo is fine as long as you are having fun
not the same since you hurt people by being a pedo, but not by being a gamer. also pedo board

typical woman-leftist viewpoint based on feelings and not based on any basis in reality
you are cancer and must die

fun is just a buzzword

Sometimes, people are just trying to help you.


Pc is objectively the best, switch gets a pass because it's the only console with games and actual IPs

It has always been my belief, but paying to use my own internet is where I draw the line. I make an exception for the Switch because, though I hate the "u poor" argument, I can't even process paying 5 bucks a year. I'll complain when they hit 10. If only it had better infrastructure...

Also, consoles are still based on physical media, which is undoubtedly a pro.

How so?

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Alright I'm going to level with you user. My ports are dying and my fans are loud.

They are enemies of fans, they don't even care about the fans desu. It's like EA but with some kind of ethics because of being Japanese.

Classic rick and morty shit opinion

Why do people think putting a statement in an image makes it more important?

>Manage to nearly max out your parent’s credit cards to buy 2,000,000 units of the new Xbox
>Try starting up console
>Fee to start up console
>Pay it with what’s little left on your parent’s credit card
>Starts up and plays ads anyways
>Ad forces you to shout “WALMART”
>Need to pay to scroll around the menus
>Need to pay to start up game you already own
>Watch another ad and shout “MCDONALD’S”
>Need to pay periodotically during your single player game and watch ads that you have to shout out the brand name
>”hey! At least I’m having Fun!”
>Gaming industry sees success of the new Xbox and copies them

Oh, so if I made a gaming platform that ran on dead children that would be ok? Fucking psycho.

Water can never be wet. As to be wet is to have water on the surface of a material and water can never have itself on its own surface.

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I only play games so I can accurately tell you exactly why they're shit and why your opinion sucks ass.

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No, if you game on anything other than a soulja boy you are unironically sub-human and a faggot.

Wouldn't Rick from the hit television comedy Rick and Morty actually be the type of person that disparages others for their choice in platform?

He typically seems to be pretty elitist in the plotlines of the show.

>skinnerbox gachas
>grindy random generated solo play
maybe the artificial fun fags have a point

Basketball game is the only one that's trully fun, all the others suck balls

Didn't read

Yeah, the nintendo switch has a lot design problems.

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understandable have a nice day

No. Consoles bring the whole industry down. Don't get me started on phones.

Console wars in the year 2022 are beyond retarded. Exclusives are dead. Every system has pretty much the same game library as other systems. PC, PS5, and Series X run games pretty similarly and look similar too. The only system left that's behind hardware wise is the switch.
>ohhhh but sir but sir have you considere-
You have to be a zoomer to not know what I'm talking about. Back in 2009-2013, console gaming was absolute shit and PC games legitimately looked and ran much better. Now I see footage of Elden Ring and I never know what system it's being recorded on.

At this point console warriors are just arguing over which brand they like they more.

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Low effort bait, so i'm not giviving you your (you).
But since 90% of Yea Forums is comprised of drooling retards: PC gaming hasn't been like that since the 00s.

>Microsoft forces people to pay a monthly fee to play online on their console
>there isn't any obvious benefit to paying due to servers being peer2peer and advertisements are still all over the menu
>Sony and Nintendo follow suit
Paypigs on xbox fucked over online console gaming. I guess it doesn't matter though, since every platform is fine if you're having fun.

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I'll give it to Sony and Microsoft, at least their online services work and they do give you "free" games. Nintendo online legitimately still doesn't work, games like Smash are still unplayable, and the "free" games you get are old emulation roms.


i really think that the only currently inferior platform to game on is the xbox. all the others have successfully carved out their own niche, even the quest 2 has a bunch of nice games on it unavailable on pc

a console cuck wrote this
its basically the same as saying its not the size its how you use it. you said it because you are small.


this place is so fucking DONE, its disgusting jesus Fucking christ, just ban me already

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I don't "care" in the sense that I'm not going to do anything about it (because how would I) but don't expect my opinion of people being stupid to change.
Believe it or not the world does not end when others disagree with your choices and creating a situation in which you feel everyone must not only accept but like everything that you are and do is just going to lead to a lot of disappointment and resentment on your part. Instead of trying to force everyone to hold the same beliefs as yourself you should instead shut the fuck up and enjoy the things you enjoy without feeling the need to get validation on something as inane as your preferred form of entertainment from strangers.

PCs don't even have big dicks anymore though. They struggle to run console ports and you end up just spending $1500 to run a game marginally better looking than PS5/Series X.

the kid needs to be black

i sleep

PCs haven't been cost-effective compared to consoles since like the PS1, I don't know why people choose to focus on this point. The appeal of a PC is not low cost but that it can play every game from any platform and also has all the other functions of a normal computer.

Yes, as long as there are no exclusive titles

NO. There is never a good reason to have fun, ever.

>Reddit and Morty
Shadow the hedgehog

PC games used to have mod support and they used to be cheaper than console games. Now they don't have mod support outside of Skyrim and every system shares game prices and game sales. Plus people have phones, they don't really need a dedicated personal computer anymore.

This is why the whole "PC master race" meme has died if you haven't noticed. I'll be getting a steam deck but only because it's portable.

He was called on it multiple time within the first 10 minutes of the thread, you illiterate retard.


Tell me user, if the concept of being wet is being covered by water, that means that water have wetness as an inherent property, it cannot be covered in itself, but it is one of it's characteristics to confer the condition to others, so wouldn't we, after applying the proper hermeneutic analysis of the word, define that, due to it's fundamental concept, the water would incur in an exception to the basic meaning of the word wet, in wich water is indeed wet because of a inherent characteristic instead of the attribute conferred by itself?

>rick tearing a wall template
>Lisa Simpson presentation template
>Le office man with whiteboard template

>reddit and morty pic
>phone filename
Rangeban all phoneposters.

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