Show me (You)r DRG screenshots, here's a vintage one I got from 2018.
Deep Cock Galactic
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Is this game always so erotic?
literal R*ddit game
>that space rig
damn this games really come a long way hasn't it
lol yea
I did it, I found the deep cock.
Rent free.
Dorretta's taking tips from Molly
bitch learned how to jump in one mission
glacial strata sky bridges are so comfy
What's target priority for each class?
heard that Scouts should focus on projectile bugs or any long range targets, but what about the others?
Target whatever is going to kill you, usually that's going to be whatever is right in front of you if you can't run away from it. Tri-jaws, slashers, acid spitters, web spitters are all kill as soon as possible. Guardians are fairly hi priority as well. Larger stuff like praetorians, oppressors and bulks you can kite. If you have AoE then you can prioritize smaller stuff like swarmers and exploders.
Steve jr.
everyone should focus on threats first because you can't rely on your teammates in pubs
the threat depends on the situation, like normally acid spitters and webbers are your #1 priority because they are outside your FoV when they spit so you can't easily focus on dodging them, but if there's say a grabber coming at you then you shoot it first to make it fuck off
or if there's a bulk you should slow it down so it's easier to kite
macteras are easily dodged when you learn it: sprint towards for trijaws, strafe for others
you'll learn to prioritize with more experience
cool it, goy
>Oh boy, I've put 5 hours into Deep Rock - I'm ready for Haz 5!
scout aint fucking around anymore
>0 downs
My dwarf time. Criticize my taste.
where are they going?
Exceptionally based, this is the only reasonable stat spread
scout build for elimination?
engineer is fun
Embed Deto Zhuk
primary is anything, I find M1 the most reliable in peeling dreads
i HATE that hedgehog
can I play this solo/with bots while smoking weed without pissing off my teammates with incompetence
>I only play hazard 2/3 and think I get to have an opinion on balance
>sludge gets cucked again
but I want Reimu's armpit sweaty and stinky
Why doesn't anyone do this?
>Posting Sandbox user
how terrible, maybe next time try playing the game, but wait, that means taking time and in that time that dude could have shat out 10 more useless videos that don't represent real gameplay, but hey, gotta make videos while it's still hot, right?
>Haz 2, length 1 Morkite mission
Ye you can do everything with Bosco supporting you.
Having both an egg in a spot where thats reasonable to do and the team with a comfortable enough amount of nitra and people needing the ammo all lining up at once isn't that common.
I do it every chance I get though, have done it with lost gear too.
make a webm or fuck off, not giving you a view
Holy shit shut the fuck up haz 3 pussy
You'd need to be staggeringly incompetent to be able to fail haz3 while drunk/high off your ass. No ones gonna care. Just dont get on mic, use your laser pointer like a civilized human would.