What went wrong?

What went wrong?

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the game died long before he came out

I don't even know what game that is. Really says a lot about the fighting game genre.

>6 results found

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Should have been a cute girl.

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They picked the 3rd least popular Eternal instead of someone actually good like Seofon or Robomi

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I'm surprised fif is that low. She seems like a riot. My only experience with this comes from shadowverse though.

>meme character
>literally like 10 or something
>the most annoying voice on earth
i'll give you a hint, none of the top 3 were ever actually good for any significant portion of the game's lifetime

when is sandalphon coming out

>none of the top 3 were ever actually good for any significant portion of the game's lifetime
if you started to play it after 2018 then you'd be right, before that they were literally obligatory in most of the harder content.

gay homo mad his catboy bf didnt get in first

>I don't know this character/it's not popular therefore is bad

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uno is a joke character
though to be fair most of the jews are at this point

They wanted another Harvin and wanted an Eternals rep. So two birds one stone, Uno came to be. He also floats so they don't have to care about tiny hit boxes. They new it was a poor choice so they gave Seox later. The consolation prize is Uno's theme is pretty good. I honestly think the the worst choice was Eustace over Bea. The results of the survey showed everyone else felt this way too

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Granblue's plan for both season passes has been to frontload them with 1 or 2 characters that will sell the season pass as a whole before filling up the rest of it with filler characters after people have already bought it.

They knew it wouldn't work a third time, so they just snuck Belial asset flip in with Vira to scum a couple more dollars out of people.

As much as I wanted this game to succeed despite the netcode, it deserved to bomb with scummy practices like this.

Yeah I don't know what the fuck that user is talking about, people might've liked Threo for her hamtits but lol Ground Zero definitely made a lot of people go for her

GZ got nerfed into the ground hard though
that's why I said "for a significant portion of time"

2 or so years is definitely a significant portion of time user, unless my sense of time is off and it was a lot shorter than that.

Salsa was also the first SSR Female draph wasn't she?

I dunno about who the first is, but Anila was out before her. Anila's a lot more limited than she is though

>fighting game made for beginners
>coom for narmaya
>she gets added into the game
>advanced technical stance character
Why the fuck did they do this? Even if I dedicated the time to learn her it's so much effort to just keep up with everyone else. It's like a soup drinking contest and everyone gets a spoon but Narm has a single chopstick.

Why are granblue autists constantly whining and crying over this moustache midget?

>make a game based off a gacha
>a genre where people are hooked thanks to characters wearing bikinis and have alternate skins with a holiday themed bikini
>release an annoying man
I wonder

He got into the game instead of their waifu.

>tweyen the highest
Well, she's the most pretty

It's not even a good-looking man for the fujos. Those midgets seem like a huge mistake to the series but nips still love them. Maybe because the females are legal lolis

There are a lot (ok well like four) guy potatoes that people like too and uno is not one of them

And why do people dislike him? Aside from being added to GBV, was there something in the gacha that made people hate him?

moreso there's just nothing to like about him
he's the secod least liked character from the group and there's been some pretty bad mismanaging of that group for a few years too

Narmaya is really good. The balance of the game as a whole is in a pretty good spot right now i'd say. To bad the system updates, no matter if they end up pretty good mechanically, will probably fuck the balance all over again.

Hes fun to fight against and I wish more people played as him.

But that's the point of fighting games. You main a character for months, then go to your local arcade center to dunk on everyone else. Oh wait, not like this game has any players lmao

>add potato NOBODY gives a shit about
Uno isn't BIG enough to carry a DLC

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skull and balurga unironically have a bigger fanbase than uno

To be fair i find the popularity of characters in granblue very weird in general as far as gacha game goes.
Almost no female draphs seems to be that popular so coomers seems to have very little influence (they probably all moved to the new coomer gachas or they are mostly going for Erunes).
Lots of male pushed via fujos are incredibly popular but honestly i think it's one of the few gacha with actual cool looking dudes. Still i'd pick easily 10 above sandalphon or any of the Lucifer clones, but it's unavoidable.
Lots of very plain looking female characters or with irritating personalities are fans favorites (see Nier and Vira).
Honestly GBVS made me realize i had very niche tastes in this serie overall.


not even close

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It's about character choice, not how strong they are.
21 is an interesting character.
Uno is not

But those just look like shota...

I think Soriz is pretty cool.

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It should've been Arulumaya (has the height, best Harvin).
Or Balurga (Rocket punch)
Or Haaselia (popular, could use moon to meet height issues)
Or Lunalu (should drawn monsters to attack for normals and be kinda like NRVNSQR or
Haruna Saotome)
Or Nio (floats, wife material)
Or Sevilbarra (cool Hat)
Or Ulamnuran (stilts)
Or Vermeil (fuck you)
Or Zahlhamelina (big sticc)

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I thought everyone love 21. They just hate her broken kits

ok but whens rollback

I'm so mad about people complaining about Android 21.
This is the ONLY character I've wanted in DBFZ since before the game even came out and of course when she does nothing but griping and whining.
I spit on Majin 21 players and I spit on DBFZ players

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Good character, broken kit, she's getting gutted soon tho

Ain't she already in? Last I heard, she is the mirror character who draws out the fighter

Based character pick. If it upsets the weeb retards that followed this game who just wanted more little girls in their FIGHTING GAME then i'm all the more happy a character like that got chosen.

At least he looks nothing like the rest of the roster. Djeeta and Gran are basically this game's Goku variants of one another.

Even people who play the gacha dont like him.

is ReLink still coming out this year?

I liked him. His voice is literally Frieza, and I really loved using him in the mobage. He has a pretty cool personality, too. Though I come from a time where Uno/Quatre/Altair was the best in slot water team, so I'm biased.
Back in those days, being able to get anywhere near the damage cap of 540k was a pretty big deal.

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he wasn't teledji adeledji

Yeah, she's the random slot basically.

Yeah, it's just Random that adds Lunalu on the stage background. That's why I said "should" but I now see I omitted "have" afterwords. Like a midget that uses art summons.
See pic.

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holy boomer

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Man remember back in the day when primal crit was the only way to cap and titan grids ran statomizer

What kind of rationale is that retard??? She can be all kinds of broken but just because you wanted her she's ok?

Yes because now thanks to babies who refuse to think she's gonna be knee-capped so hard even Krillen will have an easier time

Because they didn't want an eternal, they wanted a male harvin.
Yuel had just come out who also uses dual katanas so Yoda was out. Marquiares might be the most forgotten about character in the game so it wasn't going to be him. The only other two is a guy who is always asleep and a conductor. Uno was the only obvious choice.

For the game, the dlc choices and no rollback. For Jiyuna, Panda gaming.

Character popularity in grub is largely influenced by how useful you are in the actual gameplay

There are still plenty of SR choices too. Ladiva got SSR only after getting revealed for versus so could have done that again if it mattered. And shill the character with gacha event, like Sevilbarra getting hus fucking sequel I HAVE WAITED FOR YEARS

Do you know how much bitching an SR character would've got as a DLC character? Uno is an eternal and people still got angry. Imagine all the rage that their favorite SSR character didn't get in over some useless throwaway SR. Skull or Vermeil would've worked fine but the rage would be even greater. Also he's a katana user, he wouldn't have gotten in over Yoda

It should've been Sevilbarra in that case. he has a tall hat like Charlotta to fix hitbox issues, one large katana and is the edgy/kakkoi type that Shonen/Seinen like rather than a bishoujo type like Yuel.
When came out, Uno was a BIS character for his element and he still wasn't popular.

Sevilbarras event actually got to top5 on events players want to get sequal for. So people would absolutely be more fine with him

The middle one is actually a girl

Are you for real? First of all people have wanted her including me since Season 1 of the game and I promise you in terms of brokeness there's been DLC characters like bbcp 1.0 kokonoe that if dbfz players would've played against, they would've had a heart attack.

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Girl (male) (female)