Master Duel

Trouble Sunny datamined, get ready Twinbros.

Post your planned teams for the next events:
>Monster Type
>Monster Attribute

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Adventurer token

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either the game glitched or this numeronfag figured out how to timestall forever, beacuse I've been sitting here for some 15 minutes

>lose on Maxx C RNG
>lose the game

Is everyone defending this piece of shit card a 70IQ goldshit?

>see all the upcoming changes
>get excited
>launch game
>first opponent is fucking this in Gold III
>had Grass and Nibiru in their opening hand
>turn off game

Attached: Grass pile.jpg (672x705, 144K)

Unchained or Endymion
Spellcaster - Endymion
Beast-Warrior - Ancient Warrior
Fiend - Unchained
Loaner I guess.

I run 3 copies of maxx C, ash, evenly, and droplet, I also always pick go second just to cuck the combotrannies.

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>3 snows

He is just flexing those UR on you at.

We took him for granted.
We ignored the warnings from the elders.
We didn't know we were living in the golden age.
And now, the Nightmare Has Come.
I'm sorry, Herald.

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i like his design, the pose and the shininess. space chicken!!!

you will kneel

Unironically I think I want to try doing as much of a pure Knightmare deck as possible. I know it's not really feasible with Mermaid and Goblin banned but I have plenty of other link decks if I need something else

>Monster type
If i have enough gems for meme shit I'll do Reptile soup or just regular Ogdos. If not I'll probably do a Fiend deck

Earth and it will be my traptrix deck

Shaddoll or Darklords. If I can build up enough gems I'll do buster blader.

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floondereze nuts

>play casual deck
>matched with competitive
>play competitive deck
>matched with casual
What should I do? I want to play casual, but I don't want to get stomped every other match.
Code Talker / @Ignister

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Code talker

>Deluxe Mates

New maps

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same thing happened in another duel, against a different person
I think Apollousa is broken, because both times it happened was after the opponent sent 4 cards to the graveyard to summon something
can anyone confirm if you can summon Apollousa, and if the opponent stays in the duel after you do so?

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gotta scam those waifufags somehow
>pay up goy if you want these cute waifu mates that can transform

>only missing two Fallen of Albaz and Albion for my Maid + Albaz deck
>roll only once, plan on dusting what I get if I don't get those cards
>get Albion and a Royal Finish UR

Real nice. And I already had Mudragon so I can dust that one.

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New mates

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>Deluxe Mates are special Mates that can change their appearance during a Duel
That is exactly what i wanted for a Laundry mate. Will i pay the waifutax?. Probably

after 100000 years they finally added a kuriboh mate

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>DPE lock
>Then adventurer next.

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you just explained every hand trap

New sleeves

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just in time for the fusion event

YES. Please don't make her paypig exclusive I need her so badly.

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we had a good run boys. But the game has finally ended

New ranks

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im so sick of having to play through 5 negates

New solo mode 1/2

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these are the lion and blue eyes ranks that were datamined a while ago
i guess they finally gave them names

Do they actually have the playerbase to do this at this point? You already get matched with the same people again right now.

>Sunny but no dinomorphia

Mixed feelings.

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>trouble cunny

Bros is it time for SOVL??

the game barely makes any money from the cards, they will start to paywall the cosmetics, so pay up poorfag

New solo modes 2/2

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user, if you want Laundry to be cute as fuck and have a fuck ton of animations, you gotta pay the Animators at the very least.
I would do the same for Eldlich.

I figured it out, it's related to the uncensoring mod from Nexus
uninstall the mod until they update it

Is that the gravitational beam emitter from Blame! ?

Suship bro... It's finally nearly our time.

a single screenshot isn't proof of that. In any case, players will simply spread out over the next few weeks/months

stop spamming the same OP you dumb livetwin tranny

more like DP NO

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You gotta be faster in making this thread than them.

hang in there sailor, we almost reaching shore

Soo what handtraps you run against DPE?

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All of them


Ghost belle maybe? Or dd crow

still not playing lol


I really like the cards but holy fuck it's slow as balls. At least save me some gemmies.

why so smug?

>lose coinflip
>pull shit hand
>Dragonmaid opponent who started with Chamber and Hospitality in hand

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Is it possible t splash Suships into a Quants deck

>I set a backrow
>they have harpy feather duster 100% of the time
>I don't set a backrow
>they don't draw harpy feather duster thus not wasting any hand space
Always outplayed never lucky


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It's over

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