
Just have to get through today, right?

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>Not working weekends so you can earn more to work less.

Most service wagies have to work on the weekend.

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Hell yeah. I plan in doing next to nothing at work and playing video games. Working from home is cool sometimes

I'm 30 and never had a job, never will

Nigga just get a low effort job which lets you shitpost and play vidya at work. I'm "working" right now. I'm literally getting paid to browse Yea Forums

I'm 33 and I am jealous of you. Keep living the dream for me brother

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What do you do exactly?

I work at a supermarket and can barely walk after a 7 hour shift due to the exhaustion. Also totally mentally exhausted having to deal with people and their stupid bullshit while forcing a smile. Nothing worse than being a Walmart slave

>enjoy job
>don't work weekends
>play video games with girlfriend on the weekend

it's alright

I have a sense of "survivors guilt" because I live life on easy mode
I have a work from home job supporting a product for large company clients that makes me £24k a year which is not much but more than enough to live comfortably on. Most days I do literally no work and just play video games.
I saved for 3 years and put a down payment on a 280k house. The mortgage is like £500 a month.

I'm just living life as a neet except I get a salary.

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Shit... very jealous

I'm self employed, weekends doesn't mean much to me

Just retreat into your mind, user, that's the trick. I work at a grocery store and plan out scenes and drafts for stories while I work. Helps pass the time and accomplishes something useful to boot.

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In Japan having a job with zero actual work is given as a punishment. Personally I had my share of neet and video games, your work should feel like you're doing something meaningful.

>your work should feel like you're doing something meaningful.
You may see it that way, I'm autistic. Wired differently. Constructed alternatively.
You and me are not the same.

I do both uni and work, and every single day for the last several weeks, as well as next 2 weeks of my work roster, I have had work and/or uni, on top of having to do assignments and shit. On top of that, I get tons of early morning shifts and early morning classes, so i normally have to be out of bed by about 4AM at the latest. I just wish I could have a single fucking day off at any single god damn point so I can get any fucking sleep and play vidya.


Supply manager for a hotel. All I do in a day is receive a few shipments and punch them into the DB, send email orders for the next day. All of it takes 3-4 hours at most.

I work 7 days a week lol

Just got a job this week, 68$ an hour fully remote.

Glad I didnt fall for the NEET meme.

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lol indeed, when do you play vidya then?

>In Japan having a job with zero actual work is given as a punishment
please punish me by paying me for not doing anything nip-sama

>barely anything to do for weeks on end
>browse and shitpost here in work hours
>play vidya when i get home
never in my wildest dreams i'd think i'd be paid to post here but here i am

>Doing College from home
>learning cozy programman for developing my vidya
>Making music and modelling in my spare time
>Each and every day
Good chapter of life right now

Don't worry user, you'll have plenty of time to game when you graduate and can't find a a real job and lose your current one to women and minorities

6/1 10 hours a day here senpai. Why yes I would like to die

It only works for somebody who follows bushido, you wouldn't understand

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>study history
>stuck in minimum wage hell forever

Don't study what you're passionate about kids.

Isn't it more like psychological torture what they do in Japan where they put someone in room where they have to literally just sit there and do nothing for 8 hours a day? That's a bit different from a job where you're not being monitored and can fuck around freely.

McJob bros, take some entry level accounting if you can afford it, you don't need a BA to get started
It's cushy even for our low-level staff
I need more staff to answer inane emails for me

You have no idea how good you have it
Us in the 3rd world work saturdays too, sometimes sundays as well. And the justify it by saying the pay is better. And the government and the retarded old boomers call us lazy for complaining

all these people posting on V while working.
I don't envy you. it must be quite boring.
If I'm forced to stay in an office for 8 hours, I might as well be doing some actual work.
The true patrician condition is working a lot for a period of time, and then having absolute nothing to do at home for another period of time. This would let me explore the world with short trips here and there through the year.
But I will never be able to obtain something like this. It's impossible.

i wanted to be a geologist, but i changed my tune and studied technical drawing and landed myself a cushy job
still wish i was a geologist though

Can't you just move to Canada or something?

I knew a geologist student at uni and the guy makes over £100k working for BP.

Why there are so many poor and unemployed minorities on Yea Forums?

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I got my first job when I was 31.
Second worst mistake in my life.

I don't mean to alarm you but videogames are a hobby of the working class

Not that user but I gave up the "move to X" mentality. The grass is always greener on the other side. Every single country on earth has its own problems.

This. The middle classes play golf or go travelling, meanwhile us poor people have to settle for cheap escapism

excuse me while i eat some delicious buckshot real quick

Well yeah, the brain drain is massive. Not everyone has the finances / connections / opportunities for that

> he spends instead of saves

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How? How do you get remote jobs? What kind of qualifications do you need?

>he isn't working a comfy WFH 4 days per week job
I can't remember the last time I had to work Friday.
I genuinely feels sorry for service/retail wagies. It seems soulcrushing.

Dear service wagies, Thanks for the work you do. You guys really should be paid waaay more because you guys actually get shit done. Fuckers like me who earn $200k/yr to work from home doing a cushy IT job really don't deserve it.

I thought it was just me
I wouldn't say it's great. You're probably mentally sound whilst a NEET is completely detached from reality

It's impossible to save if you make minimum wage. You are forever trapped in a cycle of debt.

>tfw fell for the trade meme

i have to attend a mandatory training seminar tomorrow
i'm just so tired fellow wagies

Uhh I have a Master's degree plus a background working with SQL/Excel/VBA

That's bad decision cope my friend.

Thank you sir, is there anything else you would like help with?

>28 yo NEET
>Never worked in my life
>Getting around 500€ every month that covers all my vidya and anime expenses
>Not feeling guilty at all

I don't give a fuck about my future or anything, I just don't want to be a miserable slave working souless jobs with no time left for anything.

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I'm 27 and i might have to get one in the future for the fist time in years.
Hold me bros.

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I have 30k to put in my Z, you can start by helping me fix it and hand over the 30k.

>neetbux + moms neetbux
damm feels good to not have to work

You love to see a king winning.

You can, just live with your parents

Does the entire book just have the word inheritance copy pasted? Also the idea that these rich dudes want to help you save money by spending money on their trash product cracks me up every time.

I literally can't imagine being a neet
The fear of what's to come in the future would rot my stomach every minute of every day

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>give your money to a jew for 50 years and when you're old and decrepit you will be a millionaire
wow, this seems like valuable advice

I love money more than any user on this website.

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My only fear is not having vidyas left to play.

And the rent?

Nah, it's about investing in stable index funds. Here's the 2 minute summary.

But games are shit.
Your only fear is that there won't be any more shit to eat?

I work as a night receptionist, comfiest job ever

user you know he lives under the rule of his parents who despise their failure of a son.

>follows boomer advice