The eternal debate
The eternal debate
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>greeneyed redhead vs not that
What debate
tell me which one has a feminine penis and I'll chose her
Not even once.
ok prove it
Yeah we all know you're an incel
Pack in the beef, roastie
>The one who cares about you vs the one who treats you like shit.
Did you even play the games, OP?
How can someone not pick Yen is beyond me.
Yen is too skinny for my tastes
I wanna feed Triss and give her a belly
the true gentleman's choice
>Lilac and gooseberries
>bubblegum flavour lube and sweat
it's this one
Which one has the lowest bodycount?
Hmmm which one do I choose, the cheating whore who sold Ciri to the Lodge while fucking Geralt to distract him, or the brainwashing whore who wanted to sell Ciri to the Lodge while pretending to be on his side. Hmmmm I really wonder which of these two cunts is the good choice hmmmm.
Both unironically deserve beheading if you read the books.
What debate? It's not even a competition, they are on entire diferent leagues.
triss doesn't make sense, the whole game is about geralt chasing after yen and how much they love each other
They're kinda hazel.
Read the books. Yenn mindcontrolled him into lusting after her by using her glamour. Then afterwards Geralt uses a djinn to bind their destinies forever and it turns into a toxic mess of cheating and lies. Whatever the fuck that is, is not love. It's some cruel mockery of the term.
Ok homo
gotta be the beautiful ciri !
Neither of these is Shani though. She'd be a devoted wife supporting you regardless of your endeavors whereas both Yennefer and Triss will be expecting you to put up with their countless whims.
I'm playing the game right now and just did this quest. I could've turned her down of course, but it felt wrong as I spent so much time with her and with Triss I spent like two hours at most. Although I do remember Triss having a bigger role in the previous two games
Well it's up to the player, you can decide through that quest if the djinn magic just stayed djinn magic, or if it grew into love somewhere along the way. But Geralt and Yen was never some great Romeo & Juliet mutual love user, they're both fucked up people who cheated on each other, tried to kill each other, etc. The game isn't about their love.
yennifer triss is boring
Books push Yen hard, games pick Trish hard. Feels like 3 was a compromise to the angry bookbois because the first two ship Trish and Geralt so hard. But CDP threw in that one last chance to get a run at Trish. First time I played I picked Yenn, because I was into bitchy. After my last relationship I played again and picked Trish because it's basically my life story of reconnecting with a pleasant old flame after finally breaking off with a bitchqueen. Both choices are equally viable and that's so odd for a vido gam romance.
>They even put in an option for remaining a two-timing fuccboi.
I mean, it's kind of fucked up, but wether it's true love is at the hand of the player in the end.
She loves him since there's no way to make her decide the love isn't there anymore, so it's just a matter if you think Geralt loved her.
I know nothing about either characters, but you would have to be really fuck gay to not go for the redhead.
>but muh wholesome love story
To be fair triss also gaslights him, heralt is better off without bitches in his life
You post like a tumblr girl from 2015
I strongly disagree, there's no gay option there.
I never said Triss is the right choice either. Just like Yennefer in Time of Contempt, Triss is a treasonous whore who would Ciri and Geralt to the Lodge - the only difference is that she was stopped and discarded before should could go through with it, unlike Yen. Both are harpies and Sapkowski very clearly explains sorceresses are intensely bitter and egotistical creatures who see life as a degenerate
there's no debate
The DLC tomboy
also Yen a shit
I just can't stop about Yen cucking me with a BBC. Let's think about it together for a minute. You have to do some crazy moves to land this insanely powerful and sexy sourceress as your wife. We're talking about power, money, willingness to lose it all. You tell her, "I'd do anything for you" and she smiles. You think that's what normal people say to each other. A couple months into the marriage, you're having the best sex of your life and it's not even close. Unicorns, flying carpets, djinns, you name it and she does it. BUT, while this is all new and mind blowing to you, it's ordinary for her. She pleases you more than you can possibly please her. Now you should have a pretty good idea of what's going to happen at this point but you're mesmerized by her and can't think straight until it's too late. She starts looking for pleasure elsewhere and eventually decides to try a heavy, muscular, athletic, absolutely ripped, animal looking Black Man. At first she doesn't tell you but that doesn't feel right. She needs excitement and thrill in her sex. While the massive BBC absolutely tears her apart, Yen is ultimately a devious woman. She thinks about that magical moment when you looked her in the eye and said, "I'd do anything for you". You're shocked at first and try to resist and argue but who are you kidding? She is in control of this relationship and there's nothing you can do to stop her. You can't possibly lose her either. There is only one choice left: put a cage around your dick and watch and listen to her finally being sexually pleased.
Didn't even post best girl
I still think Triss is more fucking insane
Nice pasta except that cringy cage thing.
Not even close
Why are Yenfags likes this?
this only happens if you're enough of a cuck to make her, it is NOT the canon choice
In the books she's way crazier than Tenn, also betrays Geralt/Ciri while Yenn takes months of torture to save Geralt/Ciri.
Yenn betrays them too though. Second book in the saga. Both are traitor whores.
Yennefer for me
>The eternal debate
No debate to be had.
Not only for you
whose dick is bigger?
Quality chirp.
A man of culture.
Why does Yen have jelly on her face in the bottom right?
My hotwife....
Yen's a messy eater, please understand.
Who gives the better rimjobs?
>you will never again have beautiful women in videogames
Without Geralt
With Futa Triss.
What the absolute fuck?
Is Geralt fertile again after drinking the alchemist's potion back in Witcher 2? If so then neither is the correct choice and he should just find a decent woman to bear his children instead of chasing toxic whores with empty egg cartons
They both are literal whores.
She looks like Fiona from Shrek...
both getting creampied by black guys
I swear to god, Nexus Modders deserve to be gassed
yes, she is beautiful
why would someone choose to make ciri kiss that retard.
Never played the games, but something about Yen makes me moist
Why is Yen like this?
Do you have a bot that posts these replies or do you manually type the exact same messages every single time?
so Triss, remember that one time you used me as a fucktoy while I had amnesia ?
Someone soon will defy the current landscape of video gaming and the publicity they'll get out of it will cancel out the journo rage and their game will be successful.
I believe.