What do you currently have installed?

What do you currently have installed?

Attached: Screenshot 2022-05-06 071842.png (1920x1080, 175.36K)

Other urls found in this thread:


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that's awesome. now get some bitches on your dick.

i already got stan smith. he's my bitch

if you're use those shutdown commands with cortana you can just hide them and say "launch shutown in hours" or something like that (sometimes you gotta say .exe )

only cowadoody and lol, there are more games but I don't really play them on a regular basis,

Attached: vbngnvb.png (1920x1080, 1.15M)

Final Fantasy 14 Chad

WoW bucks lose harder every day

Your desktop causes me physical pain.
I hope you're happy.

trans kino

why? is it because of all the jpgs I saved from the internet scattered all over the desktop?

Attached: inst.png (1598x755, 1.99M)

What year is it?

I played WoW for 3 years straight. It was the only game I touched for all of that time.

FFXIV helped me quit. I genuinely saw an improvement in my life within like a week of uninstalling WoW.

Attached: 2022-05-04_04-03-52-159_Talim - Work it.png (1920x1080, 2.39M)

I have two 1080p monitors. One is vertical.

Display 3 is a 65" 4k TV. It's what I actually play games on.

Attached: Screenshot 2022-05-06 073351.png (1095x490, 19.86K)

Alright, you pass.

This is my setup. Keep in mind this is before I got the second 1080p monitor.

Attached: 20220419_143512.jpg (4032x1816, 1.5M)

Attached: vidyaInstalledMay22.png (2177x1063, 3.58M)

I don't play like 90% of it THOUGH

Attached: desktop.png (1920x1080, 3.27M)

you are my soulmate except for still using Opera part

Favorite pistol? For me it's either the Caldwell Conversion or the Caldwell New Army.

counter strike
counter-strike source
counter-strike global offensive
battlefield 3
battlefield 4
battlefield V

Attached: Untitled.png (1920x1080, 1.9M)


Don't even kill yourself.
Just simply cease to be.

I think I got this computer back in 2010?
not pictured: freeware/early 00's indie collection

Attached: games_20220506.png (3476x1548, 551.74K)

Attached: 2022-05-06 22_53_08-Greenshot.png (1920x1080, 3.77M)

when did Yea Forums get like this?

>Windows 11

my desktop is filled with blaidd and mohg porn, so all i have is this taskbar

Attached: adddsd.png (6092x112, 391.01K)

I’ve got 2TB worth of games across like 8 folders and two SSDs. Really should do some spring cleaning.

literally just morrowind


(both games are bad but i'm an ocd retard so i feel the need to beat every game i buy. i am miserable playing both of these.)

Attached: 3NjCF7Y.png (270x68, 12.49K)


how are you miserable playing DQX1?

Is Horizon's Gate good?

why do people do this lol

>He's not Brave™

Attached: brave-logo.png (654x768, 17.5K)

It's pretty decent. Though I haven't played it much yet. It's very similar to Uncharted Waters 2, but bigger and better. It really gives you the sense of adventure. The ost is surprisingly good too.

Literally just a Chrome reskin with shitty built in adblocker and some crypto scam scheme.

because it is more bland than chicken without salt or pepper

people in this thread really need to take the iconless desktop pill

Attached: JgTUIts.jpg (1920x1079, 211.77K)

>Microsoft Flight Simulator
>Cyberpunk 2077
>Witcher 3
>Wow Private Server
>Football Manager 2015
>Tabletop SImulator

my laptop is pretty weak, i have a lot of stuff on my desktop but cant get to it now


Attached: Screenshot_20220506_155724.png (1920x1080, 2.23M)

half of my steam library even though I still only play two games

i enjoyed ff14 while going through the main story and doing every side quest but eventually i ran out of content and because i have no friends that play i cba doing raids or other end game content so i quit
also the community is unbearable for me, i'm far too elitist, racist and misogynistic to find any groups to play with (not bragging, i know it's bad)

oh I forgot also


Looks cozy. I'm not a fan of playing games on TVs like this because I like seeing the very minute details of games up close but if I had to play on a TV this would be a setup I would like.

don't see many people play homm2 since it's overshadowed by how good 3 is, but i really like it so nice one

Why? Having icons on the desktop is handy.

serios sam syberina mayhem
final fantasy 14
pathfinder wrath of the righteous

baba is you and cdda

please share the pic with the 16397f34e4 name

It's Windows 7 zoomerfag. And what do I need the "latest" Windows for?
le'lion shill. I don't want whitelisted adblocking, Brave trackers and a crypto miner in my web browser.

I like that it's simpler, less kingdoms, less creatures, etc. Feels kinda like a complicated board game. Easy to play hot seat with people who never played it.
But yeah 3 is better in every way.

I unironically enjoy roleplaying and creating stories for my character.
It's kept me entertained even though I don't really talk to people outside RP events.


Attached: 2022-05-03_05-20-16-279_EG9 - Darklite.png (1920x1080, 2.02M)

Why the PC version of V when you've got RA right there?

nice thread
keep it up until tomorrow so i can post ITT(i'm very sleepy)

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The new pixel remaster is the best way to play it.

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Attached: what im playing right now.jpg (1328x461, 146.78K)

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Couldn't you technically put Everspace in the arcade category?

Pic related on steam and then some:
World of Warcraft
BFME 1&2
Return of Reckoning
Wasteland 3

Attached: Games.png (1391x796, 2.4M)

play more video games than cod and fifa? yeah I wonder

True enough with how roguelites function, and the game's theme. I have some other space games on my account, so I was planning on putting it in its own category with stuff like SimpleRockets and Scavenger SV-4.

Attached: Games.png (314x525, 162.76K)

You saw my desktop last week, you can see it in another few months.

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Attached: InstalledGames.png (656x944, 181.68K)