What FPS games had the best campaigns of all time?

what FPS games had the best campaigns of all time?

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duke 3d
half life

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i only played one campaign. shephard twist was kino af, and then the next scenario was you fighting in a surreal in-state war

>"/threads" after the worst fucking opinion ever posted on Yea Forums
You can't make this shit up.

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Any type of fps? Deus Ex. Fps that's mostly about shooting with other elements? STALKER. Fps that's all about shooting? Modern Warfare 1.

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Wolfenstein TNO
I wish I was kidding, it's just a better Half Life 2

Going to get shit for this but Halo 3 campaign was great. The sandbox fighting the scarabs was great. Campaign felt too short tho and plot felt rushed.

Was pissed that we never got a level that was like the believe ad. Would have been cool to have massive battle where the UNSC and Covenant just slug it out in a meat grinder



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Halo combat evolved.
Fear is up there too. But the first halo was just mind blowing and even to this day I enjoy playing it.

Honestly after playing through MCC (sans halo 4) with a friend 2 is my favorite
In part because I became so sexually attached to a Ghost that on the level with the scarab I rode it on top of and then inside it and obliterated the elites therein

Well it's a console shooter, what did you expect? There is a reason CoD killed Halo

CoD 4
Black Ops
World at War
Halo 3
Halo Reach
Timesplitters 2
Rainbow Six: Vegas 2
Left 4 Dead 2
I miss FPS campaigns, they are my favourite genre.

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Also I forgot Bulletstorm

Call of Duty 1 & 2 had good campaigns.
Wolfenstein TNO was good too.

treyarch call of duties have the best campaigns in the series (bar bo3), they don't have simple military stories like modern warfare, they're usually a surreal/psychedellic element to them, i still think black ops 1 has one of the best glowie brainwash stories in all of media

Deprived console kid: The list

Bioshock 2. Its a shame they never attempted a co op where you play as a group of Alpha series who have to defend little sisters.

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Doom Eternal.

Name an FPS level better than the halo 3 level with the hornet and the double scarabs. You can't. It's got everything.
>Almost every weapon in the sandbox
>Goes from beach to forest to ancient temple to dogfight above the sea to ancient temple to vehicle section in the snow to fight against two giant mechs you can do 76543 different ways to a teaming up with the enemy section to a chase
>Is one of the most important battles in the lore, one of the main characters completes his story arc here
>Great speedrunning tricks that look amazing and are fun
>Aa wraith glitch
>You can play with 3 of your buddies
>Baller music

Seething boomer: the reply
Go and play Quake again just like the good old days, then it's time for your nap.

Medal of Honor Heroes 2 on the PSP

TNO highs are way above HL2, but its lows are lower.
>that sewer section lmao
>concentration camp
>constant cutscenes
>hub level

zoom zoom

Ive never played a Halo game
I feel retarded
a lot of people say they are one of the best games of all time

Goldeneye is good campaign

I never understood why Half Life 2 is praised so much
its ok, nothing amazing

Dr Pavel... I'm CIA

Lmao malding
Sorry you had to grow up that way

Because I played it when I was kid and bandwagon

fuckin nightmare house 2, holy shit how's that for a good mod


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Dusk unironically has a great campaign that goes beyond the limitations of boomer shooters.
>starts as a backwards hick horror
>then turns into industrial horror in episode 2
>midway through episode 2 goes completely off rails
>episode 3 is full of weird, creative and standout levels
>memorable antagonists with great voice acting

COD Modern Warfare (the setpieces are amazing and the "clean house" mission is insanely realistic and badass)

Halo 4 (amazing realationship between Master Chief and Cortana, story really pulls at your heartstrings and graphics hold up for an Xbox 360 game)

DOOM 2016 (level design is generally pretty good, fun traps and hellish art direction lol see what I did there)

Wolfenstein New Order and New Colossus are sort of fun but the gameplay is a little too old school for me so idk

Also Far Cry can be fun but I know a lot of people here dont like Ubisoft games so..

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Black Ops had better style and storytelling, but Black Ops 2 had way more fun levels and gameplay.

Anyway, Quake has the best FPS campaign of all time.

"Let me shoot the same guy with a rocket launcher while I navigate a fucked up map full with useless secrets to find a keycard so I can backtrack along the empty map because I killed everything 10 minutes ago and I can progress to the next level where I will do the same shit, but the bullet sponge boss who can't aim and has a shit Ai now has two minions instead"
I'm glad we millennials killed arena shooters. While you cry we're enjoying good games with our little zoomer brothers because we're not old and gay. Cope.

nah it's pretty amazing, dated sure, but once you wrap your head around that you can appreciate it for what it is, which is really something


decent bait, but if not then christ

>I'm glad we millennials killed arena shooters.

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Boom boom

Despite how short it is, Titanfall 2.

may i ask why it was mindblowing?

Now that's a blast from the past.

fuck off

Titanfall 2 is short and sweet

ah, the troon, neo-nazi and a söyboy generation

>1 is a good challenge.
>2 is horribly balanced but really action packed, with beautiful and scary landscapes and tons of new fun features
>3 is a bit easy but has the best sandbox and vehicle sections, the most environmental variety and a killer standalone DLC that's more challenging than the base game.
>Reach has a shitty plot, it's clunky and has bad ai and horrible artstyle.
>4 is shit. While reach is a bad Halo game, 4 is straight up a bad videogame.
>5's a power rangers with guns game and it sucks ass
>Infinite is basically 3's gameplay with worse ai, better mechanics, unfinished plot, unfinished open world and only two same looking biomes that the series already overdid in previous titles

gotta get that

Honestly the halo 3 campaign was good and I love it but it's way too short. The artstyle and skyboxes in 3 still blow all of the 343 halos out of the water though

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coom coom

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It's not a boomer shooter.
>Has an actual story
>Has fun parkour to break up fights instead of horrible clunky jumping
>Has literal upgrade trees
>Level maps are easily readable and don't suck ass
>Zoomer djent soundtrack
>You kill God (Christians can seethe and cope and die)
>True ending is DLC as per modern standard
>Flashy finisher animations
>Literal Cod rifle
>No pistol

>Removed playing the Covenant perspective from 2
>Prophet of Truth goes from cold and calculating in 2 to maniacal raving lunatic in 3 for no reason
>Arbiter turned into a cardboard cutout with nothing to say
>No proper Gravemind encounter even though it's the main antagonist
>Endless amounts of slowdown/screenshake when Gravemind and Cortana telepathically communicate
>Some levels play like a lame greatest hits of the last two games, especially The Ark
>Cortana/Flood level worse than the Library from Halo CE
>Final warthog runs appears like it's taking place on placeholder textures

The Halo 3 campaign was an embarrassment after the cliffhanger let down of Halo 2. Halo 3 and Reach are probably the worst singleplayer campaigns Bungie ever made. At least forge and custom games were nice at the time.

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>no that doesn't count

Duke 3d
Doom Eternal

no u

m*llenials seething

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Modern Warfare 2.

I have over 60 hours just playing the campaign over and over again. No I don't have autism. I just have a fetish for invaded America as a setting.

The moment when you step out of the bunker and see the Washington Monument is one I'll always consider one of the most kino game moments of all time.

It's a 2020 single player focused game that doesn't even revive or revisit arena shooters, but reinvents them completely for the modern day market making them extremely different.
It has literal dark souls lore items, a hub and absolutely 0 thought was put in the multiplayer. Which is why most boomers fucking hated this game and went back to sperg out on quake 3 and Doom 64

Perfect Dark

I agree with Modern Warfare 2019. It's really good but I hate the fact that Farrah exists.

Halo 4 is fine, the graphics are good, but definitely not one of the best of all time.

Wolfenstein is amazing

>The sandbox fighting the scarabs was great.
>Name an FPS level better than the halo 3 level with the hornet and the double scarabs

That level was absolute dogshit, doesn't matter if it's not "scripted" like the scarab battle in Halo 2. The Halo 3 scarab fights on the ark were so fucking stupid, the arena you fight in is like a tiny oval and there's hardly any space for the scarab to move so it spins around in circles. And there's really only one way to deal with the scarab by shooting its weak point in its core.

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do (you) even know what "arena shooter" means?

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Hahahahahaha hahahahahahahaha.....

Jesus Christ, just kill yourself my man

Agreed, some of those episode 3 levels were 11/10

black ops 2, to this day it's still one of through best fps campaign and had a better interactive story than any telltale game

cod 4 to black ops 2 was kino era

The first Homefront is, in my opinion, very underrated.

It's short, but it's kino. Although that could again be my fetish for invaded America.

I love that last mission assaulting the golden gate bridge. That's the good shit right there

people always try to say bad things at the best. always rooting for underdogs and trying to shit and champions because their ego is threatened when someone put the work and get results

reality is hl2 is still one of the best ampaigns ever 20 years later and will keep mogging 99% of new productions despite being dated


FPS games are unironic low iq games.

Why would I play as the bad guys?