How the fuck do you escape from the farm?

How the fuck do you escape from the farm?

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How the fuck do I build the most rancid whore imaginable?

By killing Napoleon.

Have a daughter

I was going to the beach to help Robin and ended up being made to eat grass. Fuck this game.

Game is cringe
There's no end goal and you can't customize your starting stats so initial fights take forever

you can start by ceasing posting your pedophile game.

No deal.

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How do I have sex in this game without turning into a turbo-slut?

What game? Asking for a friend.

God damn this update is taking long.
Befriend the horses, dig at the fence

You don't need to turn into a turbo-slut to have sex, just play the game the way you want to. You also have several romancing options if that's more your thing.

Chastity belt + manage trauma well enough to keep control during encounters so you can distract people with handjobs etc. you'll probably still become a buttslut though.

Had a good "virgin" run until I ran into the wraith and she disintegrated the belt with ease, felt kinda cheap to not even let me struggle with it.

I hate cunts who don't provide source, so after much searching it's "REIWA DE LOLILOLI HOIHOI"

any other good games with crossdressing/feminization? i've played crossdressing in camelot too

wtf I love Ukraine now!?

Take your hands off your keyboard and read what you just typed.


Reminder this faggot does this for free

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>sage troon

Yeah the game is fun, it's neat how many sex-specific concepts translate into actual gameplay. Don't go into a porn game thread if you take issue with them
Dude only annoys me because it always makes me think there's an updated

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Why would you want to escape?
It's nice here. Remy looks after us.

Because I had plans and getting enslaved ruined it.


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There there, it takes a while settling in obviously.
Now just eat the apples and be a good cow, everything's gonna be alright.

make friends with the horses

god no

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This was the first time I rage quit the game and didn't feel like playing it again. This is bullshit. If you get dragged into a room and raped you get blamed for being late to class. If you're late to class you get raped by the principal. If you fight back against students who try to rape you you're a delinquent.

I just like getting my milk sucked by the machines, and taking horse dick

why do you guzzle so much cum lmao

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Dig a hole under the fence and befriend the horses.
Alternatively you can just accept your fate as an adorable hucow and live happily on the farm for the rest of your life.

Rape? On school grounds? Impossible, the police would know.
I'll mark you down for spreading misinformation.

>talking about fun games for free
yeah, who would do that?

Mashing 1 isn't a videogame

Tell that to MMO players

pivot pivot pivot

MMO's actually have effort put into them, post some gameplay from this game then.
Yes tetris is a videogame

>he doesn't know what pivoting means

>Thought is a game that allow you to dominate.
>No matter what the choice you get dominated most of the time.
Well at least I get to make the bully, yandere and librarian to be my sluts. omg lmao so keyed amirite?

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Boys or girls?
also what about the childhood friend?

im not watching your dusty ass boomer show sheesh

oh so you're a tranime sort

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I am a ponyCHAD, actually.


Played DoL recently and got hooked. I created two chars, a slut trap and a normal boy.
With the trap character, I cheated for more money and had the penis reduction surgery, making it mini.
When some woman try to rape me, my dick is so small it can't get into her and she gets frustrated, it's so funny to see.
Outplayed, bitch!

With the boy, I'm playing safe avoiding exposing myself as much as possible. This game takes a lot of time because my skills are increasing in snail speed.
I'm about to deliver all the fungus on the science project.
Since I'm playing safe, I don't know how much stuff I'm loosing. What would you guys suggest?

Where's this forum?

>instead of telling this person what mistake I believe they made, I’ll just say “pivot” and hope they can read my mind
Ahhh, arguing in bad faith, the old Yea Forums standby.

no one is arguing here, you're just being a whiny faggot because people are talking about videogames and not trannies or nigger or whatever.

My old savefile with maxed cock size and cum production along with breast size and milk production is sitting in my old phone. My character was turned into a cow addicted to milking in the farm and works at The loical cafe, milking himself to make fillings for buns

Should I recover it and transfer it to my new phone? Or should I start a new game

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Girls of course, childhood friend are for vanilla handholding kissing only.

Post some of that riveting gameplay then. Do you get paid to defend this so adamantly, or do you do it for free?

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it feels weird to attain "god mode" in a game about evading danger so I kinda enjoy restarting every now and then. Problem is how repetitive that shit gets and how much more and more time-gated content is being added.

>Ahhh, arguing in bad faith
My dude, if I truly wanted to argue in good faith, I wouldn't have replied to someone who unironically used "Mashing 1 isn't a videogame" as an argument.

To be fair, I make thousands of pounds by selling my produce... So it kind of feels like god mode, in that sense. I can pay for bailey every week and I'm also a perfect athlete, swimmer, and dancer. In short, a total slut.

You can't really refute it though can you? lol

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I have played chess with 10 year olds before when I was doing my internship. It was not a very fun experience.

>Since I'm playing safe, I don't know how much stuff I'm loosing.
The game is very forgiving in this regard.
Outside of the school projects and holidays there's really not anything that can be "missed".
So when you eventually fall from grace you can go do all the naughty things.

I'm running an ironman save and I already got raped and my virginity got stolen. It was hot and I love the new no savescumming rules. Anyone know a good way to level up Whitney's love if I'm not going for swimming lessons? Missing out on the Whitney gatekeeping events hurts a little bit for her dominance.

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Where is the pregnancy update?

Hopefully nowhere.
Fucking waste of time. Pregnancyfags should just get the rope.

how does swimming equate to anything

so like mashing 1, got it

It mean's he's leaving school earlier and not encountering whitney at the gate

I think user means he's leaving school before school is "over", thus evading meeting Whitney at the school's gate.

Because Whitney's gate events only happen after swimming lessons. If you leave early, you miss them.

Made me check, fuck u

Couldn't you just come back after it's done?

Bad taste


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Every update sucks what the fuck is wrong with the dev


Huh? Did you have a seizure, user?

he's surrounded himself with paypigs and circlejerkers like every other faggot western porn game maker

Thanks for the info. It's good to know I can enjoy most events later. I can tell, no matter how hard you try to keep yourself pure, the only way forward is sexual corruption in this game.

With this char, I'm trying to not cheat for money and often my clothes get thorn or frayed during encounters/events making me expend more on clothes and with Bailey asking for more money each week, it's a matter of time before I have to whore myself.

so just chill library and grind stats?

The dev is good and he updates very frequently for a weg-dev, at least until recently

Content has been focusing too much on obscure branches that take forever to reach + dumb romance shit + timegates / stuff limited to certain dates of the year. We need more focus back on features that enhance the game experience as a whole. Dunno how we still don't have pregnancy for example but scrungo gets another fucking romance route

user, please, I can only get so hard.

Monster TS Game 3
Magical Camp
Perverted Education

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Ah sorry, meant to say Scrungton, we're in notbritain after all

Andrew Hussie?