Why did they give 2B such a fat ass?
Why did they give 2B such a fat ass?
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It isn't that fat, though.
>low res basketball texture ass
why are most 3D """artists""" such hacks?
For the enjoyment of white shota cock
To attract a certain kind of men.
So she can suffocate me with it.
her ass is small in game
fpbp. The in game model has a tasteful butt, and it definitely could be bigger.
because actual 3D artists have actual jobs instead of making fap for donations you fucking moron
>slaving away for mr shekelstein's new agenda driven video game instead of raking in 10k+ every month on patreon
lmao retards
Her ass is quite average in size, actually. She just has ridiculous waist/hip proportions.
Nordfantasy is GOAT.
Most 3D artists are not in video games you fucking moron
>slaving away for mr shekelstein's new agenda driven movie instead of raking in 10k+ every month on patreon
Um...retard post. Most 3d artists don't make that much on patreon plus obviously you have the extra self employment tax AND no benefits
>paying taxes
retard alert
Yeh the appeal was more about how shapely it was than the actual size, toned and not exposed until needed
Patreon reports to the IRS retardo
Most 3D artists are not even in entertainment you retard.
You've been wrong 3 times in a row now and you just keep backpedaling. I'm done.
You know why
>being american
How have you not figured out that user is just here to start shit and laugh about it?
Why do american modders take every female character and give it 100kg ass?
big thighs and ass offer greater stability when swinging a sword
I'm so tired of hearing about this. 2B does NOT have a fat ass. What she has is FAT THIGHS. Her ass is a straight line from her (large) thighs to her hips, there is NO CURVE, which means NO ASS
you were trying to bait about how actual ass skin often looks like that but you made the crucial mistake of forgetting that most Yea Forumsirgins have never seen an ass besides their own in a mirror.
i'll pick up his torch
>slave away for mr schekelgrubber agenda driven advertisement agency rendering brand new consoomer hotness instead of rolling in the dough making fur sims for connoisseurs.
Her thighs are also not "fat" or anything. They're actually very proportional to her body.
Same goes for her butt, which has a good shape but isn't "huge" as retarded fucking nigger coomers meme it to be.
Most of the MUH HUGE ASS bullshit comes from her high cut underwear, it heavily emphasizes her hips and butt and that's all.
Also fuck retarded coomers and your grotesque depictions of 2B and other video game characters.
Men, I have to say it. I love both but if I have to stay with one, then ass.
Ass > tits
she has nice hips, nice thighs...but no ass. From the side, everything is proportional.
tits are temporary. ass is eternal.
Yes, it's all in the dress and the underwear. She's very proportionally built and shapely, which is why all the off model coomer bullshit annoys me so.
She has a very nice bust and hip balance and harmonious figure, and coomers have to bastardise and ruin that in their doodles.
Dudes, anal just doesn't feel good. The texture of the anus is very different to the vagina, it feels way too soft, you barely feel anything. Also you have to use a lot of lube since it doesn't have a natural lubrication. It tastes good? Yeah, but I still don't see the appeal
it feels good when you're on the receiving end and you can feel someone cum inside your ass.
Wait until you discover what they draw with innocent anime characters to get endorsement from le perverted ironic weebs xd.
this is something virgins will never understand. the ass is only tight around the entrance. basically nothing past that. but the pussy is tight and right all the way. Why bother with the shithole when the prime target is right there? No reason unless you are homo.
Being on-model literally doesn't matter
I only indulge in on-model doujins if at all. All that grotesque coomer shit is just garbage.
Yes it does. Fanart is of the character and not the feelings invoked by the character.
It's either on model or it's trash.
How is it that with a 12770k, 3080ti and 32gb of ram I can't get 60 fucking fps playing nier? It is 4k but it should still be able to do that no problem.
I don't care for anal but ass eating sounds hot as a fantasy because it has sort of a humiliating feel to it for me. But it's probably not actually fun in real life sadly.
Can your monitor even handle that resolution and refresh rate? I doubt it. Quit being a graphics fag and just enjoy the game. Find settings that run well and play it.
Fuck off with your postmodernist garbage you literal nigger.
Anyone got any good 2B recommendations?
>Most 3D artists are not even in entertainment
This grubhub advertisement is 'very' serious business, sirs and madames
The real answer is that Yoko Taro is a coomer.
is there one without dick?
KEK! my gf made a print and put it on the wall and it's in front of me right now and seeing this I've realised she just ripped this off and said she came up with it haha, Emily you rascal
The dick makes it better
if it's a litteral 1:1 copy then kinda cringe, if it's just a similar process then nothing wrong with it
Matisse wouldve fit on Yea Forums just right today, he knew blue women are the best
Why *didn't* god give everyone such a fat ass? Are japs... dare i say it... based gods?
this unless you're receiving at the same time
disgusting nigger beast.
For testing the pressure resistance of smaller androids.
What the fuck is this? The circle of creepy old guys recording and snapping photos is disgusting.
It can do 4k 120hz. And considering the game is ugly anyway I should be ble to do that as well.
GOD i wish my ass were that fat
You gotta keep in mind the Coomer is a real person before having been turned into a meme
God I wish she would crush my head.
>most Yea Forumsirgins have never seen an ass
this argument hasnt made any sense in the last 50 years
anyone can go on google and find pictures of ass