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Sneed goes in all fields (it doesn't though)

Oh cool, I was worried they'd force me to get a clot shot

smokes and mirrors



I WILL shove my cock down your throat
It IS my body so it IS my right

How the fuck do you go from demanding everyone get the vax to shouting about body autonomy in the space of 2 months and not get extreme whiplash?

How are they still relevant since GW2 failed so miserably?

So it's confirmed all non-trannies left the game

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Correct, still not taking the vaccine.

I feel like I learned this when I was 5, but let me try to drunkenly explain it as I remember it... You are free to do what you want as long as it doesn't harm anyone else. Oh shit, that wasn't very difficult.

>You are free to do what you want as long as it doesn't harm anyone else.
Like a baby?

How is me not taking vax harming vaxies if vax works?

Social Media and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.


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It the 3/4Th most played mmo.

Not until a war happens and penised are banned from leaving

You shouldn't be forced to get vaxxed and you also shouldn't force women to kill themselves because their miscarriage won't come out. Vaccines are your choice and so is aborting the clump of cells inside you that isn't past the first trimester that is no more a baby than a sperm cell is.
simple as.

>Based dabbing on vaccine lunatics

You prolonged the pandemic and lockdown shit, made everyone have to wear masks and lose money for way longer than necessary, and allowed variants to emerge which just prolonged the thing and made the rest of us lose a couple years of our lives because you wanted to be a little snowflake.

shove that hedonist eggshell-walking mindset up your anus.

>You are free to do what you want as long as it doesn't harm anyone else.
So abortion should be illegal because it kills growing human and vaccines should not be required since they do not stop the spread of coronavirus. Logical.

By having an abortion, you're preventing a future worker, doctor, scientist or activist being born and therefore making the future worse for everyone.

A reminder that Roe v. Wade means you're kowtowing to the fucking Feds on what is and isn't a real human bean.

Literally victim blaming

Guild wars will never be as kino as it used to

And you're doing the same thing by being an incel...

You can do whatever as long as nobody can harm (((you)))

How the fuck is this video games

Your post caused me harm, so I'm going to have to ask you to delete it.

Which is much better than cowtowing to pedophile priests.

Still not taking it.

>dying company of a dead game says a thing
Don't care. Literally trying to get attention before having to go bankrupt.

Even if you agree with abortion, RvW set a terrible precedent for judiciary power that is only now coming home to roost for liberals.

>vaccine gets distributed to 80% of the population
>cases hit a 600% higher peak than the previous waves
lol, lmao

>it's all your fault!!!! the tv said so

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Then those aborted will start a war for some brain dead dictator

you know you don't have to be a christcuck to oppose abortion right

I'm from Buenos Aires and I say kill em all

No, you could also be a retard.

>Being this literally retarded

>You prolonged the pandemic and lockdown shit
Imagine believing this when there's enough videos showing you the clowns in charge aren't practicing what they preach.
I hope your soi bottles balloon in price until you need to take a loan to buy one.

>your body

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Imagine getting your facts and news from youtube

>thinking an unborn fetus is a real life

imagine it, the cope

>You prolonged the pandemic and lockdown shit
No, stupid politicians prolonged the lockdown shit. The pandemic was essentially over as soon as the vaccine became accessible to everyone, but that didn't stop zero covid retards from imposing restrictions on people who were already fucking vaccinated.

umbilical cord?
not your body

When's it a "real" life and why?

guaranteed schizo replies

I agree which is why I’m against abortion now

One that's in existence, as in, having been born. Anything else is a WIP, and subject to ejection. Any questions?


Actually, I've had sex. :)

It's literally a living organism though.

that's not real

cool, they support people who don't want to take experimental injections


>Daily reminder

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this but unironically

>OMG look at these gross images from third trimester abortions therefore ban day one fertilization!
May as well ban cumming while you’re at it. Mass murder with every ejaculation!

Fuck the vaccine an fuck abortions. Also FUCK RACISM

if you ban abortion, blue states will just legalize it, no impact
red states will grow a significantly larger welfare state and probably grow child abuse cases over time
southern red states will have it the worst, since they have alot of poorfags and illegals
basically GOP doing it to themselves, again

POV: you think a thing inside of a womb is a person

It's entirely dependent on a host function, it is in all aspects an advanced tumor or parasite.

This is the same person who thinks that you should burn down orphanages, so I wouldn't take what they say literally user.

I have not, do not, nor will I ever care about abortions and I don't understand why it's such a heated topic. It does not affect me in the slightest if someone 2 houses or 2 states away from me gets one and I will continue to not care.

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>Babies don't exist before they are born

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who is this?

You need an egg and a sperm to make a human. So no, cum isnt people. You stupid NPC.

To admit it's babykilling would be to admit their beliefs are evil and it cost a holocaust pile of babies and that's too much for them

>you think a thing inside of a womb is a person
what else would be it be?

Abortionists disgust me so much

It's Chuck

>murdering unborn children isn't harming anyone
i mean, we need to keep the population down, especially of certain people but come on

A child is viable at 21 weeks.
Current abortion law allows you to abort at 40 weeks where the vast majority of children would have been viable births.

With that logic no shit you’re a drunk idiot. You probably think we should let everyone guilty of victimless crimes out of prisons.

It's amazing how long a human can live with a significant portion of their frontal lobe missing.

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That would mean completely banning abortions.

>schizo christfag babble

They don't. They don't even exist for several hours until sapient thoughts enter their still gelatin brain

As I said, it's a hunk of flesh that's a WIP.

So you support paid child care, child leave, post natal care, orphanages, child relocation programs and the necessary functionalities of a state where abortion is not a useful function I assume.

A child could be viable from day one of it's origin point, I still don't care and neither should you.

it is, masturbation should be banned.

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>You prolonged the pandemic and lockdown shit, made everyone have to wear masks and lose money for way longer than necessary
But I'm not a Democrat.

I don't know man, at that point just have the kid. I'm all for early term abortions,