This is a game from 2004

>this is a game from 2004

Attached: VID_20220506_100943_1.webm (832x468, 2.22M)

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You can see that because of the shitty animations.

also the monitor apparently

yeah we can tell by the blocky geometry

>loading screen

ngl i loved this game as a kid but boomers shit on it cuz muh arena shooter

Yeah, and it was shit even at the time because the console releases hamstrung it and they had to split the entire game into 50 square foot areas with loading screens between them

100% chance that you were a console retard kid

>plays on PC
>films his monitor instead of recording a video
was it retardation?

this game is fucking awful

I played Stranger of Paradise on PS5 and it still had loading screens.

Still the best doom game.
Doom 1 and 2 are shitty door puzzle games
2016 is boring and soulless
Eternal is edgy meme garbage that thinks it's part of Devil May Cry.

The game that murdered my Radeon 9200

now we have pretty graphics, but not enough good programers, retarded companies setting ridiculous deadlines and shyphoning the resourses into money laundry with the marketing doesn not help either.

That no one could run in 2004. Most people were playing games at at least 1024x768 but many were playing at up to 1600x1200. Doom 3 was such a GRAPHICS! game that people struggled to get a stable 60fps at 640x480 even with high end hardware.


Attached: Black_full.png (1800x1200, 8.86K)

i played on og xbox. pc is for nerds

>That no one could run in 2004
no problems on og xbox. thats why i play it there. even modern pcs have stuttering on doom 3

>Doom 3 was such a GRAPHICS! game that people struggled to get a stable 60fps at 640x480 even with high end hardware.
That's bullshit, it ran fine on a 6800

>no problems on og xbox
It was massively dumbed down graphics and resolution and ran at 30fps on og xbox. You were better off with a low tier computer than the console version.

Wrong. No graphics hardware out at the time had enough memory to run Doom 3 at high settings and a reasonable resolution. You just could not do it. Anyone who claims otherwise is lying.

both of you faggots are zoomers, this game had exceptionally well reception at release, even from PC chads, it wasn't until years later people started shitting on it

It was the correct way to do doom, survival horror FPS.

Actually I'm 31 and people laughed at it on release for being an absolutely typical generic console sci-fi shooter. No-one from the Q3 days was happy with this release. Stop trying to rewrite history you console spastic.

lying faggot

It still ran much smoother than F.E.A.R just a year or so later. Both games use shadow volumes and I remember playing Doom3 very comfortably whereas F.E.A.R's benchmark demo did unstable 5 fps at minimum settings.

yeah it looks about that old, maybe even older

>people laughed at it on release for being an absolutely typical generic console sci-fi shooter
No, they didn't. Because at the time PC was still the primary platform for FPS and console FPS were relatively rare so there wasn't really such a thing as a "generic console sci-fi shooter" yet. There was Halo and that's literally it.

lying faggot

Welcome to nigger bitch slave v

how long until you start making daily threads about Doom 3 being the best doom game with gigachad edits on the Doom 3 game cover

>"...there are definitely drops in framerate due to the GPU."
What was your point again?

36 year old here. He's totally right. Game was panned as typical console shooter shit and a betrayal of DOOM.

I hated playing this game on my potato PC 15 years ago, going from Doom 1 & 2 running perfectly to playing Doom 3 in a 24fps slide show fucking sucked

same fag

>Both games use shadow volumes and I remember playing Doom3 very comfortably whereas F.E.A.R's benchmark demo did unstable 5 fps at minimum settings.
FEAR was a lot heavier on the CPU than Doom 3 was and FEAR also had soft shadows while Doom 3 didn't. I say "soft shadows" but what FEAR actually did was render the shadow multiple times and then overlay them all to simulate soft shadows which was an absolutely fps killer for the hardware of the time.

Fastest goalpost move in human history

Angry Aoomie

I'm 34 and people thought it looked awesome but wasn't that good.
I even downloaded the leaked e3 alpha via kazaa and I remember it feeling like I'm playing a "next-gen" demo at the time.

>Game was panned as typical console shooter shit
>and a betrayal of DOOM.
Yes. To some extent. There were a lot of people very disappointed it played nothing like Doom 1 & 2.

Lol fuck off, everyone knew that console releases were hamstrung to fuck even back then. Halo was literally the only console shooter that didn't rely on tiny chunks of levels just to run, and it was compromised as fuck in other ways like the controls being slow and the guns having shit accuracy. Games like Red Faction 2 and Invisible War and console ports like HL1 and Deus Ex had set the standard for the kind of absolute dogshit you get when games are co-developed for PC and consoles YEARS before Q4 released. Stop fucking kidding yourself.

>I even downloaded the leaked e3 alpha via kazaa
Based and not a pretending zoomer-pilled

>constant framedrops and stuttering is "running fine"
Go back to consoles.

I think it was the multiple overlaying alpha blend particles that tanked the performance. But the multisampled fake contact shadows were a setting in the options that you could turn off. It was also mutually exclusive with antialiasing.

Thanks for conceding

reminder that Doom 3, Unreal 2 and Quake 4 are soulless dogshit and anyone who liked them are likely homosexual

Attached: 1651755554141.jpg (568x579, 305.39K)

>Doom 3, Unreal 2 and Quake 4
You can't lump these together. Doom 3 and Quake 4 at least are kind of fun games. Unreal 2 was trash. It literally had nothing going for it but GRAPHICS! It wasn't fun to play at all and the story was boring.

Unreal 2 has the most fun weapons of all of them though. The multi nade launcher is, the incendiary shotgun and the flamer that can paint the level with napalm to igninte are great, and I'll never not love a gun that can ricochet past corners. The assault rifle can discharge part of its magazine as bouncing shards so when an enemy goes behind cover, you can shoot a round into another wall which causes it to reflect basically a shotgun blast past the corner.

everyone in this thread can go fuck themselves

also yeah doom 3 IS A SHIT GAME

>Unreal 2 was trash
I liked the cancer planet.
Also, the plot is very similar to Mass Effect.

you forgot HL2, it's tailor made to be on the list with those peers

that cancer planet is essentially all of Yea Forums

muh abstract language no muthafucker it means this website is a shithole that should get banned

>controller movement

>surprised a multiplatform game looks like shit

>people laughed at it on release for being an absolutely typical generic console sci-fi shooter

literally how
It preceded even Halo 2 by a few months which combined with the Xbox live boom was what really typified the console scifi shooter genre.

I like all of those games.
>Doom 3
Soulful techlab exploration with unfortunately wimpy encounters.
>Unreal 2
Cool as fuck weapons and diverse planets, organic planet still gives me the shivers.
>Quake 4
Punchy weapons, diverse enemies, cool horror elements. Fun as fuck shooter brought down by forced squad interactions.

Doom 3 was easily modded. You could make the shotgun good if you wanted to yourself. I even made the pump anim only play after loading from empty and the animation tweening to neutral looked perfectly fine without any extra effort.

>from kino unreal to the abomination that was unreal 2
that was the start of being dissapointed with games

>Recording your screen
Dumb retard-kun.

It came out 3 years after Red Faction 2, 2 years after Unreal 2 and Invisible War, and a year after Doom 3. It had all of the typical compromises (mostly level size with tons of loading) seen in these games, as well as previous console shooter ports like PS1 Quake 2, PS2 Deus Ex, and Dreamcast/PS2 HL1. There's probably even more that I'm forgetting.
It predates the generic grey and brown shootan that all the deprived console kids on here grew up with, but it absolutely is a generic console sci-fi shooter with all the shortcomings that this entails.

Doom 3 is the best Doom game especially with co-op mods.

Thief fan game The Dark Mod is the best use of the game engine though.

i'm not good at photoshop

Still looks impressive.

This is a game from 2k4

Attached: 1627611175818.jpg (1920x1080, 282.52K)

>Still looks impressive.
tbf i piss my trousers over how impressive Duke Nukem 3D and System Shock 2 looks, i'm more impressed by primitive grafix more than photorealistic ones

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