Does it surpass the original trilogy? How would you rank them?
Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze?
2 = TF > 1 >>> Returns > 3
They're fine games but no where near as memorable in my opinion. Most levels eventually become trial and error platforming and the art style is just trash. It feels like higher quality mobile game art. Still worth a play if your want a good side scroller though.
>It's been 7 years since we got Donkey Kong game
Why does Nintendo hate Donkey Kong?
>Most levels eventually become trial and error platforming
Post your top five 2D platformers, I'm curious
hate how heavy dk feels in this game.
It's the Switch's horrible input lag unfortunately
For the same reasons they hate star fox, fzero etc.
This is why you play it on cemu.
yes. the originals have not aged well.
clunky controls, bad precision platforming with poor edge detecting
tropical freeze feels better in every way and has infinitely better level design to boot
anybody that disagrees is a dumb nostalgiatard
Returns and Tropical Freeze suck, not even close to the trilogy.
Rank: 2=3 then 1
>yes. the originals have not aged well.
clunky controls, bad precision platforming with poor edge detecting
None of that is a thing, maybe you need to get good.
Agree, 3>2
Okay. now take your goggles off
I beat the trilogy every year, can rush them no problem and don't experience any of the "issues" you experience.
The gameplay is tight, you're just no good.
why make all that up, must feel pretty threatened by some old ass games
TF is full of bullshit jumpkills
Returns is better in every way except the waggle
sounds like you're the one making stuff up about me
i just think tropical freeze is much better, why did that hurt you so badly?
>trial and error platforming
>bullshit jumpkills
What the fuck are you two on about? Not a single DK game has this until maybe the extra stages.
TF is FULL of bullshit jumpkills
go play it again and notice this time
those old games aren't perfect OK, but neither is Tropical Fridge
play it again. it's ok, you forgot
I have no idea what game you played.
I found it to be quite boring.
Country 2 > 1 > 3
>DK Jr. better than DK94
literally how
Because ultimately DK is popular because of western developers. Considering it's basically Miyamoto's first big IP, this makes him seethe beyond reckoning.
there is something subconciously delightful about dropping fruit on clappers
they aren't perfect by a lot, compared to tropical freeze
dont forget how mediocre and repetitive the level design is in the original trilogy. hell half the levels have the same jumps/segments repeated ad nauseum 10s of times
i never said tf was perfect
Loved it
>Does it surpass the original trilogy?
Yeah. Easily better than 1 and 3, debatable if 2 is better but personally I'd still give it to TF.
TF > 2 > Returns > 1 > 3
Name one level with "bullshit kills".
3DS Returns-let spotted
Doesn't surpass, but it's makes up for 3 and Returns being garbage. 1>2>TF>R>3
Yes, Tropical Freeze shits on the original trilogy, and you'd have to be crazy to think otherwise.
DKC2's the only one that's aged well. DKC1's level design is straight-up boring, and DKC3's always been mediocre.
>TF is FULL of bullshit jumpkills
I want a new DKC so bad bros.
Lets not sugar coat it, F Zero and Star Fox have a history of selling poorly and F Zero sold poorly even when it stuck to its main general gameplay. DK does not deserve the same treatment, DK actually sells good with its main games. So it does deserve more care and consideration.
what are you talking about, there's so much variety in those three games
going from tropical freeze to playing the originals on the switch online apps was painful. might just go back to tf, or play country returns which i got for free on my 3ds
>dont forget how mediocre and repetitive the level design is in the original trilogy
Only DKC1 really falls into that trap due to the recycled cave levels with floating wheels. 2 and especially 3 try really hard to make levels different, for better or worse.
Okay, assuming Nintendo EPD is making the next Donkey Kong game, what do we all expect from it? Will it be more of a safe soft reboot, or something more unexpected? Are the Kremlings being revived, particularly after the last Smash? 2D or 3D?
I think there is more to it. Seems like Japanese Nintendo are ashamed that DK is best remembered for a series made by Brits. They tried very hard to forge the character a new identity but even Koizumi couldn't get people to forget Country. Their answer was to have another Western studio try to live up to Tate's games.
Not only, this but the bonus games in DKC1 were the worst ones. So worthless, and you don't need to even win them, just participate in the bonus game itself to get the exclamation mark for completion.
I wouldn't mind a 3D Dong that plays similar to 3D World or Kirby Forgotten Land
The "hiatus" between DK64 and Returns really affected the IP.
>They tried very hard to forge the character a new identity
When exactly did this happen?
It seems they're very happy with DKC's success because DK was all but dead before it
Retro's games were just kind of alright at best if you ask me. Tropical Freeze was good, but not grand tier. I don't know, there's something off about Retro's offerings but I will give them credit for asking Wise to return to compose music in Tropical Freeze. Even so I wonder about different musical composers to be hired. Anyway The real worrisome thing about DK's future is.......Nintendo only seems to want to create a damn theme park ride with Donkey Kong and that's it. Not much in the way of gaming unless you count K Rool in Smash.
DKC1 really falls apart by the end of the game.
The Japanese saw that Western Devs were kind of edgy faggots and furries especially after Conker's bad fur day. Krystal was the last straw
I would like a story, more interaction between characters. And in gameplay something like Crash Bandicoot or the new Kirby.
Jungle Beat and DK Climber
Nowadays, you can notice that they try to mix Rare's DK with Miyamoto's in the new illustrations where the character appears.
Why do you have the 1st one so low if you dont mind me asking.
I don't agree. Fear Factory levels were some of the most memorable.
I was so pissed when I found out retro was making a donkey kong country game instead of a new metroid prime. Now I'm pissed retro is making a new metroid prime instead of a new donkey kong country
Yeah, actual masterpiece.
Wish retro made a 3rd one instead of pr*me.
have you played it?
only redeeming factor are the sound effects
The team has said they had to rush toward the end.
Kremkroc Industries wasn't the final world.
Can you give an example? I still don't know what you're talking about.
You're crazy. The only platformers better than it that gen were SMW and DKC sequels.
>especially 3
The only reason that game was hated unfairly is the dumb idea of playing as a baby. I really think that was a bonehead decision. I get that babies were a thing in the 90s like Muppet Babies or Rugrats, but come on people liked that type of media because the characters did NOT act like babies. It's the same reason Stewie from EARLY Family Guy was amusing he did not act like a baby. But Nintendo Rare and Nintendo creating genuine annoying babies was simply a shit idea, from that era of gaming we got Kiddy and Baby Mario (Yoshi's Island). And unfortunately if you play Mario Kart the curse of babies continues with trash like baby Rosalina and baby Daisy and you get it. Wouldn't surprise me if Nintendo invents Baby Link and Baby Isabelle or some garbage like that.
I would put R closer to 1 but otherwise I agree
Open world dk like 64 again would be fire imagine how litty exploring a world with modern day grafix would be. So sick.
I don't like DKC 2 and 3 mainly because I can't play as DK.
i don't care about what was good then. Id rather judge a game on it's actual merits than make useless comparisons
smw is an actual good game. dkc1 is not
Yeah, but these are some of the laziest.>The only reason that game was hated unfairly is the dumb idea of playing as a baby.
Some of the level design isn't that good, some of its gimmicks are more annoying than fun, and it's a pretty lukewarm finale. Kiddy is like Navi: a character people exaggerate so much more than the bumps on the way.
Dkc 3 kind of sucks. The first world or two are in this shitty setting that is completely boring. It's so bland. And the music is repetitive and bad,at least in the snes
The bosses are mediocre; just enlarged enemies, bonuses are unintuitive to find, the last world seems to be made with leftovers.
You over estimate the hate for Kiddie. DKC3 is tiring because they tried to come up with a gimmick for each level and we're already veering hard towards the collect a thon style their 3d games would take. Very few levels just flow like they did in DKC and DKC2. It also lost the dark and weird atmosphere of DKC2 and went back to the cutesy platformer feeling for the beginning.
>And the music is repetitive and bad,at least in the snes
It's sad that the GBA OST is likely going to be forever gimped by being stuck in that version. Even if we get lucky enough to have it added on GBA Online whenever that finally happens, it will still have the terrible saturation on the colors. I'd love a definitive edition of DKC3 with an option to toggle music, but Nintendo is sadly not that kind of company.
>The only reason that game was hated unfairly is the dumb idea of playing as a baby.
The problem with DKC3 is that it gives a shitty first impression in general.
>baby character
>goofy lake level
>quite possible some of the worst "factory" levels in the series
>no longer have Diddy's speed
It gets MUCH better. Well, until it nosedives with the shitty final battles.
Whoops, forgot my image AND fucked up my post
Personally I really enjoyed the fuel collecting auto scroller levels but I know that's probably not popular opinion.
Everytime I replay TF, I am always just astounded by the sheer amount of detail and intricacy that went into virtually every level in that game. Holy fuck, it's genuinely amazing how distinct every level can get with their own unique gimmicks. It's weird to praise since that should be the norm but I think the way TF does it is very impressive.
>muh Kiddy
Kiddy was an overblown forum complaint. The real criticisms the game got were related to level design, not being as big a leap as 1 to 2, the music being different, and being released so late in the Super Nintendo's life.
The music too. It's crazy that some of those tracks were used once in the game.
I liked the challenge, but when you look at the actual level, it's pretty crappy.
>blakc background
>floating chunks of wood for occasional enemy to fall off of
>the platform isn't even animated