ITT you may ONLY post blonde vidya girls

ITT you may ONLY post blonde vidya girls

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i want this gal to step on me

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no lili! please don't crush my balls with your ff4!!!

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>her name has devil death and satan in it
Kino, I am now interested in your game.

Suda really has a thing for blondes

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Maybe it's cause he's a westaboo

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post millia


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It's a fun fighting game, available on fightcade and being officially released this July in the Capcom Fighters Collection

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Unfortunately Devilotte herself is only playable in the PSX version of the game*


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Zelda from the legend of zelda series.

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Not sure if genderbend characters count but

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Sure why not

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I would post them IF janny trannies didn't imageblock all of Finland
Also why are blonde vidya girls always the best?

That sucks, I got range banned on my phone even though I didn't do shit
Also blonde is pretty

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>that tummy

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>That sucks,
Well yeah, it's been happening for years, there are some rare times when I can imagepost but that happens maybe like 2-3 times a year?
Also surprising no one has posted Lillie yet

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Weird, I'd say contact the mods but they probably won't help. Here's a Lillie

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imagine the smell

Thanks, easily the best Pokegirl
Eh I wouldn't say it's weird, it's probably because Finland has A LOT of posters on this site (especially shitposters)

All the best girls are blonde in EO

I want to live in Millia's asshole

I want to bury my face in her stinky pantyhose soles and die.

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For me, it's Roll.

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I LOVE blonde lolis.
I LOVE blonde hebes.
I LOVE blonde women.
I LOVE blonde milfs.
Good morning from Finland.


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>War Magus
>EO4 blacksmith

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This thread makes me wish women were real

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Don't forget about Sniper, Tanbalist, Fang-Shogun, Bandana, Fluff, pluss all the others

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Best thread on this site rn

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Huom, my nigga. Blondes forever.

Huomenta nyymi

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Didn't the collection remove those CGs?

Am I doing it right?

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post cammy

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Blonde + loli. Name a better combination.

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I literally cannot.
Blonde lolis are perfection.

>vidya girls
>thread is full of anime garbage

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Why can only white people do this face

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