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Unsupported headcanons:
>The erdtree reincarnates people
>Omens can't die

Weird shit:
>Many different confirmations of standard canon deaths between Catacombs, battlefield corpses, graveyards, burials, etc. Indicating no one is the TLB is immortal beyond Demigods and Tarnished.
>Yet Everyone visibly seems to be a zombie despite TWLID being considered different
>Yet Aristocrat clothing have THIS on their clothing regarding noble sorcerors: "Abandoning their birthplace after the Shattering, these undead wanderers are the pitiful product of unending life."
>Yet Agheel's Flame has THIS in it regarding the commoner enemies in Limgrave: "The dead gazed at the skies over the lakes of Limgrave, praying that the dragons' flames would burn them to ash."
>Indicating that the low-tier, Non-TWLID, commoner/noble enemies you face off against are literally undead despite not being TWLID, completely breaking the lore.

>Everyone visibly seems to be a zombie despite TWLID being considered different
it's exactly the same lorewise

So everyone is a TWILD? Then why TWILD hunted? Why the fuck do footsoldiers and commoners look undead?

So, in the Lands Between, the island of immortal gods and super magic. The moment someone actually dies, no one knows what to do, and they fail spectacularly with some shitty results when they try to bring him back.
Yet, outside in the rest of the world, where people actually die and have no immortality. A death cult run by necrophiliac nuns can bring back the dead, both body and soul, by sleeping with their corpse.
Seriously, how the hell do the deathbed companions do it? And how can they do something that the gods powered by the force of an alien god can't?

>So everyone is a TWILD?
is everyone undead?

They're not bringing anyone back fro. The dead, they are literally creating new life by stealing life force via corpse cum

From my observations I posted it seems fucking so.

i mean, what else would explain that besides the deathroot?

Being immortal doesn't mean that you're also invulnerable. Being immortal means you don't die from old age, doesn't it?

it means you aren't mortal, only mere mortals die.
immortals are things like gods, like marika the "eternal", they cannot be killed

What's the deal with Lorretta? Why is she a ghost in Caria Manor and then her real self is protecting the inner Haligtree?

>everyone in the world looks like zombies for some reason
>Apparently commoners and noble sorcerors are undead and supposedly can't die
>They are everywhere in the game and look like every other "normal" npc
>everyone seems to amusingly be undead, not just TWLID
This is what I am highlighting

I do believe the crucible is a reddish lake of primordial matter that is located at the base of the erdtree. I will make a pic about this tomorrow.

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>carian manor
Actually her

Stop posting your retarded image, faggot

Alright so basically Loretta is an ex-Carian Knight that eventually left the employ of the Carians in order to find a safe place for Albinaurics to live, that place being the Haligtree. There's also rumors that Loretta herself was an Albinauric.

I guess she left an illusion of herself at Caria Manor to protect the place in her absence.

well if we are to separate them out i suppose we could say

1. TWLID are those that have come into contact with deathroot, they do not die a proper death (return to the erdtree)
2. Undead (and various other forms of life like the ancestral spirits) are just everything else that doesn't return to the erdtree

Vyke had an affair with Lansseax in human form, and her dragon form had a baby, Greyoll. That's why Greyoll, as well as all her decendants have four limbs, in contrast to all other ancient dragons, that have eight.
I just made it up. But it is true.

Cool thatnks for the explanation. I always thought it was weird that the Carian Knights, just a handful of them, basically skullfucked the Crucible Knights and the Golden Order armies the fuck out of their lands. I guess if they were Lorretta tier it makes sense.

Yes, but peoplore. TLB also die, so what I am saying is the two lore items in my initial post make zero sense and break with the lore.

>the two lore items in my initial post make zero sense and break with the lore.
how so?

erdtree is gold, marika's hair is gold

crucible is red, radagon's hair is red

Because I have given two items that claim that humans outside of TWLID are undead. And those humans are recurring enemies throughout the game and look visibly similar to all the other humans.

what's wrong with that? we already know other things besides deathroot can cause you to be unable to die a proper death, so undead don't seem like some impossible thing

Radagon's red hair is from the Fire Giant lineage, I don't think it has anything to do with the reddish hue of the Crucible

maybe giants are also related to the crucible

Only people whom Marika wants to be immortal are immortal. The demigods all lost their immortality once they failed to become Elden Lord. Tarnished all lose their immortality once they get too sidetracked on their quest to be Elden Lord. My headcanon is that Marika gives grace to all the monsters on your path towards replacing her because she wants us to "struggle" like Gideon says. It's why everything respawns when you rest at grace. Years of doing this has made everyone braindead and little more than a zombie.

might as well post here, ignoring the thread because spoilers
I couldn't play for like a month and now I'm back in the game, last thing I did was get whatever sword thing in the area of that city in the underground area under the giant corpse, where was I supposed to go after this?

Kill Radhan

I just started the game today. My very first souls game.

I'm a wretch who was brought back to life and has no clue wtf is happening.

It’s not. TWLID are created via deathroot. These don’t seem to be the same thing.

I'd bet 100 bucks that's a translation issue or oversight. The nobles/aristocrats either can't or don't return to the Erdtree roots despite otherwise being qualified to do so. They have unending life but can obviously be killed and don't have TWLID respawning mechanics, and nobody seems to be actively hunting them, and TWLID are made by contacting deathroot.
TWLID are rejected by the Erdtree and have their soul bound to their skeletons, the "hollows" are just really old because their normal way of death is gone.

twlid just seem to be undead that were created by deathroot, they're not really defined beyond that in the game

Adding on, the noble ghost in one of the first catacombs says
[700001000] A proper death means returning to the Erdtree.
[700001010] Have patience. Until the time comes...and the roots call to you.
so all the undead-lookking hollows are just waiting for the roots to call to them, which they never will.

yeah they're just "normal" undead, like From has been doing for a decade

When are we getting a dlc announcement?

Greatsword patterned after the black steeple of the Helphen, the lampwood which guides the dead of the spirit world.

The lamplight is similar to grace in appearance, only it is said that it can only be seen by those who met their death in battle.

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Usher of Death, Rosus, who shows the path to the catacombs throughout the Lands Between, is depicted on this ritual axe.

The dead easily lose their way, and have always been in sore need of a guiding hand.

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Already did that before coming here

>In times of old, the dead were burned with ghostflame, and from those cinders arose vengeful spirits.

Sorcery of the servants of Death.

Summons a group of Those Lost in Death. Three skeletons will appear some distance from the caster and attack foes before disappearing.

The dead have long been left to wander; what they need is leadership.

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it seems probable that they are just lost dead that have no one guiding them to the roots

>"kill" Rykard
>leave Tanith alive, let her eat him
>literally nothing new happens even after you beat the game
Pure disappointment.

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I've reposted the image now, so its legitimate

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Why do people think Roderika is a numen?

>Summons a group of Those Lost in Death.

Great so now we have TWLID and TLID

The only way to kill a soul is with Destined Death.

Go to floating rocks on weeping peninsula southern of siofra river well

is it *really* dead though?

[704010010] Lord Miquella, forgive me.
[704010020] The sun has not been swallowed. Our prayers were lacking.
[704010030] Your comrade remains soulless...

>is soulless
>no explanation how
>no deathblight


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Then what are they trying to do with the eclipse?

>Godwyn being soulless is a big deal
>some random soulless faggot has existed before without repercussion
thanks mitsubishi

There's nothing more to it than that he's a darkwraith references.
Gives you a hand weapon that has lifesteal. Darkwraith.

I have no clue what it does because there's nothing in-game that explains it directly.
I only know that the eclipse symbol is a protection to the mausoleum knights, the eclipse shotel has deathblight, and the eclipse plan failed. But deathblight doesn't kill your soul, see what happens to Rogier.

this video explains it pretty well youtube.com/watch?v=0TRs6cMZkQY

Reminder that the Erdtree does not consume souls, it converts them into its sap, which is consumed by the faithful and through them those souls are reborn. This is why the Dung Eater seeks to defile testicles and ovaries

One of the cool things about armor in this game is that if you alter it the lore description sometimes changes, Loretta has 2 different ones depending on the armor alteration.

There's an explicit description
The eclipsed sun, drained of color, is the protective star of soulless demigods. It aids the mausoleum knights by keeping Destined Death at bay.
Miquella wants Godwyn to die a full death
Destroying the "protective star" would allow Godwyn and possibly the mausoleum gods to die a full death.
And I guess dying a proper death would allow for revival too?

>Carian manor is fucked up
>ghost there apologizing to Iji
>academy betrayed the Carians once Rennala went crazy
So were Ranni’s knights and the Carian knights all obliterated? Seems like there was just one last knight remaining that was guarding Rennala.

I guess the story trying to be told is something like this
Marika had a bunch of other kids back when she was just an empyrean fighting against the GEQ
GEQ uses Death but creates soulless demigods, possibly hoping to spread the deathblight through them
Marika enshrines them in mausoleums somehow using the eclipsed sun to contain the deathblight
But Marika can't revive any of those kids so she "abandons" them, has new kids