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Not even Ken Levine has Bioshock as their favorite game.
Nobody has even said that in years
Bioshock was trash.
bioshock "politics" are laughable
Bioshock is shit and I've never pretended otherwise.
Parody/Satire ≠ LGBTQPEDO+
Politics =/= inserting your own political opinions
There's a fucking difference between philosophy and politics and I wish retards like you understood it
Bioshock is fucking philosophical. Your partisan hackery is political.
Bioshock is a coom game not a polictical one.
Shitshock and shit gear solid are not video games.
There's a big difference between story driven politics and modern day American Identity politics.
A lot of people on twitter don't seem to get this though.
Those retards still don't understand that "keeping politics out of video games" means the developers not being "pressured" to insert, or remove, specific content in their games to appease certain demographics.
It means not interfering with the developer's creative vision, to let them do whatever they want.
Simple as that.
Metal Gear Rising has fun commentary on capitalist excesses without going full woke commie bullshit AND still manages to be a load of stupid fun. Fucking faggots wish they could manage something half as good.
My favorite games are
Zelda OOT
Zelda MM
Resident Evil 4
Streets of Rage 2
Revenge of Shinobi
Elder Scrolls Oblivion
GTA San Andreas
Are any of them political?
Literally this meme
>Resident Evil 4
You're literally saving the US president's daughter.
>devs political views (it’s always identity politics for some reason!) shoehorned into a game as a virtue signal vs a game exploring political themes as a part of its narrative
All of them
Streets of Rage 2 is clearly about urban youth reform, _dumb frogposter
I don't play games that don't portrait an extremely far left ideal
bioshock isn't political at all
So? That's what a special operative would be doing, there's nothing political about that
People have a problem with creators injecting their own personal contemporary politics into the story without even trying to be subtle about it. The idea that politics in general are the problem is propagated by retards and I almost feel like the argument was intentionally seeded to discredit criticism
>twitter screencap thread
When is this shit going to be bannable?
whatever man, gaming only going to get shittier as China gets richer and starts exporting high-budget CCP produced shlock, America continues in its slow economic and cultural decline, Europe continues being irrelevant, and Japan continues to degrade under its demographic crisis
my hope is that AI advances to the point where game-making becomes so braindead easy that indies can ramp up the scope of their projects significantly
>the post that annihilated all politicsfags
My favourite game is Monster Hunter
Who the fuck has Bioshock as his favorite game?
>"my favorite game is bioshock"
does such a person exist?
but my favorite game is ocarina of time?
There's no video game in that picture.
Retards cant see the difference beetwen Politics as a world building and Politics as plot.
Shitting on objectivism is not "hardly divisive" on this website where there are so many ancaps, or at least were so many.
politics =/= idpol
politics =/= your opinions
politics =/= moralising
politics =/= soapboxing
politics =/= philosophy
its so cringey when hardcore social leftists/liberals make "bad faith arguments" because its their side that will always die on the most ridiculous of hills over extremely minor points of fairness, equality and topics which often contradict themselves (see terfs vs troons trying to rape them, stricter punishment for racially motivated crimes but only when it white on black because racism is bad but only certain kinds of racism and the law should make moral judgements based ion feelings and perceptions)
thing I don't like = political
thing I like = not political
>tourist shill post
>twitter screencap thread
source pls user
They mean using it simply as a mouth piece for your politics.
The disco elysium devs are filthy fucking commies but they didn't use it as a platform to show us unenlightened plebs how communism is the way, the truth, and the light or some such nonsense.
its literally been years. how are these people making the same exact joke and argument for all this time
When all people say is “keep politics out of games” that’s literally what people hear. It’s the same exact problem Black Lives Matter had where it was so easy to scapegoat the phrase alone because it seemed like people were putting blacks on a pedestal.
the fuck am i reading with this broken english
Solution: don't have story in games, period. Infact, the more vague and mysterious the story is, the better. Make Zanzibart look like Neil Druckmann.
>JRPGs? Too much story
>walking simulator like TLOU? Too much story
>action game like Bayonetta or Devil May Cry? The main characters talk, get that movieshit out of here
If you need "context" for your game, then you hate video games. Go watch a visual novel.
God i love that USA 80-90 pop culture atmosphere 2010-2020 is so fucking gay literally
shit tier fetish for ching chong insects and troons, what do you expect?
he seems like he visits his wife's son while tyrone is plowing his wife
holy fuck that imaginary person got BTFO'd hard
my favorite game is spelunky :)
>it's ntr
Shame. Waste of good art.
Why the fuck are all the good artists NTRfags
What a fucking bitch
OOT was an allegory for 9/11
People should just be honest and say they don't want progressive bullshit shoved down their throats, because that's all it is. "I don't want politics in vidya" is how people say they don't want faggots, stronk independent wymyn and magical negros infesting the media they consume when they don't want to risk turning themselves into a social pariah.
Get these kike politics away from my vidya.
>Zelda OOT
>Zelda MM
White supremacy power fantasy
>Resident Evil 4
Patriotism and nationalism in the form of saving your country leader’s daughter
>Streets of Rage 2
Shedding the truth of violence in poor suburban areas
>Revenge of Shinobi
Japanese nationalism in the form of the glorification of Ninjas
>Elder Scrolls Oblivion
>GTA San Andreas