$400 for 1080p

$400 for 1080p

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Can you imagine buying an AMD card after the 7970?
I'd rather shred the money, least I would dodge the coil whine.

It's gonna be far more powerful than that. They're just listing them in resolution tiers out of retardation.


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>it's totally better than that they are just lying to you to make it appear like shit
okay AMD

You need a new gpu to play what exactly?
Nearly all new big games are pozzed garbage

now add the 125% scalper tax

I bought a 3060Ti for 1080p yet some say it's "not enough"

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It looks alright in the spec-based estimation.

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demand for GPUs is low right now. Scalpers are malding over their cards on ebay that they can't sell since newegg is lowering the prices everyday since no one is buying.

i only buy maybe 1 new game a year and this time actually looking forward to COD MW2 (2022) and I'd like to be able to play it at 1440p and get 144FPS. been looking at the 3080 for the longest time but im a huge wait faggot. Im not getting AMD GPU because their drivers are still fuckey. but a 3080 is 2 years old at this point but RTX 4000 will be OOS and or overprices so I dont know what the fuck too do anymore. by the time I get something my CPU will be outdated

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Oh I was wondering why I saw some AMD cards at Best Buy.
Guess they're dropping old stock for the hot new thing.

>but a 3080 is 2 years old at this point
It'll be exactly 1 year in a month. 4000s coming out for Christmas this year so 100% scalped and overpriced for at least 3-6 months.

My cock is foaming at the thought of these new cards.

Wait, I assumed the 6X50 cards were going to be better than their X comparisons. What's the point if they're weaker?

>RTX 4060:$699
>RTX 4070:$899
>RTX 4080:$1099

and you WILL PAY

The human eye can't even see more than 1440p 144fps

Reminds me of when stores were dumping 2080tis like hot potatoes and scalpers were getting mad as fuck when you pointed out you could buy them cheaper brand new

Consoles win, AGAIN...

they're basically preparing the consumer to expect higher MSRPs. Same shit as XT CPUs.

I might just get whichever new amd or nvidia card is the cheapest and most power efficient because fuck energy bills.

When's the 4000 series coming out?

>the GPU manufacturer, who wants to sell me the most expensive thing they possibly can, is telling me I need this card for 1080p
Yeah sounds like its way overkill for 1080p


Feels so stupid. If it drives people back to consoles its going to hurt their business (yes AMD as well consoles don't get replaced as much as PC parts)

The fucking R9 390 I had like 7 fucking years ago can still run most games at 1440 with supersampling and a steady 60+. (only exception was Battlefront II I had to turn of supersampling and not render over my actual resolution) I swear this shit is to take advantage of newcomers to skew the market prices even more.

I will be buying my 4080 in Sept for 800 dollars

The 6600xt is far better than your 390. You're underestimating how powerful they are

I already reserved a 4090 one, I'm still using a 1060, I'm going to blow one think load on this one

>wait for RTX 4000
>rumor of the next AMD 7900XT
>ok wait for that
>RTX 5000 rumored
>ok wait for that
>8900xt launches

thick, wtf

didn't the 3dmark benchmarks leak a while back and that's actually 1080p @ 144fps?
seems pretty solid considering I paid I think $350~$400 for the 3.5GB memecard GTX 970 at launch year which can barely do 1080p60fps on newer games since devs are getting lazier

Then maybe they shouldn't be advertising it for 1080. So its not the product that is stupid just their marketing department. Fan fucking tastic.


$1500 minimum

Cope and mald, unless the governments of the world go to unreasonable lengths to stop price gouging no appealing product will ever be available to non-bots as long as your or I live.

The only potential solution is to order one from a scalper and then use the return address to find where they live and scar them to fuck with acid or some fucked up shit to scare everyone else off of doing it, if a string of such attacks occured it would probably get noticed.

They are advertising it for 1080 because it'll do 1080 Ultra at stable frame rate. Meanwhile your R9 390 is likely on low doing 1440p at 60 at best.

Or worse you're some idiot playing 10 year old+ games and crying about new GPUs that are made for new games you don't even play.

Theres a full year and a half window where there are no rumors of the next card retard. Nobody ever told someone else "just wait" when a new gen just launched.

what is your opinion on the ASUS(TM) RTX 3080 V2 10 GB OC edition

New games take more resources

>$1500 minimum
No it won't 6900xt is dropping below $1000 on newegg, brand new. No one is going to papy $1500 for a 6650 xt

get AMD instead

$400 MSRP means at least $700 in real life.

whats the point in buying a $1200 gpu? i'd rather buy an xbox.
>t. proud 2070s owner

>worse than my 2070S that I paid $480 for 3 years ago

My RX 580 still runs just fine

based 2070s bro

I bought the previous iteration of this meme card. Rx 6700 XT. It handles most everything at 70+FPS in 21:9. Don't expect I'll be upgrading for at least 10 years. All I play is Indie games and wow.

> Meanwhile your R9 390 is likely on low doing 1440p at 60 at best.
The R9 is in a spare system but I used it until 202. And no it did High-Ultra 1440@75 with supersampling in everything I threw at it except Battlefront II. A few others went to 1440@60.

I do tend to play games that are well made in good engines, but it stayed steady the whole time.

I have a 1070. what is the cheapest GPU to get 2x raw performance?

>scalpers will buy everything because... this is how it always was, they just will okay?
PC never had a scalper problem except during this last GPU generation newfag

I have 1 and haven't hit anything that can't get at least 1080p 90fps yet, but some people care about memetracing which it would be weak at, but I don't play anything that has that.

Where are my RX 590chads at?

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thats a good deal

>I do tend to play games that are well made in good engines, but it stayed steady the whole time.
So, translation: You play old games just like I said. Lmao. Even BF2 is 5 years.

Card aged really well from how much ram it came with so it was going strong into 2020 when I side graded a little upward to go team green (sort of regret that) for better openGL support which ended up not doing much for me.

Had one of these in a system too. RX 580 is still damn good.

>thats a good deal
only if you have a PCI-E 4.0 motherboard
because AMD decided to save a few cents so the cheap cards don't have all the contacts to get x16 from the pci slot


Sometimes I wonder why I ever bothered upgrading from my 1080ti, at this rate it'll be relevant to the heat death of the universe.


These cards are above the tier where they cheaped out on PCIE lanes.

upgrade from an rx570 or get a better monitor? it can handle most games I play fine, but open world games like ark survival and gta 5 seem to struggle with it. also can't use rtx shaders either

I SERIOUSLY doubt that for the 6650XT at least.
But we will know in a few days when reviewers get their hands on them

6650XT is just 5700 xt rebranded

Can any GPU do 4k120hz yet?
Thinking of getting the LG C1

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Cyberpunk was pretty new right before I replaced it. Sounds like you bought a scalped card that didn't magically give you a better monitor for it to matter. Ya no point in continuing with some dumb cunt that doesn't realize how much AAA isn't pushing jack shit now.

What is this PCI-E 4.0 meme, if I have an older board the GPU won't work full power?

Why buy AMD or SCAMVIDIA when Intel is brining out reasonably priced cards in a month? $350 / $150. The Duopoly is over.

I didn't realize 6600 XT was x8 lanes. Yeah that will be the same.

Yes, what kind of a stupid question is that
trash performance

>t. NVIDIA sales rep

6600XT and 6500XT plug into x16 slots but the cards only use 8 lanes of PCIe, as opposed to most normal video cards that use all 16 lanes. So if you're on an older motherboard or CPU that doesn't use PCIe 4.0, the GPU will be bottlenecked.

>no high end cards
wow thanks user

>400 dollarydoos for fucking an 8 gig FUCKING AMD GPU
if you buy it, you are the most retarded person on the planet and deserve to get your head smashed in

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Low prices mean nothing without passable performance. You can get a 1030 for cheap right now too and technically play games on it, doesn't mean it's a viable card. And let's not even get into driver support issue.

>when Intel is brining out reasonably priced cards in a month?
It's easier to believe that AMD will have a decent GPU launch than it is to believe Intel won't entirely shit the bed with their cards

3080s came out sept. 2020 so in a few months it will be 2 years

I meant on the latest games at ultra

>You can get a 1030 for cheap right now too
last time I checked those were more than $100
I was trying to get one just so I could output 4k@60hz on some old machine

i still remember when entry level GPUs released at 200-250.

Wow that sounds like a totally rational decision to make for a budget card, good job AMD.

Intel will bring us back to that. AMD and NVIDIA are lost.

but user
they saved at least $0.05 on those contacts for each card


6500 xt is worse than that. It's only 4 lanes so in a PCIE 4 slot it only has as much bandwidth as an x16 PCIE 3 slot.

none of these cards will ever prices that low

I want to believe but it's Intel, it's not gonna work properly.

It's not.
Paying $400 for a 1080p GPU is fucking retarded.
The fucking 5700 XT was $400 at launch and even to this day it's still a capable 1440p GPU.

Intel's iGPUs have great drivers on Linux and has for years now. I doubt their dedicated GPUs will be any different.

>get the poor man's product that doesn't work
I wouldn't advise that

That's cool but what about real world application?