I love Platinum. It's so bad.
Master Duel
>5 negations + nibiru adamancipator
block dragon is honest
Matching you against your own rank was a mistake.
>five days after the new season began
>still one monster destruction away from completing the "Destroy 5 Monsters" mission
>only reason why I got those and the 15,000 damage mission was because I ran Cologne in Silver
In other news, Crossout is doing so much work now that I finally have it, how is this card "not as mandatory" as the others? Is amazing.
What's your duelsona?
Im going top sit my ass in Gold until i get fed up with losing, then its VFD time. Meanwhile local maids and a shota go to the circus
Go away troon
i don't get it, i barely run into normal humans, its almost always insects
>Blue hair == trans
I set two cards face down and end my turn
should i make ABC, harpies, gravekeepers or dark magicinas????!?
One day...
LMAO @U YOU FUCKING TRANNY!!!!! You trannies shit up EVERYTHING. In ~10 hours these threads will be good again when you delusional faggots quit go to bed and quit posting your GAY TRANNY self inserts KYS
What's the next step in her master plan
How "decent" are Solfachords? I'm still researching the deck because I have never played Pendulums outside of Solo and I suppose almost all of them boil down to the same lists and ED. And when it comes to the ED, what other five cards could I add? Any help?
So Pendulums are just "use the whole deck to bring generic ED monsters"?
Holy fuck that thing is sexy.
Touching more of Solemn's shit.
Crossout is useless if you don't have the rest
>The Solemn Darklord
But people 99% of the time run Ash, Maxx and Called, there's no way it can be useless unless you somehow draw all the copies of the card you want to negate.
Nice t3h PeNgU1N oF d00m tier localization.
solemn strike is a counter trap, so herald literally *cannot* respond to it.
They're shit. Here's what I have in the ED, I also have two copies of ret-time reviver and one Scythe in my deck
>Fuck me
Nice nipples, but I prefer Anzu.
When will the fucking banlist be up?
nah you can't
Sure but you need to craft those first
can't what?
Total noob here, what do I need for a Rikka deck other than cards with the word "Rikka" on it?
>90% of matches decided in 1-2 turns each of which takes ten minutes to execute
This is exactly why I stopped playing the game.
I hate Konami of America so much it's unreal
The TCG is pure cancer.
>in Plat III purgatory
>constantly lose coin toss
>constantly brick
>always spinning my wheels there
>average turn amount is 2
I genuinely don't get it
drawing Verre isn't even good she's a total brick
GK pendulum magicians
Rikka splashes well with other plant shit like Aromages
it depends on the deck. Mine is like 4 because I play Traptrix
And does the actual turn cont even really matter when the game is loaded with so many (Quick Effect)s that pretty much any time anyone does anything it can result in interactivity?
Fuck why is it taking so long.
Fuck eldniggers.
im waiting for metafags to populate the new ranks before playing again
Golden Week
Check THIS out!
Yeah, I assumed so, I believe I read Endymion is the only good Pendulum deck out there. I just wanted a cute girls pend deck.
>lose coin toss
>get demoted
How hard is it to hit this fucking """""50%""""" chance?
u can't
>And does the actual turn cont even really matter when the game is loaded with so many (Quick Effect)s
This is something fags from other CCGs and yugiboomers just don't get.
The actual problem in this game though is sacky shit and super consistent game ending boards where you have to surrender on Turn 2. Master Duel is full of Stun garbage and game-ending boss monsters that you don't see in TCG or even OCG really.
Bring back the N/R event but ban True Draco, then we'll get pure distilled Yugioh SOUL
I don't regret making the deck but it's really not made for rank climbing
impcantation megalith event?
Pend magician is perfectly viable too, it doesn't have many more cute girls than dymion though
Do gringos really?
So like.. What's the best Despia deck that uses EVA right now?
Is there any way to expand the fucking card art outside of a duel?
The art in deck build mode is smaller than when I'm actually in-game.