Characters you like from bad games

I love this big ol man

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Ponytail kunoichis are pure sex in every game. Hope she is in the fighting game because I'm not touching MOBA garbage.

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Mained Zen & Ana when I played because I love their kits. Uninstalled when I realized I bought a game just to babysit fully grown adults

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Just got this buff in the current OW2 beta

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good his old ult sucked

kill yourself faggot

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bastion,, and 76 (original vision not the overwatch gayified version)
i've yet to see characters outside of 20 year old games that are like them and good

Used to main that fatfuck, i like him too

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roadhog and mccree were so much fun in beta

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uhh its cassidy now you transphobic nazi pissbaby chudcel don't deadname be better

Its shame that the overwatch characters are stuck in overwatch

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That's a girl's name though, and he's a man.

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Damn shame. The game really does have some great characters.

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Why did they make Soldier a homo?

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This. When I heard genshin was getting one I was willing to come back. But then I found out she's not dendro but some boring electro healer.

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>He can use normal abilities during Whole Hog
Fucking how? Whatever I will be using him to bully supports even more.

because they kept getting outed as sexual predators so they pulled some pride month faggotry to help cover their own asses.

Because of that one controversy that was going on.

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Fairly unique in that he's a troon who's actually a bit based.

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I can't speak for Soldier, but I'm sure they only made Tracer a lesbian so she'd get more contrarian hetero porn, and it worked very well.

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I am forever sad that a character design as good as Balan's is wasted on such a dreadful game.

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Literally just snarky Belethor

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What's the matter OP? Keep missing your hooks? lmao

fucking fag

I too am in the half-naked mask club

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Same. Just fapped to him earlier today actually.

You could say that about most of the costume characters from that game.

Literally the only reason I play his game. Absolute garbage but he's my husband so I have to get all his skins and merch.

strange how i expected to hate her the most in a swamp of unbearable garbage, but she's actually kind of good

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He's so fucking cool and fun to play, I wish he was in a game I liked.

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Very true! I just especially like Balan.

I last played before the update that made her less bitchy, so.. I still think she deserves death.
Lae'zel is pretty cool though, for a Githyanki, she is very friendly, and unlike.. pretty much everyone else, she's actually trying to focus on the MINDCONTROLLING PARASITE THAT'S INSIDE ALL OF OUR FUCKING HEADS, instead of getting distracted by stupid shit.

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>ywn fuck a Roadhog cosplayer
Why even live?

there's plenty of sad lonely fat retards all over, user. im sure you'll come close enough.

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literally spend five minutes on grindr or at any truck stop

Not them, but also want what they want, but I don't want desperate sluts with STDs.

just live in america, unless you're a complete shut in you'll know people who fit the bill

>unless you're a complete shut in

big handsome piggy...

a board of half-shut ins, absolutes are either young or are just capable enough of touching grass to afford the interest

A lot of Overwatch in this thread.
For me, it's Sombra. She's probably the only reason I'll give Overwatch 2 a go.

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I'll drop another Overwatch. I love the robotaur.

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sounds like you're just a big pussy who either isn't willing to give it a shot or knows they have nothing to bring to the table

Mostly the second, but there aren't any good guys in my area.

She's probably the reason why I want a brown wife

Her game is total ass but she's cute

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she is cute

Congrats, you like the worst character from that game.
You like the ugly, fat, cheap one.

I thought the game was okay, but its Waifus are fucking top tier.

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the truth is that fatfags have extraordinarily advanced tastes which you can't even comprehend

read it again
you press fire to use it

Glad I was able to quit this shitty game years ago, but I still think about this lil nigga sometimes

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Only good member of the band.

Note: I have not played his DLC

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what game