Hopes? Dreams? Expectations?
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak
Open World Monster Hunter is coming. Playing this is futile.
He's in
A few more cool monsters and a good endgame.
I don't have particularly big expectations since the marketing so far is really suggesting a "smaller" expansion.
No Qurupeco
i completely forgot about this
i just cant feel excited for it
what would open world add to the monster hunter formula besides more filler between starting the quest and then hunt?
Give me Yama back
That World 2 will be announced six months after this launches, just like with Sunbreak for Rise
That everyone will wake up and see how shit Rise is in comparison to World
That Nintendo consumers here will ignore every factual and very valid criticism as usual
why Nintendo consumers specifically when the game is available on PC too?
It's a PC game?
>shilling (((World)))
The ambitions were high to make a tedious game that didn't just let us fight monsters
-forced you to wait for friends to watch their cutscenes
-time-gated all its remotely difficult content, ATs not only taking months or years to get added but being available only once in a while
-didn't let you check quests when you had one pending, even though decade-old MHs allowed that
-didn't have a quest board, so players standing in front of the counter leave you guessing if they are about to post or join
-removed pause function, so unplayable if you have real life
-clusterfuck graphics and crammed zones with inclines, rocks, ugly vegetation, fog clouds, item prompts, grass tufts obscuring your screen with a vignette effect
-pebble blood
-annoying tenderizing and Clutch Claw invalidated weak spots
-monsters constantly roaring and interrupting fights, so you had to throw shit at monsters for half the time
-the most imbalanced equipment ever in the series, the best armor in base World being from a gay MMORPG
-clique autism due to big lobbies
-forced story and diversity/feminism cast to pander to the west
-terrible performance relative to its graphics (arena sees you the same FPS as RDR2)
-introduced other casualizations, like walking/dodging while healing, life steal, Max Potion spam, 1-slot Stun Res, Eva 5, reduced cooldowns, reduced knockbacks (think Wirefall but less fun)
-introduced hidden matchmaking and horrible SOS system that killed lobbies
-introduced single-player scaling, which made teamwork less fun and more superfluous than ever before in a series about toppling the strongest monsters with mates you can count on
-introduced boned weapons to tarnish the series
-introduced some of the worst monsters, namely Kulve, Leshen, Vaal, Xeno, Safi, Zorah, Bazel, etc.
-isn't played by any of the hypocrites defending it here without mods and custom quests
These are game killers. Now post your cherrypicked nonsense about Rise
All of this except add Lagi
Actual exploration, you could find secret arenas for special quests, secret monsters, materials for unique layereds, etc
It would also be the opportunity to make gathering actually enjoyable and require knowledge of the game, instead of being "go to point X of map Y to find item"
>introduced some of the worst monsters, namely Kulve, Leshen, Vaal, Xeno, Safi, Zorah, Bazel, etc.
Literally the only bad one there are Leshen and Zorah
So why way more people played World for way longer?
I dont care about exploration unless they keep wirebugs. Exploration without fun movement is boring.
>no arguments
thanks for the (you)
World was a MH game designed to appeal to people who arent MonHun fans
take the autism to mhg thanks
>Werewolf and vampire themed expansion
Vaal hazak needs to be in.
At cost of making the process of grinding 10 times more annoying, exploration have never been the core focus of the game, engaging with the monster is and the more shit you put between starting the quest and getting to the monster to hit it till it dies the worst the gameplay of the game will be. Have in to consideration that in MH you don't kill a monster once or twice, you kill it up to 100+ times. And not the guy who posted the other comment but Vaal is a pretty trash monster too
When you appeal to the mases with a watered down experience is easier to appeal to more people. It is a pretty simple concept to understand Yea Forums all the time is crying about games that became mainstream at cost of their core audience, not sure why suddenly is ok when MHW does it
I just want more cool Gunlance stuff without another ridiculous penalty to it.
More Switch Skills, new Shelling Attacks, Artillery 5. Just let me blow stuff up.
Bring them back
My point is that even MH fans played World longer than Rise
Can't wait for the big reveal next week :)
I didn't, checkmate
not MH fans
is simple math
More people was attracted to the product = more people stay
A reason to play it.
Snow maps.
It doesn't give me a reason to change from Iceborne.
I hope it's free because I spent $40usd on Rise and dropped it about 10 hours in. Buyer's remorse.
No one in my group did
Just fought this nigga
she can go fuck herself the armor can stay
>Snow maps
You're in luck, there are two
Nevermind, maybe I will pick up Rise & Sunbreak
Literally every discord and group I was in stopped playing Rise after 2 months
/mhg/ was dead af by the start of Summer
It's Good
It's very good
That no matter what they show, these threads are unusable because they are always filled with the same fucking retards arguing with each other about which game is best and I want to shove their gaming platform through their anus until they pass out so I can finally have a decent MH thread in years and talk about the games without these fucking subhumans.
Based :)
>no proofs
>my anecdotal evidence is completely valid just trust me bro
Sure user I believe you :)
>Subjective observations = facts
I already got my biggest hope when they revealed CRAB was back.
All the fated four back
Emergency Apex Fated four fight
No Gammoth :(
tfw server owner doesn't want to add Raviente
Not really but World and Rise are my least played games in the series, the progression in these games is too short.
My Elder Dragon Can't Be This Edgy
good content
not alot of content, bad content, or both
In old games you "had" to do 3 quests for 1 of your own, so these games are 1/4 the length in practice. Hub scaling and SOS were a mistake.
>no new monster/subspecies tease in official twitter
>The Japanese tweet is even more specific saying we will get a new trailer, news on monsters, new actions for hunters, info on new game mechanics/systems, and more.
I feel you on that. I’ve never played a MH game I didn’t enjoy and the whole console war thing is so dumb to me.
Every monster with a deviant will probably be in. if only so they can easily turn around a bunch of apexes for endgame content.
What were the new monsters in Rise
Monster Hunter Rise is a terrible game and no amount of coping and console warring can change that.
-The gameplay is the biggest downgrade from World. The gameplay now revolves around cooldown skills which give you extremely powerful safe offensive and even more potent evasive maneuvers with the Wirefall. This means that the actual weapon gameplay is secondary to spamming the cooldown skills for maximum damage with minimum risk. Think of it like an MMO where you just mash the skill keys. Rise functions like that.
-Several weapons have been utterly gutted, with Charge Blade arguably the biggest victim. And once again is Long Sword tuned up to overpowered status due to the director fanboy bias. Several weapons are nowhere as open-ended and free-form as in World. Instead you need to rely on the wirebug cooldown attacks to make them work.
-The audiovisual presentation is godawful in Rise. Not only is it obviously just a Switch port, but the actual art direction is terrible. It is an extremely repetitive and obnoxious Japanese setting where you’ll actively seek to turn off the music and NPC noises. The whole village was designed to be as obnoxious as possible with its Japanese-ness. Like taking a walk through Akibahara Street.
-The game fails completely in presenting monsters in an impressive or memorable manner. Every monster fight is started with a ridiculous haiku cutscene where the entire monster is revealed for you and just exactly what it does. Then the game instantly pings the monster location for you so there is not even a sense of dreadful discovery leading up to the fight. Rather, you’re just in a glorified massive arena.
list bro are you gonna make one of this for every MH now onwards?
-On the subject of maps, Rise maps are extremely bloated for no good reason at all. Most of the geography is fairly similar so them being the sizes of countries has no positive bearing on gameplay. Them being so big is probably to promote dog riding instead of just walking. There is also not much fun to discover within the maps. And there are no real surprises there either.
-Rise has a new addition called wyvern riding. And it is just as insulting and time-wasting as it sounds. In every fight, the monster you fight is knocked down which gets you a free ride. Sometimes you can fight other monsters with this (a very clunky mode) or you just slam them into the wall repeatedly. The biggest problem with this is how it railroads every hunt into the same phases. You can’t skip this phase. You must ride the monster, and sometimes several monsters. On top of the wirebug additions, this just further dilutes the core of MH.
-The game has a huge problem with balance. They overtuned the hunter with ridiculous movement and offense so the only time a monster ever poses a threat is when you get way too greedy or when it one shots you. And that is about where the challenge of Rise is. Otherwise there is no challenge. The classic sense of pacing, proper positioning and careful aggression are all gone. Instead you can just mindlessly spam your potent wirebug moves and watch the monster get absolutely humiliated in record time.
-Rampages are a massive bore and failure of a game mode. You get waves of monsters at you as you play Tower Defense. As a hunting mode, it sucks and turns quickly into a clusterfuck. As a tower defense game, it’s extremely simplistic and lacks the overall management and strategy that makes tower defense games fun.
Nothing, fucking idiots spout the phrase without realising it would just be a glorified freehunt just like Everwood and Guiding Lands. The mentioned are fun but would be horrible if it was the entire game. The last thing a boss rush game needs is empty space that serves no point other than wasting time, the thing inbred westoids crave
I'm expecting they'll announce a demo that lets us fight the vampire dragon. I don't know if it'll go up like a day after the event or if it'll be later on.
-The story is a toddler-tier piece of shit and I won’t say more than that regarding the subject. The UI is downright repulsive and blocks too much of the screen.
-The game does a piss-poor job differentiating the monsters. It comes off extremely arcadey with how easily you progress and how fast you kill monsters. Even Elder Dragons are a joke and the game doesn’t even properly introduce Elder Dragons or attempt to differentiate them from the normal monsters. And Rise goes way hard into fantasy territory with monster design, further emphasisizing the arcadey MMO-lite feel.
-Progression with weapons and armors is boring. There is no Alpha or Beta set. The designs are identical between Low Rank and High Rank. The decoration system is somehow even clumsier than in World and the way they balanced the deco slots makes no sense and just promotes aggressive affinity builds.
-Online system is dumb. Lobbies are now locked to only 4 players so no more gathering a large group of people. Communication isn’t as easy as with World. There is no SoS. The actual hunts suck in larger groups because it turns into a visual fuck-fest of spammy silkbind attacks. The dogs don’t make it better. I recommend not playing more than 2 players per hunt. It’s like they didn’t even play test the game for 4 players.
All in all, MH Rise is a massive overpriced disappointment. I doubt Sunbreak can course correct this properly as it seems the director is lacking in intelligence and the philosophy of its design is all wrong. They intended the game for kids who play Nintendo games first and foremost, and MH fans secondary. That is probably the single biggest reason why Rise is such an underwhelming game and anti-MH.
yeah that was the point I was trying for that user to reach
Open world gives nothing to MH
>those replies
Absolutely seething bing bing losers lel
i've not played rise because i'm waiting for sunbreak
i'm gonna do what i always do
play a heavy bowgun, run around shooting monsters, get cool gear and then quit after i've had my fill
>Literally every discord
Trannies and groomers played one game more than the other.
No one cares but faggots like you.
You do you bro
I want to know what they change ahead of time so I can know if I should catch up my Gunlances or if I can just write it off again and work on my DBs
Great Izuchi
Goss Harag
Wind Serpent Ibushi
Thunder Serpent Narwa
Narwa the Allmother
Crimson Glow Valstrax
I guess the 6 Apex monsters count to, even if they borrow a bit from Generation's Deviants
It would remove the iconic "very different biomes all in one game"
Or it would keep it, with you walking between a desert and a snow area in 5 minutes
Either way...no
i'll also do a lot of fishing in the snow areas
So you admit World is played only by trannies then, good to know.
fucking KILL yourself
How is it
I'd be playing it on Switch
I expect almost none of these to return for MH6. Pretty terrible roster save maybe Aknosom.
We will see soon brother
So these World shitposters don't actually play any Monster Hunter and are just falseflag Yea Forums nigger retards I assume
mindbroke bing lel
It’d be nice if I could just remove the hunting horn song list without removing the note bar and spinny attack meter
Top 3 game easily
If you want an open world MH game, you just don't want a MH game
It's an hard pill to swallow, but maybe it's time you move to a different series
I like World better but still play Rise
I emulate Switch
My PC is better than yours
time to rope, Discord tranny zoom zoom
this does not disprove my reply btw
Nice try
is it dead online or can i still have fun with strangers in random missions
What reply? You being asshurt that the shit spin-off is already dead?
Weak bait,but you'll get many (you) anyway
>he wasn't around when listfag was still active
>the highly hyped Rampages are 20-mins slogs that play exactly the same every single time and become unbereably boring after like 5 times you do them, they are so shit they straight up gave up on them and just let you get their rewards in event quests
>no hyper/tempered/frenzied equivalent with nothing to replace it
>incredibly lazy selection of event quests, with worse rewards and variety than any modern MH
>literally shipped unfinished and was only completed 2 months later, making the experience awful for day one buyers
>completely ruined/removed any interaction with multiple monsters, since now a monster entering the area will immediately trigger the current monster to stop, ignore the hunter and hit the other monster a couple times, and then leave
>multiple monsters in an area (outside specific arenas) are no longer added difficulty or even a nuissance, they actively give free damage and free topple through wyvern riding
>Elders appear alongside normal monsters and don't change the visual of the map, making them feel even less special
>no endgame activity of any kind
>even less materials required to craft equipment, while giving out an idiotic amount of materials
>adds back Village and Hub but makes them useless, since Village is more braindead than ever and the Hub scales for solo anyway (also LR hub is skippable)
>maintained the vast majority of World casualization and added more on top, like sharpening while running on dog, instant healing even with normal potions, wirefall, etc
Based. I don't give a fuck what you play or where. I just wanna smack big monster with big weapon to get stylish, sexy, and viewtiful armor.
Online's still active but most players are roughly mid-endgame
it sells well enough so monster hunter stops trying to do the open world garbage, I sincerely hope another MH like World never happens again.
some god-tier weapon designs like the gogmazios weapons make a return. we get a return to relic weapon grind like 4U with some of the cooler weapon designs of monsters not included being used.
g-rank, new monster fights are fun, the higher difficulty balances out the wirebug op-ness.
>have fun with strangers
MH being fun with randos is a meme
>pc port is a disaster
>dead after two weeks
>no sos system
>arena quests outside of arena
>everything is desaturated
>80% of the map is unusable by monsters while having nothing to offer
>owl instantly shows you monsters
>AI seeks out turf wars for wyvern riding (please enjoy our QTE minigame)
>narwa fight
>4 player rooms
>lifeless village
>dango cutscene
>not a single difficult quest
>one, okay at best new monster
>buffs everywhere
>endemic crutches (wallbangs soon)
>no armors
>no apex gear
>val is diving, jump now!
>4 companions with 4 hunters
>rampage minigame
>rampage weapons are useless
>narga/tigrex dominates
>slave camps
>good training area
>bug skills are either shit or broken
>free out of jail cooldowns if the monster dares to target you (attention is split between 8 targets at most)
>dogs outrun monsters in fight
>monsters suddenly walk at 900 km/h speed when changing areas
>bad kpop OST
>event quests reward stickers
>two sets of defender gear
>visible texture tiles
>backgrounds are just green meshes resembling something
>water clipping
>sfx turned up to 500%
>weapon sound design
>no poogie
>no siege mode
I am pre-ordering five copies of Sunbreak, RIGHT NOW!
no my reply explaining why a product that attracted more people will naturally have more retention that one that attracted less people
I think is pretty easy to understand user
>4 players + 4 pets make the multiplayer a fucking mess
>doesn't offer 16-players rooms so playing with a big group of friends or a community is ass
>while also keeping an SOS system, so 4-players rooms are 100% useless
>SOS system is also worse and way more limited
>powercreep still out of control, numbers are already closer to IB than World
>some weapons like Lance and Hammer are incredibly boring and essentially boil down to spam the same wirebug move over and over
>Apex monsters are knock-off deviants, expect without armor, weapons, quest lines and with shittier visuals
>empty ass maps that look more barren and lifeless than classic MH titles on 3DS
And more.
It's the best roster of an HR game in the series wasted in one of the shittiest packages.
You need to bait the console warring faggots with a decoy thread first, user
Litterally MH posting 101
meme how? i've been doing that for the past 30 hours of MHW
ah bummer
what tells you that from my comment?
STEEEEEVE can't come back because it seems like no one understands his armor/weapon mechanic
>it sells well enough so monster hunter stops trying to do the open world garbage, I sincerely hope another MH like World never happens again.
We are probably in for a few loops of
>Console Nu-MH
followed by
>Portable Classic-MH
>>Portable Classic-MH
Ah yes
Rise....classic MH
>no one understands his armor/weapon mechanic
why tho
Very fun, tons of content
Just keep that autistic spaz’ed purple faggot out and I’ll be happy.
>look at me a big gay purple bird
>fire ball fire ball fire ball
>poison poison poison
>can’t stand still for one fucking second
>constant retard strength spazzing out
Fuck they bird. You know who I’m talking about. Don’t even say his name.
I feel that with lower effects 4+4 players won't be a problem anymore
>some weapons like Lance and Hammer are incredibly boring and essentially boil down to spam the same
I swear you guys talk like it's your first MH game ever
>World is so good I spend all my time on MohHun threads on Yea Forums reeeeeing about Rise for months on end instead of playing it
uh huh
dead game
Solo it's more fun (but maybe not for world, who know)
Only group hunts that are fun are the one with actual friends
What are your predictions for the next reveal?
Mine is:
>A quickshot of the Cititdel, followed by Rondine talking about a calamity or something.
>Shot of the ships sailing to the new hub
>Various NPCs talking, building hype and swelling music
>Astalos will be the first focus, showing possible new moves
>More footage of Garangolm, Lunagaron, Shogun and various locales within the Citidel
>New silkbind showcases
>Enter a new subspecies/variant, probably Coral Pukei or a new Somnacanth (got to start of small)
>More talk or rampages/calamity
>More footage of Malzeno
>Final shot is a tease for Glavenus or Deviljho.
I just spend my time answering SOS calls, beating a monster with someone, or monsters, then posting some stickers, and repeating.
gore, new longsword moves
gore + shagaru, crimson fatalis, kulve, ahtal ka and more LS moves
1 newcomer shitmon, another fated faggot to fill large monster slots and something else stupid and pointless like purchaseable cosmetic dlc or room decorations
>you can count the pixels
Indeed, truly classic
That looks chaotic and fun. Can't wait to see what G rank adds
the fact you asking if this pasta is going to be a thing when mh threads were already plagued with pastas from autists suggests that you aren't familiar with threads culture
>Literally every discord and group I was in stopped playing
>/mhg/ was dead af
even better. it was unitonically just a shitposting thread
garuga weapons are too cool, I hope he comes back. big dick crits with some poison and decent sharpness are always nice.
Unironically yes, the gameplay loop is classic-style.