Unironically wish more Japanese games did this. My one gripe with Monster Hunter has always been how male characters get these badass armors that almost channel the very intensity and soul of whatever it was made from, but female characters get a skimpy skirt with their cleavage showing from the very same armor.
Unironically wish more Japanese games did this...
more games need female feet
didnt read any of that
women are only good for their sex appeal
>female armor
Those are type Bs, I'm glad Fromsoft embraced their trannies and stopped pretending they were females.
You mean "Type B".
low test, dead libido, possibly trans without realising it, post.
the real problem is there wasn't a breasts slider in the character creation
Prophet would be a lot cooler if you actually started with the wheel necklace instead of the toilet seat you do now.
>female empowerment means turning women into men
Here’s your modern feminism bro
Go back to school
nigga you play games in a skirt
Yes i love female armor in vidya
women's legs are so short
Realistically, the question becomes just who is out there making the special exposed female armor if females are supposedly so rare as warriors in the first place that it makes more sense they just use the same stuff guys have because that's all there is.
What do you mean? Type B is female. YWNBTB
All armor should have a full and slut version, thats true freedom.
That was a great game.
how am i suppose to coom
leg to torso ratios like this usually indicate childhood illness or trauma
souls have dogshit female armor
>a fucking wagon wheel
>fromfags are unironic redditors
Who fucking knew?
A good set of armor is made to fit the wearer.
No, "type b" is just small and inferior. There are no "females".
Or they are Asians.
What's the problem? So just play as male if you want badass armor. Play as a female if you want to see a semen demon. You have options.
Armored girls are hot and i love when you can see subtle hints of femininity coming from the armor design
Realistic armour is for fucking redditors. Bikini armour is for neckbeards. The real answer here is an ornate battle dress which combines conventional armour pieces, shapes them to be womanly and applies a generous amount of feminine fabrics to almost give it a dress like quality
>ornate dress
they wouldn't be able to afford it, much like you cant afford estrogen
>subtle hints of femininity
>literal boob armor
>giant thighs
>all fat no muscle
How about whatever works for it’s intended aesthetic instead of demanding a right/wrong answer? Bikini mail is part of the old 80s era fantasy art aesthetic, it was everywhere. It’s stupid yes, but so is everything about it.
The real answer are ornate maid dresses because women should be servicing cocks and bearing children instead of being in the battlefield.
No fucking stop. There's already hundreds of western games that have completely removed all bikini armor and now you fags are going after eastern games too?
Women acting like women is exactly what gave us modern feminism and it's fucking awful. Men should be encouraged to act like men and women should too. There is no virtue in femininity, all good things are inherently masculine.
get btfo'd pettanko BITCH
armor should always be sexy for females
fuck off redditor, you can't karma farm here.
W-What game?
eh both are fine
Blah blah blah. Both are inaccurate. Men with money for custom armor would have giant fucking dicks attached to their crotches and nipples and abs cast on their chest plates. Women would've done the same too, if they fought in wars.
Giant cunt crotch plates.
stop gendertyping and body policing type B bodies. I transitioned from A to B and I do not look like that.
why not just play a male with their "Badass armor" then?
fem*ids are for degrading and cooming
spotted the troon lol
But isn't type B heckin' misogynistic as well? B comes after A, so type A being male hides some superiority message due to being number 1 in the alphabet. Also B is for bitches.
>isn't type B heckin' misogynistic as well
No, because type B isn't the female body type. It's type B.
The real answer is to never have women fighting.
The ultimate answer is to exterminate women so we'll never have retarded discussions like this again. Sex toys, VR, and cloning will serve all male needs.
Name 10 games made in the modern era that actually have bikini armor, because I swear I never fucking see this shit.
Female? did you fucking say FEMALE?
Wow, biggot much?
korean mmos
what game? Titanfall?
Also patrician tastes
>Unironically wish more Japanese games did this.
> Unironically wish more Japanese games did this.
what about playing western games, who actually do this, instead of telling people of other cultures what to do?
t. japanese hater and weeb hater
are least women are good at something. can you say the same about you?
top doesn't have females it has body type B's.
The B stands for Birthing person
> Realistic armour is for fucking redditors. Bikini armour is for neckbeards. The real answer is having both options
Elden Ring is the most significant game of the decade.
You can't criticize it lmao
As it should be
It's over-hyped and over-marketed, it's only value is an action game for people who don't like action games, or a "difficult" game for people who don't like difficult games.
>Monster Hunter has always been how male characters get these badass armors that almost channel the very intensity and soul of whatever it was made from, but female characters get a skimpy skirt
Ah yes completely imbalanced sure
No, the answer is armor so comically large people think it's a mech
The male armor sure isn't skimpy
What game is the bottom one, I can't read the logo.
>The real answer here is an ornate battle dress
You can't just say dumb shit like that and not elaborate.