Why are you not playing Code Vein?
Why are you not playing Code Vein?
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I don't want to be playing something enjoyable right now.
Because I beat it when it came out and feel no urge to replay a mediocre soulslike.
Anime games are always mediocre at the very best
If I wanted to play Dark Souls would play the real thing rather than a shallow ripoff
If I wanted to play a From ripoff I would play Nioh 2 or Hollow Knight
And more important of all, I simply don't play bad games
Because I am playing Scarlet Nexus
Gameplay sucked
design the donut like a witch, but I play her with a huge ass sword instead of spell casting.
Beucase its overhyped weeb garbage.
>I simply don't play bad games
but you just said you play souls shit and nioh
Because I've already played through it at least 8 times.
very based
just finished yuitos story. think im gonna do kasane next. im loving all the updates and im not afraid to admit im developing parasocial feelings for my team even though i hated them at the start
Not buying it until Denuvo gets removed.
But I literally am
>I don't play bad games
Code Vein > Souls
Because I finished it years ago. 2 when?
Scarlet Nexus was shit.
Because after 130 hours of beating it several times, helping friends and randoms, I've had enough. Everyone's playing it right now because it's on sale for like, $10 so there's that too. I've had my fill.
>2 when
Announcement any day now...
Is the dlcs really as bad as people make it out to be?
>2 when
I need a sequel, not playing a single game for the rest of my life mate
The bosses and blood codes are good
The equipment is a fancy reskin and the maps are just overglorified Depths
Worth it for 5 dollars all of them
So long as you buy the Deluxe version of the game then it's worthwhile. Paying for them separately would be very wasteful.
I'm a heterosexual white male.
>Scarlet Nexus was shit
Nah. It was better than the overhyped trash that was Jank Vein.
Combat in Soulsborne games and Souls clones is just too slow for my tastes.
The only good thing about the DLCs are the alternate costumes and the items you get. Otherwise, yeah. They're a bit shit, with the Snowy one being the absolute, cancer-ass worst DLC for that game. Very much not fun. But the biggest gripe and thing that people neglect to mention, is that the issue people had is actually at launch; where the DLC, for what it is, is incredibly over-priced. People were mad about it and some still are if they didn't get the Deluxe version for cheap enough.
Can't wait for the God Eater/Revenant team up
It's gonna be chuuni-kino
>and im not afraid to admit im developing parasocial feelings for my team
Same. It's been quite some time since I cared so deeply about a cast of characters in a video game.
>Code Vein
>too slow
Yes. The bosses aren't even good.
Don't forget that when the third DLC released it didn't even work.
They could've put more effort into the alt costumes. Mia's White version from deluxe version(?) actually changes her gifts to way better stuff than what regular Mia uses. All the alt costumes in the DLC are just pure reskins.
This. If they wanted to be greedy fucks they could've just sold skins here and there. Low effort and we all know the looks are a huge reason most people bought the game.
I myself prefer slow deliberate action rather than cuhrazy combo mashing fast action. Code Vein and God Eater are my kind of games. Scarlet Nexus, for example, is not.
It's less about "mashing fast action" for me.
Victory in all souls games and their clones consists of
>see enemy animation
>learn what animation does
>formulate appropriate response
>repeat until victory
Fights are more than just reading the tells on an opponents body. It's also about getting in their head and guessing what their next move might be. Given that this is AI, getting into their headspace isn't all that viable a thing. To that end, speeding things up to make animations less perceptible will at least simulate the effect of guessing what their next move will be and be punished for getting it wrong.
If you ever stop attacking in Code Vein that's YOUR fault
The entire combat system is designed for you to spend and acquire combat resources
Bad taste
Nioh 2 and Dark Souls are both anime games though.
>I'm a heterosexual white male.
how's yuito's team in his campaign? they seemed pretty boring from kasane's perspective. her crew of fuckups was a lot more entertaining to me from what i saw.
Gemma is good, Tsugumi is ok and a cutie
Hanabi is a sweetheart but cucked by the blueballing
Kasane team is better
Bro, trannies are in denial about being hetrosexual and male. Come on now
played it a long time ago
I'm gonna play it after I finish DS3.
I want to know which soulshit is the best and so far my ranking is Nioh 2 > Nioh 1 >> DS3 > DS1 = DeS
I bet CV isn't that bad and it's just the jewish demoralization agenda doing it's magic, manipulating people into thinking anime = bad because it's a market outside of their control.
Trying to replay because I got the okay ending and I never bothered with the DLC. Can someone give me words of encouragement? It's not a bad game or anything, it's just that beyond the multiple endings, it has absolutely no replay value.
At least Dark Souls 3 had comfy settings.
>Nioh 1 over DS3
The Blood codes for the extra endings and the dlcs are fun
The DLCs bosses are fun
Tower of Trials and DLC is where you put your builds to test
3d anime always looks like trash without exceptions. Also it's a knock-off of the dark souls games, a formula that got stale before even the official games ran out.
Lmao really? Fucking code vein? Shill for something decent at least
Nioh is garbage
Even DaS2 is better
>Even DaS2
Lmao no
because it's boring as hell and I'm playing nioh 2 at the moment
DS3 looks nice but the gearing is useless and it's too easy, spamming R1 is almost always the best way to kill anything and you can spam rolls, it's somehow more shallow than DS1.
Yes Nioh 1 was definitely more fun when it comes to combat. And considering you do combat 99% of the time in both games, Nioh 1 easily wins over DS3.
I forgot about Sekiro btw. Worse than Nioh 1.
See, the problem is that JRPGs and other anime-styled games are functionally awful. You take off the cute and sexy anime girls off, say, Xenoblade 2 and you're left with the most braindead and shallow RPG ever. It's not that anime = bad, it's just that a lot of devs and even more fans use anime to excuse shitty games.
What would be ideal is to have Westerners design the gameplay then get immediately axed so the Japanese can design the characters and write the story. Have a fun gameplay of a Western game with the cute girls and the fun story of Japanese games.
That said, I hate kikes too.
Played it at launch and that anor londo lookalike ensures I will never replay it.
Explain why Code Vein is bad without mentioning anime.
Go ahead, we're waiting.
>Anime games are always mediocre at the very best
Zone of the Enders 2nd Runner is one of the best games ever made and it has literal anime cutscenes.
Dark Souls 3 mobs have better design and moveset than every boss of Nioh 1
>Sekiro worse than Nioh 1
Take your meds holy shit
I already played it. It wasn't particularly good.
sekiro is pure action, comparing it to games of a different genre is pretty pointless
I beat it already.
You will never be a woman and whiteknighking against sexism won't get you pussy.
With those fact out of the way
>JRPGs and other anime-styled games are functionally awful.
So. Elden Ring mogs the industry atm and it's a JRPG.
>Xenoblade 2
The gameplay is actually really good, but go on
>it's just that a lot of devs and even more fans use anime to excuse shitty games
You aren't even playing those games.
not him but I fucking hated the art direction, the world was so ugly. I also found the combat to lack weight and meatyness
I'm the type of autist that wants to pick up every single useless item on the map before proceeding, so it was hell. I'm not doing it again.
>Elden Ring mogs the industry atm
It's also mediocre.
>better design and moveset
None of it matter if walking around their back and spamming R1 destroys 95% of them.
Nioh 1 is easily better.
Let's not bring up WRPGs by comparison because they are in a far sadder state.
Already played it. It was pretty good, but it just reminds me that Soulshit is killing action games because everything is copying it now.
literally wasn't even that bad. ugly and not fun, but it hardly took an hour to navigate