Master Chief Beast Up Helpless Asian Teen

The Halo franchise continues to sink to new lows.

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Haven't even watched a single second of this shit on TV and I know from pure guessing that MC hit the ground beside her head.

is this shit almost over? how many more episodes before the end comes? I want you TV fags to go away. Or at least go back to talking about things that I find more relevant.

Arent the spartan like a thousand pounds in their armor that bitch would not have been able to do anything


>tv shit

Soren gets a triple kill

Attached: TRIPLE KILL.webm (1280x640, 2.8M)

>trench coat over power armor

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did she look like she was able to do anything?

Or the chain

fuckin lol

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Top kek what the fuck were they thinking. When they filmed this on set did not a single person at any point say "hey, these outfits look like shit"

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reptilian hybrids aren't people

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Wypipo cannot compete

>Some civvie girl knows how alien weapon works

she has one of the ugliest haircuts I've ever seen.

Spartans never die...

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did he jab that guy in stomach with his thumb and index? wtf fighting is this



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Idk, seems like some average ancient mongolian thing, which fits her looks.

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Nevermind, he's still alive. Shot in the neck? Spartan 2s can just walk that off.

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>dyke walks out with a gun pointed at your goon squad
>nobody shoots her
>watch her shoot the apparently incredibly volatile and insanely dangerous weakpoint of this space elevator thingy? idk I didn't watch lol
>fucking DIE

lmao wut

>master chief's massively genetically modified spartan dick will enter the convenant bitch before end of season 1
feels kino imo imagine a 20 in cock ravaging a 4ft 3 girl

>giant fireball enters door
>guy blocks it to save you
>air wasnt superheated and oyxgen burned up and didnt affect you in any way because it hit his armor jacket or something

honestly out of all these clips that's the least egregious nonsense, he's a spartan I think that would be like getting stabbed by a blunt iron rod

and at least the gun that the other dickhead shoots at him is a pistol caliber that would conceivably not go through the "meat shield"

>Here's your 343 Guilty Spark, bro

LMAO there's a portal down a well in the middle of bum fuck nowhere that leads to the Halo ring. So Master Chief has to come back to this planet again and go down the well to get to Halo.

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Masterchief should of killed her in the first episode, she's too retarded and boring to live

is there any western entertainment left that doesn't blatantly shoehorn people of color just for the sake of it? getting so fucking sick of this shit.

Keep seething whitoid

a lot but you are looking for modern ones which are ultimately your fault.

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What does this character has to do with Halo?

That one guy looked so scared when Soren came around and snapped his neck. Made me feel for him.

>is this shit almost over?
>how many more episodes before the end comes?
Two more, one episode on 12th of May then the season finale is 19th of May.

Is this worth watching if you treat it as its own canon? It seems just bad enough to be entertaining and the fights look alright.

Master Thief

fuck no

Understandable, ty.

>he doesnt know about specialized karate hand strikes
there is more than just the fist, and reinforced body of a Spartan would make any risks to the smaller bones of the hand trivial

He beasts her, you say?

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wasnt this guy in the Wire? he was in some TV show. he looks so familiar. was it Fargo?

>was it Fargo?

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>le poncho drip bad
fuck you bitch that shit is K I N O

YES. him and the kitchen brothers aka knock off Salamanca cousins. I knew it. that show was such a trip but in a good way.

>muh colour
this is top bait especially with africa playing a massive role in the game

way too obvious now go back to your stink general loser

Wow he finally put his helmet back on?

>bulky clothes to cover up the fact you're wearing body armor 90% of the time
seems pretty standard for a lot of media and irl

Why would you want to hide the fact you're wearing body armor?

I thought that was Dave Chapelle after he boosted on test in Africa for a sec

dave chapelle is brutal

"Our principle is that what the enemy can see, he will soon learn to fear…"

>its a spartan
sometimes i question the iq of this website in general whether its play pretend or not

>will never get a good live action adaptation of halo
>343 can't into halo
I'm gonna be glad and sad that Halo dies like this

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At this point death is the best thing that can happen to the Halo franchise.

This is by far the worst episode of the show to date. Kwan's storyline is useless. Such wasted potential, they definitely hired the wrong people to helm this kind of show with the lore that it had in the first place.

Also, wtf Soren? "I'm not gonna break my promise to John" and comes back, only to leave again a few hours later. This sucks.

RIP Helgan Empire

Why is it always humans fighting each other? I never see anyone post videos of the covenant

Why is this happening

Why is halo dying

Pls live halo you have to lve

why do you think? the answer is actually really really REALLY simple. think about it from a meta standpoint not a in-lore standpoint.

At least the toys are good

They just want everything to be more generic and relatable to normies?

They already blew through most of their CGI budget

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