Are there any actually good games made by right-wingers or with right-wing messages, as opposed to woke shit?

Are there any actually good games made by right-wingers or with right-wing messages, as opposed to woke shit?

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not really because liberalism is a class divide

not really because rightoids cant make good games

Game development is regulated to people who have education in those fields. Engineering and art. Right wingers think education is bad, so most of the people who go to school are not right wing.

If you're conquering territory and building an empire it's in our sphere

if you think about it many games have right-wing messaging by being hilarious caricatures of left-wing propaganda

/pol/ as fuck

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Five Nights at Freddies

>Right wingers
>Making video games
Aren't most right-wingers low IQ?

Minecraft pre-Microsoft for sure.

weird cause rightoids do nothing but give ground and submit IRL

I don't think I've seen a game like that. I've seen tons of caricatures of right wing ideologies.

IQ is a meme.

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Yea Forums will try to tell you Factorio was made by a rightist but fact is that quoting a line from an Uncle Bob-novel doesn't mean shit. Fuck, I'm probably more left-leaning than most of you niggers and I'm currently reading Clean Code

Rightoids have average IQs about 20 points lower than liberals (110 vs 90)

Because of this, many can’t finish school or just drop out after high school.

Also, they’re far lazier than liberals.

Add all this together and the chances of a rightoid making a game is next to none.

Ask that question again in 10 years after lestism consumes videogame industry whole. I'm sure the mediu will be going through its golden age by then.

I meant to say book, not novel, but you get the idea

The vast majority of games are conservative according to liberals

So anti capitalism and anti religion is a conservative viewpoint?

Impossible to do so because all art across millennia has by and large been made by neoliberals, lefties, and left-leaning nerds. People who are right-wing have actual jobs and so don't have the time to be making these things or getting meme degrees in Marxist universities. The entire sphere of art or entertainment is by and large a massive leftist bubble with its own cliques and groups, but right-leaning ideology is oftentimes bitterly hated and rejected there. This has been the case for a very long time. The people who produce these works are usually socially awkward, low test, and neurotic, and while this causes them to develop certain behaviors that could be mistaken for intelligence and they can make certain realizations that may not occur to the right-winger, they are always going to be defined by their childish bitterness for the normative homogony. This is reflected in their art; it either goes the postmodernist route of making everything ridiculous, cynical, and derogatory in juxtaposition or pushes the author's personal generic Overton window complying agenda. Artists like to see themselves as counterculture even when they're not and so leftists will produce works that pitch themselves as being bold defiance of a right-wing status quo, even when this is simply not true.

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I'm saying they're pushing 'the message' so hard across the board that they're satirizing themselves harder than anyone could strawman them

>art across all millennia has been made by neoliberals, lefties and left leaning nerds
>neoliberalism/marxist universities
so less than a hundred years ago is all millennia?

No and there never will be.

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Not really. The anti conservative message is really subtle and most people never realize it.

Project triangle strategy

ah yeah I love those great conservative music groups or genres like...Christian rock rock

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Conservatives don't have real jobs. They work off the government tax dollars.

well I guess you and I have incredibly different thresholds to define subtlety because to me it's all so hamfisted that they're effectively parodying themselves

This is basically saying rightists have no imagination, because their idea of beauty is trying to approach reality as closely as possible therefore using imagery like greek/roman statues, classical paintings and otherwise 'boring' art that only evokes a sense of mastery of its medium. Though I agree a lot of art boils down to subversion, I am also pretty sure your seething rant is an oversimplification of reality and you're just angry because a leftist bullied you online or something but I guess that's what internet brainrot does to a person

yea have u ever tried zombie panic source, co-op horror, free on steam

each map has different story, lots of red pilled maps

Nonsense. The men paving your roads, doing your plumbing, and laying the foundations for the buildings you reside within are by and large conservative. These are the real jobs that produce value for society, as opposed to leftist "work" which is largely tertiary services.

It's funny how people see liberals and conservatives like robots.

Not that conservatives are actually shunned out of development circles or anything.

Fucking morons.

Europa Universalis 4 and Victoria 2 are implicitely rightwing
It's literally World Conquest Good : The Videogame

By right-wingers? probably, even though most people called right-wingers are just either dumb fucks or normal people having polarizing opinions on trending topics, not so much right wing on other key topics (same applies to people called leftists). Chances are that most developers out there with any radical idea are going to be called right-wingers the moment that radical idea stops being the good fight.
With right wing messages? I don't think so.

Constant posts on this board saying they wish games were less political when most games had clear political messages shows that my viewpoint is far more widespread.

>Engineering and art
Because conservative people go primarily into STEM fields and not into art right? Liberal/progressives get into art- and look where they work, service industry.

>Right wingers think education is bad, so most of the people who go to school are not right wing.wing.
Someone doesn't know much about the world. Conservatives just want to be left alone and their values untouched. Schools no longer teach for knowledge but for ideology now.

For OP, unironically Deus Ex. Shows a future of excesses where too much freedom had been given to people in positions of power as well as human culture at large. What man-made horrors could we see soon? An evil world without morals or values.

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Just wait 30 years and all of these left wing games will be violent right wing nazi garbage that only xoomer and moomer fascists can stand to play.

I don't see the Ukrainian neo-nazis shooting Russians submitting

I'm not angry or seething at all, you are literally just projecting. I am not afflicted by brain rot either, I just shared my thoughts on why art is largely dominated by the left, not the right. It's been like this for millennia as you said, the right is not concerned with the world as it "should" be but more literal takes on the world in a purely technical sense, hence the boring mastery of roman art as an example.

Only the undisputed best game in human history, no biggie.

>reading this b8 thread

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No? Rightwing MAGA chuds are literally dumb redneck trailer trash. They work in trades and shit like construction not intellectual activities

Deus ex is not a right wing game

you're angry and seething at postmodern art by calling every postmodern artist a seething manchild communist and equating it with all art that has ever existed because you either forget or don't have the capacity to understand that art history goes back before 1970

people wishing games were less political means the pushed message is backfiring which is precisely what I'm saying

right wing people study uncreative fields like Accounting. They aren't creative people by nature.

>left wing

This is false. In fact, you would expect the opposite since the republican party is extremely anti science.

The people that produced the ideology of Marxism did not make their ideas in a vacuum; the feelings and sentiments behind it coalesced over many years from many places, and these feelings existed in ideology long before Marx was a cell in his dad's ballsack and long before universities even existed. Humans have always been creatures of ideals, and we have always exerted political force in our works and our lives no matter what age. If you think that Marxism invented leftist ideology as a type then Idk what to say.

That one Harry Potter game that is coming out soon.

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word salad

Literally doing nazi racial theory but in a retarded wrong way lmao

deus ex is literally an anarchist game. Your conception of "too much freedom to human culture at large" is quite literally the opposite reading of the actual work. Cyberpunk is not a genre that glorifies authoritarianism lmao

Guess which one is saddled with student loan debt and begging the government to make it vanish?

>I'm currently reading Clean Code
What are you trying to prove here?

Alt right tards can't make. Only bitch and destroy

Any game where you have to act in any conservative realistic manner and make compromises on your actions/the world. So basically any game that isn't shilled as woke is right wing to the people to believe woke shit when you think about it.

I'm right wing with two degree (Pharmaceutical Science and Business Analytics). I'm just not a creative person. I have no interest in making games or art. I'm only interested in making money.

nor educated or curious about their society

All of Japanese industry, the only one thriving

Deus Ex has more like an anarchist revolution message.

pretty sure blacks most identify as liberal

hey fuck you, spreadsheet games are fun you tasteless brainlet fag

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Right tards also make up stupid shit like this post right here.
>umm actually i have 2 degrees and I spend my time on random 4shit threads

>Right wing thinks education is bad.
Not really. Leftists don't really have a education in a meaningful way that can be applied to real world situations. All your mouth pieces are fat socialists who live on twitch donations and demonizing everyone else.

Case in point, the right tards mind is constantly thinking of nigger dicks. But he acts just like one

You are truly smooth brained if you think this monolog was right or left wing. This is calling out all echo chambers that have formed in the internet age.

learn to comprehend, user.
the poster is angry because they dislike postmodernism, and can't distinguish between art that is or isn't postmodern because they can't remember a time before postmodernism exited and they either refuse to acknowledge or are intellectually dishonest and equating all art with postmodern art is beneficial to their argument.

No, I'm really not, this is a feeling I've had for a long time and it feels good to share it. Leftists are indeed more creative and intelligent than the average right-winger but they are also afflicted with the classic arrogance of the intellectual class, and falsely believe that their intelligence makes them superior or that their intellect implies something. They at the same time are very emotionally suggestible and prone to using their art as a vehicle to vent frustrations with the right-wing norm, sometimes in ways that are hard to spot. Postmodernism is just the amalgamation of a wider movement that took centuries to come to fruition, something so egregiously left-wing that even the dumbest layman could feel that something was up with it. It by no means was the first movement of its kind and it won't be the last.

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Accounting requires a professional qualification so they are educated. They just arent interested in arty farty stuff usually. They are busy with real world stuff.

space fake tho

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The best-selling video game in the world was made by a right-winger.

A very large percentage of the japanese male population are conservatively valued. And almost all the good japanese games are made by 99% or 100% male teams. So i guess you could say Japanese games are made by right wingers.

All fields except accounting and business are dominated by the left.

Kojimanis leftist as fuck, go play shit stranding

The monolog is left wing. And it's the villain.

>Conservatives just want to be left alone
Bullshit, conservatives constantly try to dictate how society should work and what rules and values everyone should adhere to.

word salad

>didn't actually post the text

Yes. Accounting and Business people are right leaning and uncreative typically. Their brains are wired towards logic and rules and making money not having fun

T. Loser who has to larp as someone successful in boring ass autist games

Liberals would never do that oh no

Not true. They do enjoy cuckoldry and self loathing a fair bit

death stranding is pro life but i don't expect you to acknowledge that

Attached: Death Stranding Screenshot 2021.07.13 - (1920x1080, 2.14M)

Not him but its hardly unusual in modern times to have two degrees is it?

Wow its almost like there was a pendulum shift from the right doing it for so long

The right cant make art

Conservative my ass.Those dudes love fanservice.

Leftist education is literally gender studies and diversity studies and some irrelevant shit that doesnt benefit humanity in any form.
A lot of right wingers are dumb but a lot of nowadays leftists are even dumber.

Also i dont think education matters in political opinions.
You can have smart students and shape their political ideology with careful propaganda and artificial environment.
It's not like you can stay a student and right wing at the same time, they will expell you if they find out you have right wing ideas and simultaneously they try their hardest to censor certain ideologies from you.
Nazi scientists were very efficient.

like how to make money for other people that want to take away their freedom and force them into wage slavery

That's precisely what makes a good game that "conservative people" might enjoy. We don't want anarchy as we can see the result of it. We want to be left alone and leftoids can't stand that they can't really tell conservative people how to live their lives. What miserable ilk.

Says who? Who do you think keeps the system operational so excesses like science could continue to proliferate? Who do you think keeps the world monetary system functioning so things like funding alternative-energy are possible? You don't see liberals/progressives doing that. What you see them doing is supporting groups like BLM and Communist organizations which do not help the science argument at all. All they do is fund strife, death and violence.

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The entire MO of the Patriots follows the actions of political Zionists to the fucking letter, LMAO, get rekt.
Its fucking beyond obvious (((who))) they're an allegory for.
Now, if you want to make the argument that anti-Semitism is actually extremely pro-social humanitarian, I could see that angle.

>its almost like

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>and law
>and structural engineering
>oh and surgeons (and a pretty huge part of medicine in general)
Leftists dominate make-work fields like nursing and cs.

marty o'donnell, halo 2 was first soundtrack to make it into the billboard charts.

Even in a time before postmodernism, did you think that leftist art just didn't exist? Most art even in ancient times was made as a reaction to a right-wing normative society. It was designed to evoke or communicate nonconformist sentiments, or as a tool to vent the artist's frustrations with society. This is the eternal truth of art in general, it's always by and large been made in opposition to its environment, as a reaction to the time it was made in.

>right cuck has no argument and resorts to image marcos
That lower IQ at work

Not a single person in this thread could define left or right wing using objective big boy words if you had a gun at your head.
If you don't know what you're talking about consider shutting the fuck up.

>"you noticed niggers are mostly low IQ criminal retards???"
>"you must be obsessing over their dicks"
literally, "no u" lmao

Lefties are faggot nigger lovers
Righties arent

Yeah the right is too busy actually keeping society running with jobs like Accountants and Engineers to waste time on silly art

>thinks right-wing somehow means authoritarianism

You should probably try to understand the political compass before having an opinion on it.

>we don't want anarchy as we can see the result of it
user the game is anarchist because it portrays what happens when control is given entirely to global organizations with leadership structures that places them on entirely different states of existence compared to normal people. It's the power structures of these men that is the whole point of criticism. If you think that this is somehow a portrayal of anarchist antiestablishment fiction then you're really fucking poorly mistaken.

Math is far more logic oriented and that's left leaning.

>Bullshit, conservatives constantly try to dictate how society should work and what rules and values everyone should adhere to.
Oh the horror~ not being able to murder unborn children instead of valuing personal responsibility. Oh no! Being able to support yourself financially instead of relying on the system for welfare. Oh my, keeping pedophiles and their shit values away from children!

Your kind would rather sedate everyone with drugs and keep people on the bottom. Keep your values in-check as it is clouding your judgment. Instead of constantly being the victim, seek self-actualization and responsibility. The world is already a dark and hard place to live- don't make it darker by trying to force people how to live their lives.

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Trump won in 2016
Biden is right-wing

>saying they wish games were less political
I see this argument thrown around and all the time by leftist circles. It's wrong, but it's understandably wrong because "political" is not the right word for it.

The people that make those complaints don't mind stuff like cyberpunk games with pro-environment anti-corp political messages.

What they mind is current Marxist social politics about culturally oppressed classes. It's not the same to dislike a game on a modern setting with a negro saying white people are trash than it is to dislike a game where you kill nazis in WW2.

"current Marxist social politics" is a mouthful, though, so you can see why people don't use a longer phrase like that.

Left do creative jobs and Right do science and engineering jobs.
Left - Cringe
Right - Based

No, it isn't lol

IQ is just the ability to process information at a higher speeds. Leftists are often midwits, they have just enough intelligence to make them dangerous, and the education system feeds them lies and delusions that they believe wholeheartedly, unable to escape the intellectualization of evil. They also tend to obey simplistic instincts and then to justify them using their moderate intelligence, as you can see by the phenomenon of women supporting violent migrants because they want to be taken by stronger males, and more simply the leftist grab for naked power but justify it as defending the weak. Minorities, in fact, that are not global minorities.

False. Almost every single doctor and nurse is vaccinated.

Why do you think about noise so much? Some sort of poorfag who can't get away from them? You're just one of their kind then, wagie

>biden is right wing
correct, at least the white euros have it correct, or at least closer to what is correct.