How could they betray us...?
Why didn't they ask Microsoft for help?
This is why you buy multiplats on pc
It's over...
>Shit game that no one cares and sell poorly
>It's Xbox fault not ours
Fucking failed developers, shut down right now already
I think they're putting the DLC on every platform except Xbox. I guess no one bought it their.
No refunds ^_^!
>sold poorly
just because you dont know a game that doesnt mean its not known
Why does it matter? The Wii used to get dilapidated abandoned ports all the time. The Switch still does. If you want something demanding, buy a PC. Stop thinking anyone should give a shit about your shitty consolebox.
The seething in the comments is hilarious
Just because it sold a couple million copies does not mean it's known.
They have to sell something anyway. I'm sure they didn't sold that much even on other consoles.
>Xbox players don't buy indie trash
ok but that means it didnt sell poorly
you call a game with actual solid engaging gameplay
>indie trash
meanwhile you suck off AAA generic fornulaic garbage
Ok but I'm not the guy you replied to originally.
ok but like 50% of avid vidya players you find here know furi
It's not my fault if no one bought it lol
PS chads bought it
myself included
The entire thread is just sour grapes.
The DLC came to everything but Xbox
It's not the Xbox can't run it, the devs are just lazy hacks
>Just because it sold a couple million copies does not mean it's known.
Dud just trust me
Seethe more Xcuck
How many times are you going to make this same thread either you're a twitter tranny or a clickbait journo that can't come up with their own opinons on things or need their own thoughts reinforced
How do you go from Furi to currycel simulator
>it actually sold more on xbox
They wont do it. It's not profitable for them to do so. It's literally over....
Wait till he finds out about japanese games
That's what you get for supporting Jewish indie dev, enjoy
I loved Furi, but to be honest here, after Haven I lost all interest in anything these devs make. Somehow they always manage to shit out the most retarded excuses for their decisions that I simply won't bother anymore, even if they'd announce Furi 2 or whatever.
just fyi, if you add *sisters to your filter, you can remove ANY combination of words that includes it without having to filter them one by one.
Never even heard of this game.
So that means the devs are working on something new right?
Literally who?
Based, have a filename filter to remove iphone posters
Yea I've never heard of this either.
Snoys are used to making a big deal about literally who devs hence the threads.
Gotta pass the time somehow, and having no games doesn't help.
It's not on Gamepass? Is that bad?
>missing out on kino
>great OST
>basic bitch bossrush faggotry
Every tweet with game pass in it has the worst takes imaginable.
>take Snoy's money for PS+
>complain about no Xbox sales
>literally playing the small indie studio card
If they have sold so well, there's no reason for them to not put the dlc in Xbox as well, it's just a Jewish manovre
>>basic bitch bossrush
Oh yeah all those generic boss rush games like uh, punch out? Alien soldier?
I don't use twatter, why are the usernames pink now?
Based as fuck
Cause OP is of the homosexual variety.
Surely multiplat doesn't take much dev time/money considering both consoles are the same architecture now?
yeah just like those ones, how fucking basic
what isn't a basic genre?
>claiming to be a small indie dev
That's not fair to the Furi Devs.
The Stardew dev actually wants to play his own game so he doesn't piss around on updates too much. Furi devs just want goodboy points and that "easy" money
the DLC looks kind of shit, like the stranger got some silicon implants
not worth being assmad about
The second character plays differently as well.
Small indie company, please understand goyim
Finished Furi today.
>incredible moving speed that goes to a crawl when you engange in blue ring duels
>delayed dodge because it goes off on release instead of press
>disappointing final boss
>shit ending, you were the ayylien all along
>bowing down to journos and give them invincible mode
>janky animations
>too much walking
>30 fps
The gameplay and the controls were what dragged the game down user, everything else about the game was great
>delayed dodge because it goes off on release instead of press
You can charge your dodge for more distance. It is jarring at first, but you can get used to it.
>disappointing final boss
Post the name of the final boss.
>too much walking
This but unironically.
all true
great game