Sure am thankful for Putler killing this game dead.
Sure am thankful for Putler killing this game dead
This but unironically
>westernized """art"""style
No different from when the original game got delayed due to 9/11.
There's still people thinking it will ever come out which is the real funny part.
this and the demon's souls remake should serve as an example of why you don't let american devs handle remakes of japanese games
opinion discard
On the brightside WayForward is never going to get to work directly with Nintendo ever again after this.
You will never be a jap, you will never be accepted by japs, you will never fuck a jap, you will never visit or live in Japan.
OG filtered me so whatever
Egoraptor voicing Max, and to add insult to injury using his normal speaking voice, is already an extremely hard pass.
Nintendo won't ever release the game now since they're afraid of being cancelled for it.
this was literally the only game coming out this year i was hyped about :)
not being hyped about
>AI sequel
>Soul Hackers 2
>Xenoblade 3
Back to r*ddit with you
why would they get cancelled over it?
>AI sequel
>Soul Hackers 2
based taste, not a fan of Xenoblade though but I can see the appeal
>trying to bypass my filters
nice try, fag.
Sorry we are done with Putler the #currentthing is now abortion, the game can come out.
>Egoraptor voicing Max
Please tell me you're joking.
Cause people are more dumb now then when the first games came out.
Nintendo doesnt want to be portrayed as a war monger in hit pieces while trying to promote an all ages Mario movie among other things.
I'm surprised there is no leaked copy.
the funny thing is that there was. and of course it had to be somebody with no cfw
i wish somebody bought her fucking switch to dump it god fucking damn it
You guys think they are going to use the extra Time to improve the game?
That's not how it works.
Why wait for this garbage when the best AW game was released 14 years ago.
wait the game isn't even out and you fags are already shitting on it?
why would anyone care when the superior versions are freely available?
It's just 1 and 2 with mobile shit modern graphics and niggers
Nothing since it'll never come out now.
Did they change the name or something? There are constant wars all over the place.
Shanoa is so cute
>soulless remake #394858392
The gritty reboot geared toward Amerifatts is the worst entry in the series.
basado pootin
Made my GBA copy jump in price.
>remake a game and change barely anything outside the graphics
>art and graphics are very shit
we don't need to wait for anything, the only type of person who has a reason to be excited for this is the type of dweeb who wants to play online multiplayer on a very simple, ancient GBA game
because i want to compare the differences?
For me, it's Mario Strikers. If that, for whatever reason imaginable, gets "delayed" I riot.
Hopefully this means WayForward's relationship with Nintendo is OVAH and Shantae will NEVER EVER be in Smash.
Why single out Putin when there are constantly wars going on around the world? There is literally never an "appropriate time" to release this game.
you sound like a faggot
>people that like this chibi shit think their opinions are desired
autism doesn't count
You sound like a bigoted racist and homophobe.
Pretty sure they mean putlers war in their announcment.
Disgusting. I will not be buying it now. Thanks for the heads up. Looking forward to the Front Missions remakes!
it counts for me :)
i've already played the originals over and over, i want to see them in a new light. i want to see what content they will add. i want to pirate the nsp on my hacked switch
The whole advance wars series was geared for the american audience, retard.
They "delayed it indefinitely and reversed all the preorders systematically".
Which is to say they cancelled it and just aren't telling people yet.
who cares
just pirate the gba games. its the same shit
>just pirate the gba games
That would be illegal. I'm not breaking the law to play video games.
>Soulless Hacks 2
then buy them on the wii u eshop p-sure they were re-released to its vc
Fuck that's disgusting, calarts bullshit.
weren't way forward struggling to implement basic online functionality? I wouldn't be surprised if they kept fucking it up and Nintendo pulled the plug since it looks shit anyway. FE was more niche than AW before it blew up, why waste or water down a potential revival of an old IP on this piece of shit?
Clearly someone from WF was blowing someone at NoA given it had no plans of even being released in Japan. Probably as an excuse to get closer to Nintendo.
Should have went with a dead Nintendo franchise without the baggage.
>AI sequel
Cautiously optomistic, Uchi has been hit and miss over the years and the fact that Date is back in a dead man's body has me believing there's gonna be some uchi fuckery involving shifting. If it's got some perversion and laughs I'll let it slide though.
A persona 1/2 reboot died for that
Finally got back to 2 after dropping it for so long and while I still don't like it as much as 1 and X, I'm remembering how much I love Xeno in general. Still got golden age and definitive to beat before July though. Based Nintendo, you've heard of games getting delayed, but have you heard of them getting hastened?