Comes out today, but it's not out yet?

Comes out today, but it's not out yet?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Best Chapter finally getting their own game
>Barely anyone on Yea Forums cares
Absolute state of this board

But user told me this was the worst chapter?

>Grey Knights
>Best chapter

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Just 2 moar min

>NURGLE Daemons at that
>With some Khorne maybe slapped on
Already boring.

>Got Y'shtola's VA
>Also have Andy Serkis
They had money for development what the hell

Has really good reviews too and gameplay looks solid. Finally a good WH40k game?

The artstyle is really weird. It has modern Blizzard Warcraft look.
Bizarre that Blizz stole fantasy warhammer for warcraft, and now devs take WoW aesthetic for W40k games.
I still want to play it, the customization looks neat. Shame about denuvo.

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>Inquisitorial lapdogs
>respect xenos by giving spirit stones back
>got claped by the space wolves and deserved it
>no primarch, closest thing is knock off doom guy with plot armor
>"best chapter"

want to try it but it has denuvo

I feel like GK is a great cameo chapter but when you lose the mystique through seeing their day-to-day you lose a lot of the "heroism." Same shit as when they decided to detail the Horus Heresy and make all the characters whiny pieces of shit.
I really want to try this game but it's full price and looks like shit. The cinematics look amateurish and everyone looks like a WoW character - though that last bit is mostly GWs fault.
The class and gear system seem compelling but the 3 member squad just seems really braindead. How can interesting could combat be with a two-turn system using only 3 characters?


Just need to download it, work through the night for a fue diligence excercise and I'll be able to play it ;_;

I believe you have 4 characters, not 3.

Tranny game, won't support it.


this board only talks about gacha shit vpol stuff.

>you might not be able to tell but I'm an inquisitor
>as indicated by the tattoo and the necklace and the tit

user was misinformed
>Space fury thinks his opinion matters
>Gets clapped by the space wolves
Having better things to do than fighting space furies is getting clapped?
Tbh I'm probably going to wait a few days to see how things go. Warhammer Vidya is always a fucking dice roll on whether it's going to be shit or not, I remember feeling the same way about Mechanicus before that came out.

Watch one of the behind the scenes trailers for the game. Spot the troon.

Sell me on this game. I'm semi interested.

It's just another 40k nuXCOM clone.

XCOM but WH40k

>OMG I cant wait to consume the latest soulless cash grab for braindead consumer pigs who would rather read wiki articles than a sci-fi book!

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Oh yeah. Meh. If the game is good I don't give a fuck.

>consuming bad WHY?........ BECAUSE IT'S JUST BAD OK?

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Damn is 1d4chan dead? I wanted to read up on some GK fatguy lore

Considering most are probably fans of space furies, makes sense they're gatca waifu degens as well

Launch trailer left me waiting for a torrent. The game is expensive af and looks kinda cheap.
Its certainly no Mechanicus ... and that cost like 20 bucks instead of 60.
Still, hoping it actually plays well.

>having better things to do than fighting space furries
user, how is grand Master Joros doing? Did he thought they has better things to do as well?


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Considering the only way the wolves can maintain relevance is through his murder, pretty well.

Nah I think search engines hide it or something

I don't know how anyone can't watch this, see this team, and not be FUCKING HYPE


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It looks like a mobile game, thats how.
I am not quite expecting Deathwing levels of detail, but they could have tried a bit harder.

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>why yes, I dont like playing video games, I just like being a bitch about them on online message boards. How could you tell?

>a woman that understands 40k


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>>why yes, I dont like playing video games, I just like being a bitch about them on online message boards. How could you tell?

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The design on the nurgle demons is super bad. WHY IS IT ALWAYS NURGLE?

CA are the only ones who bothered to do ingame assets for Warhammer 3 and even tho the game is shit their assets are good.

Stop. Doing. Nurgle. You. Fucking. Hacks. Worst faction.

She cute

I'd probably care more if TBS 40k games weren't a dime a dozen

most 40k games have been completely shit for like a decade or more.
excuse me for being cautious.

Impossible franchise to get into
Every new player attempting these games is dropped in the middle of a 50000 year old lore dump
Zero context is given
Anyone who says “bro it’s a self contained story just treat it like that” is wrong and doesn’t understand basic story structuring
Gameplay mechanics are trite and have been done better by other RPGs
The only things warhammer has going for it is the aesthetic and the tabletop, and lol if you actually try to get into the tabletop without a hefty disposable bank account
Massive shame considering again the aesthetics are fun
Before you ask, I’ve tried the total war games, inquisitor, space hulk, mechanicus
And for fantasy, vermintide 2

Do you guys reckon 40k is ever going to get the fantasy to age of sigmar treatment?

There's some on the Space Marine 2 team as well, we're in for new star wars levels of kino.

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>Crowe costs an extra £10

wow what a shit game

Excuse me while i 360° from this thread and run away

cope and seethe

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you re too mabitious, i dont care and i never intend to play tableshit, I just saw some of the big videos on youtube about factions because it interested me, loved vermintide 1 2 and the music, played mechanicus and loved the settings + music, and time to time different games or interent shit put me back into it, despite my understanding being quite surface. no it has more than the aesthetic, the settign and big basic lore implications like necrons, chaos god, warp etc, factions all make for crazy shit that is engaging

its not like you need to understand everything when you play the games. just get the basic and enjoy the crazy but kinda credible setting


Don't get me wrong, I have no love for them, and very little for the Imperium, that's why it's funny to me how you admit that the grand Master got murdered by an irrelevant chapter, after ordering them to surrender, suddenly had "better things to do" and still are the "best chapter"

I am not sure they have a choice in that user. GW is notoriously difficult to work with on a video game. They are known to restrict the scope of a game to ensure it stays within the IP they can sell.

And? That's pretty generous price, the real model would cost you more (although it's worth)

In this game, you play as the elitest elite of the elite, fight fire with fire kinda guys.
Yes, GW sucks at not making even more elite kind of force every two years and shitting the setting up with it.
Anyway, your job is to kill anyone and everyone that looks alien or thinks impure thoughts.
Thats about everything you need to know to play it.

>friend of mine went from collecting dinosaur fossils to collecting warhammer minis

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but the primaris and the custodes and the trimaris and the votann dwarves are stronger

>When you realized this came to be because a guy with a swastika won a tournament because everyone that didn't play with him were automatically disqualified

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Isn't that what the shakeup with Primaris is? Phase out all old models, make some major changes in the setting (Cadia, Dark Imperium) then push a more stylized, more copyrightable series of minis out.

They're on the forefront of fighting some of the worst daemons the galaxy faces. The only thing Space wolves have of note is they killed their grand master. Which chapter sounds more relevant to you?

just play Dawn of War

No, that specific image was because of the BLM protests. The nazi incident was much more recent.

Should I buy this or Battlesector, bros?

Neither since they both worship a corpse lmao

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Seeing this picture, it looks like some PR person was in the office the day of this filming and said "Look guys, the corporate office said we have to have tranny representation because, twitter. So we're gonna flip a coin and one of you is gonna have to put on makeup a turtleneck and a lady's belt and present in this video for a couple minutes.
/flips coin
Looks like Andy is now Adrian, sorry man.

>Come to tournament with a swastika
>win everything by default as every opponent is disqualified from refusal to participate
>take your trophy, refuse to elaborate and leave

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>>Best Chapter finally getting their own game
Raven Guard's in this?

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