objectively correct list
Objectively correct list
imagine knowing every single game of this list.
Mania and Sonic R are the only goos ones
nope, but pic related is
sonic cd is top tier
You're a 100% certified GRADE A braindead retard
>spinball and riders
neck yourself OP
th-thanks sonic
>3ds gens better than console gens
Yeah you're retarded
>3 in Good, 3&K in OK
>Jam in Best
How does this make sense in your mind?
>"Objectively correct list"
>Never played
Yeah, okay.
That was a mistake, they need to be swapped
Sonic 3 is the better half of Sonic 3&K
Sonic Jam is basically 1997 sonic origins, runs better, more options and sonic world
They are fillers and don't matter
fuck you 3d blast and spinball were good
this is the list
They were shit even in 1996
Neither are all that great desu
CD isn't very good
imagine not
Wanna bet that Sega is too retarded to use Jam versions of these games in their newest remaster, again?
Absolutely based
Sonic 3 & Knuckles is fucking horrible
>Sonic 1 better than 2 and 3&k
I don't think they have the source code anymore
Sonic 3 purists who don't like the & Knuckles levels are so fucking weird to me. I'll never understand it.
git gud
For you
Sandopolis sux
Lava Reef sux
Sky Sanctuary sux
Credits sux
Simple as
I hadn't realized how many fucking Sonic games you can only play on Nintendo.
Marble Garden and Carnival night are shit. People overrate hydrocity. Launch base is anti climatic, especially compared to Death Egg zone in Knuckles. Stay mad.
>not liking lava reef or sky sanctuary
how the fuck?
Hydrocity alond is more enjoyable than S&K
I don't accept hand me downs.
Hydrocity is about the same level of enjoyability as Flying Battery.
Wii is the best fucking platform for Sonic games.
Sonic Heroes (best version)
Shadow the Hedgehog (best version)
Sonic Mega Collection Plus (all classic Megadrive games + GameGear games + extra non-Sonic games + a bunch of comfy shit)
Sonic Gems Collection (Sonic CD which was a big deal back then + Sonic R + Sonic the Fighters)
Sonic and the Secret Rings
Sonic and the Black Knight
Sonic Unleashed (Wii version, which isn't too bad)
Sonic 4 Episode 1 (it's shit but still gonna mention it)
Sonic Colors
It's basically the whole Classic and Edgy era on one console before the Unleashed/Colors soft-reboot. You're only missing 06.
Sonic Heroes is a game I've seen universally canned as a buggy piece of trash that sucks cock, but everyone that shits on it will end up admitting they like it. What makes Heroes so endearing?
The original sonics were mediocre and as jank as they are 3D>2D
>Scratch and Grounder in S Tier
Can't even argue with that. Exquisite taste.
how do i get good at 2D sonic games
And people complain about the number of CODs or Need for Speeds.
>I'm shit at video games
>so it must be the game's fault
lmao even
Press down when you're running at high speeds.
Cods are litteraly the same fucking game and no one cares about NFS anyways
>Jam over CD
Off to a pretty bad start
This is more like it. Can't believe OP didn't even list Sonic Adventure 1
>Sonic 1
>Marble zone is good
>Labirynth zone is good
It's ok
It is, in bad
>says they will stop selling toys
>still sells toys
You don't have to go fast all the time, especially if you're not familiar with the levels.
>no segasonic
Fake fan
Superb: Mania
Great: 2, 3&K, Adventure 2, Generations
Okay: Mean Bean Machine, Colours, Advance 1
Meh: 1, CD, Adventure, Heroes, Unleashed
Shit: 3D Blast, Spinball, 4 ep1.
They are easy as fuck lmao just get good at them
This is it
Depends on the game. 2D Sonic can mean Sonic 3, Sonic Rush, one of the Game Gear titles
Which game/level is giving you trouble?
>playing Flickies' Island
>the game's unironically a blast
What the fuck? You guys told me it was shit.
>Generations on the same tier as sonic R
It's alright. Sonic is a bit too slippery and typical problems with platforming in isometric perspective apply to it as well. On the other hand I got back into video games because I decided to play it again.
mania but i want to get around to the the genesis trilogy + CD soon enough
so weird Omochao has now been forgotten at this point
feels like yesterday people were constantly complaining how annoying he was