Post FOTMs that were extremely obvious, but retards never listened

Post FOTMs that were extremely obvious, but retards never listened.

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Shame, the game could have been fantastic but the devs never bothered updating it and instead bought a horse.

>bought a horse

i spent 100 hours in the game. the sailing mechanics are the best ive seen in a video game.

Game is still fun for at least 20 hours, unless you are totally burnt out on survival games. It wasn't a bad deal, if you bought the game as it was.

Valheim is a fine game.

I paid what 12 bucks and played it for over 100 hours, damn I got scammed

>Played the game for 100 hours
>Much more than many games offered
>NoOooOo It's FoTm!!>!>!! yOU CnaT haVe FUNNnNnnn!!!,

You haven't played a lot of videogames then
Every time I post something negative about fotmheim someone posts this "i played my XX hours, it's good for its price" bullshit like a clear shills they are.
Compare this game to fucking Terraria and ask yourself what the fuck are you doing with your life

Only put 120 hours into it. This is way too short for a game of this type. I feel kinda scammed2a4ay

Yea this, I would like to see something like this where you can build on the boat somewhat.

Add a ton more bosses, armours, weapons and NPCs to find (or even take home and have do certain tasks for you like in Conan Exiles) and it would be pretty good I feel. Im not going to play it again till its out of EA, but Im curious to see where it goes.

every time one of you retards posts it's baffling to me how you can't value a product for what it is
>compare it to terraria
okay, valheim has more content than terraria when it released, what's your point?

>something negative
Oh you mean just vague opinion like "Hurrr Durr It's FOTM!!" ??
Sure, I can do the same.
No it's not FOTM because it's GOAT.

What is actually wrong with a game being FOTM? If you play a game for a month isn’t that pretty good? Is there anything actually wrong with playing until you burn out and then shelving the game until early access adds the rest of the content? I built a cool-as-fuck little fishing/smithy/homestead on the shore of a lake with ocean access. I didn’t even really explore much of the plains area but I’ll probably go back to it once mistlands are added.

nothing, just another phrase parroted by retards

>play terraria for many hours
>feel satisfied with purchase
>play valheim for many hours
>feel satisfied with purchase

It's the same faggot making hate threads I would unironically wager, there are some mentally ill faggots on this website. Instead of lanced jack we have different variations of schizo, regardless though OP is wrong because they are updating game. Infact I bet 10 dollarydoos the underage cunt is actively playing it and malding out.

Terraria was supported by the devs from day 1, while fotmheim if dropped and forgotten
This is not some vague opinion. From the very beginning it was clear to me that this is some day one shit product to grab people's attention for a month with the help of twitch streamers and that it pushes it's marketing budget way higher, than development. But you retards pretetended like it's the best game ever, that it's like Terraria in 3d.
It was just another broken underdevelped survival game like rust, ark, conan and all that shit, nothing new, for fuck's sake.

Valheim is fucking great. But the devs are worthless retards who took forever for even a minor update. I put over 100 hours into it in a few weeks, played with friends, played solo, beat the game. It's an awesome game. I'll go back once we get a new biome/big update. The hearth and home expansion was meh after all that waiting. I think they updated mountains but I would like a new biome desu.

Op is a tr*nny who spams this thread constantly. The game is good, go kys

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This OP has been debunked so many times already. Can you please fucking stop you autistic piece of shit.

This is second time I make this thread. The first time I did it half a year ago, when the game didn't have any substantial updates. And guess what, still nothing.
And I remember back in early 2021 when Yea Forums was filled to the brim with shitty threads about this BEST SURVIVAL GAME SINCE JESUS

>It's le bad because it didn't met my expectation
Sounds like it's just a YOU problem.
Most people that bought the game enjoyed it and as evidence played for 100+ hours.

You schizos always bring out the twitch streamers but don't realize it costs tens of thousands to get sponsorship deals with them, not something two Swedish dudes could afford after leaving their jobs to work full time on the game. Not only that but these deals would be public knowledge. Only thing streamers did was throw fuel into the fire, it was already popular before it got big on Twitch at which point streamers picked it up because they just play what's popular at the time as naturally that gets them a lot of views.

Can you name me some good things about it besides "I played it for 100 hours, that means it’s good"? What makes it better than any other survival shitfest? Because it has less content, which is the most important thing for a game like this. What makes it unique? Art-style? Setting with vikings?

What's the point?
You're just gonna dismiss every good things people listed as "I don't like it, so it doesn't count"
Else, you would have accepted that the game is good enough for most people when they discussed about the game in daily threads for the whole month.

>Terraria was supported by the devs from day 1, while fotm heim if dropped and forgotten
What would it take for people like you to be content with progress. Within reason, what does the game NEED to be finished, not what you wish the game was, but what it needs.

Just admit that you have nothing good to say

all other survival games are pvp cancer or just extremely autistic, valheim is strictly solo or co-op and doesn't try to be ultra hardcore, I'm surprised it took someone this long to make one like it

the biggest draw for me are the building mechanics, they're very intuitive and fun to play around with, building your little base while listening to the comfy soundtrack

I liked the selection of building pieces and structures you can create. Much better than minecraft imo and obviously way better than trash like don't starve. Also just liked the combat, art style, and the element of building multiple bases and the world getting progressively more dangerous as you go further out.

Only cons imo are that the last 3 biomes werent finished and the bronze era is a little too grindy. I only have like 60 hours in it right now but i plan on going back once they finish all the biomes. Dont care if it takes them a long ass time as i have plenty of other shit to play

Oh sweet a valheim thread.
What do we think of the upcoming update bros?

Whatever man.
I'm not going to waste my time to try changing the mind of someone that is dead set not to be change.
I don't even have to convince you the game is good because your opinion doesn't matter to me and won't change how I view the game and my experiences with the game.
Have a good day, sir.

I like the building, its straightforward and works well, coupled with the sailing its a really pleasant game to just explore. Like being away from your main base for several days as you look for resources then coming home on your boat full of materials to see your base on the horizon feels pretty good, the way it incentivizes exploring for materials is actually pretty good, you cant teleport with them so you have to bring your hauls back home and plan that journey each time.

Its also nice to see one of these survival games have a goal and gameplay loop rather than just gathering things simply for the sake of staying alive.

Sailing feels great. Going on an adventure to another island takes preparation and time. Most people will think of this as pointless tedium but it adds weight to your successes, bringing back a haul of ore feels like an accomplishment because you know the effort that it took. Not to mention that travelling 20 mins by boat to some far off place means that chancing death is even more risky so you feel extra tension. If you build something impressive it might require 1000s of stone/wood and it feels incredible when you know the work that was required to accumulate those resources. The building mechanics force you to be creative since you need load bearing pieces. I’d like some more variety but there are some truly incredible builds if you look for them.

thats what i thought dumb retard

I don't know I'll let you know when it's out next year, maybe

Valheim's problem is lack of content. What IS there is very good, though.

>valheim is strictly solo or co-op and doesn't try to be ultra hardcore
All those survival games have highly customizable servers. Most of them can easily be played comfy coop without any additional settings, though. Also, valheim's combat is fucking clunky, and it makes it way sweatier than it is.
>the biggest draw for me are the building mechanics, they're very intuitive and fun to play around with
>I liked the selection of building pieces and structures you can create
>I like the building, its straightforward and works well
How THE FUCK is this even a point? Fucking seriously? It has the most basic building mechanic ever like any other game like it, holy fucking shit. Are you valheim fans for real?

You get your money's worth.
This is not a $40 Wolcen-type scam. It's a cheap sandboxy game that stands out within its genre even if it's not the absolute number 1 with a ground breaking content. If devs promised you the moon and started chopping off content then I would understand your argument but the game seems pretty honest about what it has.


>Are you valheim fans for real?
Why do you care so much? Lol lmao
I paid less than 20euro for +200 hours of fun. Cry about it.

>How THE FUCK is this even a point?
Called it.
Nigger just gonna dismiss everything others had said.

are you a salty conan dev or something? did you invest thousands of hours into ark and now you're bitter it's shit and dead?

I feel like if they just wrapped it up and bug fixed and added mod support people could just run with it, like adding more enemy types, equipment and zones as well as systems (mods have added scuffed magic). Modders always dive harder than developers with their games, and I feel they could make some interesting things with this like they did with Minecraft, where you have several mods that turn it into an actual game rather than just building.

I haven't seen a world that was more fun to sculpt to my aesthetics since Minecraft. Building in Valheim is absolutely wonderful, especially since you have to take structural integrity into account. I also enjoy how each boss opens up a new aspect of building.
I play it slowly and methodically; I like to let the landscape provide inspiration and build little cottages here and there (along with building up the main village). It's a wonderful feeling to wander past a build you made three days ago and remember how it all came together.
Maybe it's an expectations thing. I feel like the people who insult this game as "just a fotm" are the ones who PLAYED it like a fotm, boss-rushing and being a locust for content. Spending a little more time and slowly making the world your own makes for a wonderful experience. I play it like Minecraft or Farming Simulator and have myself a wonderful time.

Never play a game developed by swedes unless you want to wait forever for small updates. Goes double if it's early access.

What you guys think about grounded?
I love the game so much when I tried it on gamepas.
But the game seems to be stuck in development hell and it's not coming out after so long.

Sounds like Swedes have this work-life balance thing figured out and you need to lay off the sugar, zoomie

I am not an autist, there is a reason for me to get angry, by the way. I saw lots of content online and the game seemed like just another typical survival game, which I always like the idea of, but all the games were kinda mediocre. When
I saw a lot of threads here on Yea Forums - place, where I usually trust people's judgement (not anymore, though), I asked what makes Valheim better, and they named all this things like it has much better building, it has this great feel of adventure, cool combat and bosses. Then I bought it, clearly 2 hours weren't enough to understand that everything people say were fucking lies. So i played more and found nothing people were shilling here at all. Year later - zero interesting content, so fuck my money, I guess.
That's why FUCK YOU, I will always remind you of this massive marketing fuckup.

I remember the insane hyperbolic shilling of this game on this board

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sounds like a skill issue
post some screenshots of the hovels you built, lmao

I thought it was a comfy experience. What's wrong with it? It was cheap, so it certainly wasn't cost. You're not poor are you user?

I don’t get this criticism? I got tons of hours of really fun gameplay with other people for what…like $20?

Splatoon 1 & 2
Vermintide 2
Halo Infinite

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>How THE FUCK is this even a point? Fucking seriously?
Youre one of those people that ask someone to name their favourite game in an argument about good games, and then you say their choice is shit even when you actually dont believe that or havent played it.

People actually care about the building mechanics when its there, people that like to make things might actually like that the mechanics for it are good.

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I like the concept, but I wish it was less kid-friendly with the whole UI and talking characters. I'd much prefer it being more Forest-like with more horror-elements.

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Whats wrong with Vermintide 2? I thought it was great, infact I might go play it now that I remember it, I wish there was more games in the L4D format. Theyre effortlessly fun.

Don't care, had fun.

>community really wants mounts
>is super vocal about it
>devs donate a fucking pony to a riding club instead
>"and don't get any ideas, this doesn't mean there will be horses in the game"

Grandmaster level trolling. Holy shit.

What's wrong with a game being fun for a while?

I don't see people praising other games with similar building as Valehim, though? Why?

>What is actually wrong with a game being FOTM?
Poorfags can't afford to buy a new game every month. This is why they get so salty about literally everything. Being poor is a constant state of cope that's taxing.

Actually, the whole kid-friendly approach is what makes it interesting to me.
I'm tired of all the survivor = edgy elements other games offer.
And also sometimes games like ARK completely ruined their aesthetic with all the weird ass art direction it is going for.
This game is pleasant to look at, and it's a really fun twist to all the other survivor game out there.

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I feel that if it wasnt children themed they could basically make a sort of monster hunter open world survival game with a bug theme, which would be fucking rad. I wanted to see more horror elements and cool shit made out of bug materials.

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you eat too many sugar cereals

some people on this site have been so mentally broken by the fact that normies and redditors also occasionally enjoy videogames, that they have to be contrarian for the sake of being contrarian to the point where they sound like shizos - case in point:

People will discuss lore for years and compare every open-world game to this for years until elden ring 2. This is not a fotm, even though I admit there was a lot of shilling going on here.