Kris goes by they/them so that the player can interpret them however they want

>Kris goes by they/them so that the player can interpret them however they want.
>But Kris is their own character and isn't the player's self-insert.
Can someone explain to me in what world the second statement counters the first?

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>Kris goes by they/them so that the player can interpret them however they want.

old meme that was never true even during Undertale days

>But Kris is their own character and isn't the player's self-insert.

how it actually is canonically

That doesn't answer his question, retard.

The truth is that Toby makes a conscious effort to use "they/them" for brownie points but has to fight back the instinct to use "he/him", as evidenced by the several slip-ups over the years when discussing Undertale characters like Frisk, Napstablook, Monster Kid, etc.
They are male but paintcoated into "ambiguous" for special points.

Kris is they/them because they're more than one person

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>the several slip-ups
so we actually know what the kids from the first games were?

if you look at Kris and think he doesn't look like a man, you're actually retarded

Frisk is male. Monster kid is male. Napstablook is male. Don't know about Chara.

Kris is a male sounding name

Kris goes by they/them because when he was eight Toriel read in a book that you shouldn't assume a human's gender and took him door to door telling everyone they were supposed to call him "they" from now on.

Kris is very blatantly male though the undertale protag I agree was clearly intentionally ambiguous.

I want to have a sleepover at Kris' house where we end up experimenting sexually with ourselves late at night

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This man knows.

I feel like you could argue that characters addressing Kris as they/them isn't any more canon than Ralsei explaining the battle mechanics as if the HUD exists in the world
or those characters aren't actually sure what gender Kris is
or this

Also, it's perfectly valid to use they/them to refer to known men and women. That is the point of they/them; you can use them for fucking anyone and they can't bitch about you not respecting their pronouns because you used the universal pronoun.

>>Kris goes by they/them so that the player can interpret them however they want.
This was always cope.
Toby is an transbian egg and likes to project that onto his characters.

I dont give a fuck if some dipshit wants to use they/them pronouns as long as they dont get butthurt about it
where i draw the line however is retarded made-up pronouns like xir zir gir or whatever

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Kris is obviously male, even the very first scene in his room has a "brothers" implication.

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Can we please stop getting a hissy fit over this shit? I'm seeing it all over the place.

Just call him whatever the fuck you want to. They. He. She. His gender doesn't fucking matter to the story. Unless it's

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>His gender doesn't fucking matter to the story.
it clearly does, otherwise he would just be male and that's it

That's the joke. (You) are basically using Kris as a literal flesh puppet so (you) can keep self-inserting into the Undertale universe. All of Chapter 2 was about this if you paid attention to the subtext.

Actual!Kris is a prank-loving goblin of a child who also kills it at the piano but (you) have apparently torn him away from the people and things he loves. The ending was him taking his life back by dumping (you) in the Dark World.

No, it doesn't. Characters calling him "they/them" has no significance to the story. And if you're gonna mention that it's meant to separate the player; there's so many other ways that show that, ones that actually show a difference between the two. (Personality, childhood, family and friends, dialogue choices).

they/them is only valid if the gender of the person being spoken of is unknown you dumb tranny. YWNBAW

>No, it doesn't. Characters calling him "they/them" has no significance to the story.
then why don't they just call him a dude?

What was the story significance of Frisk being "they", then? No, you can't say it was for muh plot twist because they is only used AFTER the plot twist is revealed.

Because it doesn't fucking matter, retard. That's my point. It has no significance to the story. It wouldn't change a damn thing if it was "she" or "he".


if the game was released before the whole tranny fad started frisk would definitely be male but now toby has to dance around it with the they/them nonsense.

the entire story is just one big allegory for a trans kid escaping from the reality that hates them

Yeah that's all well and good but what does that have to do with referring to Kris as they/them instead of say, he/him?

You are the one with the tranny argument here, user.

Thread should end here but it'll easily hit 500 replies because of OP being good bait.

I don't think it's because of the fad. Isn't Mr. "eat shit faggots" supposed to be a representation of gay self-hate or something? Pretty sure Toby's just always been like this.

Or, you know, if the video game is doing the thing they often do with protagonists?

Then it's bad as a video game. It's jarring and takes me out of the dialogue.

Kris goes by cute

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look at him go

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gote bussy

Kris is they/them so that people still could ship Kroelle

But lesbians hate fake women intensely.

>those wide as fuck shoulders
Kris is male.

>kris is """non-binary"""
>all the tumblr fags want suselle to happen
>toby subverts everyone's expectations by making kriselle canon instead
>"kris is non-binary, remember? i thought we needed more non-binary romance representation instead"
>the entirety of tumblr/twitter implodes on itself because of this
toby is playing 5D chess with those faggots, and they're already in a forced mate

Toby is a faggot and panders to the non binary crowd. Actual, biological women don't give a damn about Kris's gender and pretty much everybody draws him as a guy.

Two niggas

Already overused meme

They are not "universal", they are used in the contexts where something is either genderless (objects) or whose gender is unknown. It would sound incredibly awkward to use them outside of those contexts because nobody does it. At that point you might as well be making up new words on the spot.

as long as the gays lose I'm fine

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maybe monsters can't tell human sexes apart so toriel and asgore taught kris to use they/them to besafe

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Isn't it canon that Toriel was reading books about humans and shit? Considering how Kris grew up in that small community, it wouldn't make sense for the monsters to not know that he is a dude. It's like owning a dog for 8 years and never bothering to check.

Everything, dummy. Calling him "they/them" is putting up a pretext that he's a self-insert character, which the game then subverts.

>It would sound incredibly awkward to use them outside of those contexts
No it doesn't.
Fuck off tranny.

Yeah, there's a "How to Raise a Human" book in the library and you can see Toriel checked it out around the time Kris would be an infant.

>Isn't Mr. "eat shit faggots" supposed to be a representation of gay self-hate or something?


Is this fake?

>he isn't aware

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A book he's mortified by for the record

imagine how fast toby's tranny fanbase would crucify him if they were aware of the stuff he made before trannytale

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No it doesn't, they're meant to be a self insert for the player, their gender is ambiguous so that anyone can feel represented by them.

origins is a shit map with a shit plot

kris is trans and yes they are supposed to be a self insert for trans players (majority of the playerbase)

they know, but toby's such a holy cow that they dont need to bring it into the light. that could change if toby ever runs foul of his fanbase, but who knows