Lets be honest this isn’t the game we wanted and we’re coping because need to. This game has a lot issues people are overlooking. This doesn’t feel like Elden Ring it’s just dark souls 4 with a less interesting story and lore. It’s not that hard and the exploring isn’t fun after the first time. Idk it’s just not what I expected fromsoftware.
Is Elden Ring overhyped?
Yes. I steamrolled up to Margit with magic and stopped playing
no, not really.
contrarians should neck themselves
So you got filtered after an hour of messing around?
and the tiny area that is left on that map is also completely empty or fog covered nothing. you dont explore. theres like 4 points of interest in the entire zone. you just run around looking for grace or the church or the bosses. its not fun. theres nothing to see or do.
>This doesn’t feel like Elden Ring
I might agree with you but you can't say the only game named Elden Ring "doesn't feel like Elden Ring"
Also I still find it fun
You just hate it because it is very, very, very popular and universally praised.
So as a mental retaliation you have no control over, you start digging for everything you might interpret as being a flaw and then blow it over a hundred fold in order to justify being overly critic to a really good game.
Shitty ass bait thread. Hating something popular or something that a large majority thinks is good dose not make you an interesting person user. You look like a contrarian cuck.
I've absolutely loved everything up until reaching Consecrated Snowfields, they retroactively ruined the entire Mountaintop area as well, then ruined Haligtree and Farum Azula to the point where I'm taking a break so I can appreciate the rest of the game
>Lets be honest this isn’t the game we wanted and we’re coping because need to.
sounds like you are the one coping OP
Discord thread
It's a really fun, interesting and beautiful, seethe more shazamnigger
Paint the whole sea area red while you are at it and say it's bs
Bro this map is huge and packed.
I remember when I teleported to Farum Azula through the belfry and how it expanded the map all the way to the right, then add that to the visage of the huge floating city in front of me, I was awe stuck, simple as that, I just stood there, completely amazed.
I don't remember the last time it happened to be in a video game before, or if it had ever happened in my 26 years of playing games.
Mountains were based
Found the insecure redditor
Contrarian is what conformists call sigma males
More interesting than people who like anything popular at least
Stop samefagging, this is sad
Holy shit go back
Yes it is:
>Open world brings entire pace to a halt, you need to ride your horse for 10 minutes for each item to loot or enemy to kill
>Progression system is fucked, you can't upgrade more than 2 weapons to max levels without extensive farming since everything needs 200 stones
>You fight against same bosses at least like 10 times, it has only 6 unique bosses, I fought against Godskin Duo at least 4 times before reaching Farum Azula
>Faith sucks, you get to have good faith weapons only after you finish 70% of the game which is like 90 hours, it doesn't matter anyways because you will spam Blasphemous L2 afterwards because everything else is weak against late game enemies. You get good faith spells much early tho.
>Combat generally sucks, they should've copied Bloodborne combat, which is way faster. Slowest weapon in BB is faster than fastest weapon in ER. Enemies are also faster than BB.
>Lacks build variety for a 200 hours long game. Only viable builds are quality(STR focused), int ,fth+int(SoN&F) and arc. It has less build variety than BB which says alot.
>Side quests are dogshit outside of Volcan Manor. All of them ends exactly the same(quest giver dies, be sad now! xd).
>Optional content is dogshit most of the time. Only legacy dungeons are good.
>Even unique bosses are dogshit because all of them are Nameless King now. Except Radahn which is cool.
>Visually no difference coming from Dark Souls or Demon's Souls. I would say even worse because it lacks the soul. Picrel.
>No memorable legacy dungeon designs outside of Farum Azula due to it's visuals. Literally all of them are ''abandoned castle'' btw but Farum Azula is at least ''flying abandoned castle''.
>Being able to fast travel to everywhere from anywhere was a mistake. Kills all the tension. Which isn't even necessary since you get bonfires for every 5 steps..
>shazamtranny opinion
I bet if you searched OP's image in the archive, it'll come up with 10 very similar threads
I doubt... you could even imagine it.
>See a bunch of Skeletons guarding a corpse, kill them and find a Poisonbloom in that corpse.
That which commanded the stars.
>See a bunch of Poison Mushrooms guarding a corpse, kill them and find an Arteria Leaf in that corpse.
Giving life... its fullest brilliance.
>Go up a remote cliffside and see a clever drop with a hidden corpse next to a firecamp, find a Turtle Neck Meat in that corpse.
>See a bunch of Bats guarding a corpse, kill them and find a Golden Rune (1) in that corpse. Exact same thing happens less than 5 minutes later.
>See a bunch of Highwaymen guarding a chest, kill them and find 5 Mushrooms in that chest.
>See a bunch of Wolves guarding two corpses, kill them and find a Glowstone and a Golden Rune (1) in those corpses.
By someone...
>See a Giant Miranda Flower and a bunch of small Miranda Flowers guarding two corpses, kill them and find an Immunizing Cured Meat and a Golden Rune (2) in those corpses.
Or something...
>See a bunch of Demi-Humans guarding a corpse, kill them and find a Hefty Beast Bone in that corpse.
Don't tell me... you don't see it...
>See a bunch of Demi-Humans guarding a corpse, kill them and find Crab Eggs in that corpse.
>See a Big Land Octopus and a bunch of small Land Octopuses guarding a corpse, kill them and find a Golden Rune (1) in that corpse.
It burns...
This is my first soulsborne and in fucking addicted the game is insanely good
Hopefully westerners realise this is the gameplay people want and make simils games with better story and npcs
>Lets be honest this isn’t the game we wanted and we’re coping because need to.
It's a souls game, and that's what I wanted.
he means the snow area obviously
>first soulsborne
this goes for everyone who blindly defends ER calling everyone who doesn't like it a shazamtroon or a discord raider
Op here
I’m gonna call you retarded because that’s not what we’re talking about. The older souls games were better and not
You fucking Reddit user you even space like one. My point is this game is different from what was shown in trailers. Instead this game is generic and not very passionate. In some areas of the game yes this game is fun
>new giant area
But let’s say you explore for 5 mins you get a shitty catacomb, a shitty boss you fought before, and a trash reward.
This game is beyond easy too even without all the broken abilities.
Elden Ring won’t be saved by nostalgia after a year - five years.
OP also to all the drones saying to pre order and trust this company. Fuck you guys hide like Jews because your opinion constantly changes like one.
>Lets be honest this isn’t the game we wanted and we’re coping because need to
Who's "We"?
Its B team, user. Like DaS 2&3.
A team are working on something else
I didn’t anything? My opinion is valid retarded nigger.
Are you retarded?
You guys say this when you can’t dispute what the person is saying and shows you have a low IQ.
Yea Forums doesnt use your shazamtranny discord memes user. Take your meds and realize the reality youre in the minority
Oh no wonder it’s so trash that explains everything.
Nvm yeah that will do it.
Still filtered nonetheless
Op here again to perfectly describe Elden Ring it’s like all LED lights you put on your PC. That’s great but is it a good PC?
Girls say filtered to you IRL. No wonder you’re this pathetic.
Still filtered however
Nigger I don’t speak retard. I understand you think I’m a tranny for having a high IQ but can you shut the fuck up drone?
>get bored of game
sure buddy
Clearly not. Thank God you won’t breed then stay here forever.
>shazamtranny pretending to be retarded
It comes naturally to you, I bet
Still filtered nonetheless
I don't understand everybody's issue with Consecrated Snowfields.
>You need to ride your horse for 10 minutes for each item to loot or enemy to kill
>Progression system is fucked, you can't upgrade more than 2 weapons to max levels without extensive farming since everything needs 200 stones
>Faith sucks, you get to have good faith weapons only after you finish 70% of the game which is like 90 hours, it doesn't matter anyways because you will spam Blasphemous L2 afterwards because everything else is weak against late game enemies.
>Slowest weapon in BB is faster than fastest weapon in ER.
>Lacks build variety for a 200 hours long game. Only viable builds are quality(STR focused), int ,fth+int(SoN&F) and arc
>Side quests are dogshit outside of Volcan Manor. All of them ends exactly the same(quest giver dies, be sad now! xd).
>Optional content is dogshit most of the time. Only legacy dungeons are good.
>Even unique bosses are dogshit because all of them are Nameless King now.
>Visually no difference coming from Dark Souls or Demon's Souls.
>No memorable legacy dungeon designs outside of Farum Azula due to it's visuals. Literally all of them are ''abandoned castle'' btw
>Being able to fast travel to everywhere from anywhere was a mistake. Kills all the tension.
False. You'd rather ride 10 minutes on Torrent to get everywhere?
I've never seen such shitter opinions and straight up demonstrably false information. As a result I must conclude that your post is bait.
Everything from soft does is massively overhyped. They make empty, lifeless worlds with nothing characters and consider item description text good storytelling.
Good games though
I did not follow any of the hype and I am satisfied with it. Best Fromsoft game in my opinion.
I’m just too smart for this board. Unfortunately this means I’m lonely dealing with idiots who in circles and have no convictions.
Go memorize the map, go through the easy catacomb, go through the same boss you fought before and get the crap item. (Which makes you not want play)
Go play the shitty unbalanced PVP
Go play the bosses that spam nothing but shit moves (Elden Beast)
Go watch the lore videos because this game has a lacking story
Go watch the YouTube videos for the quests
Go through the main areas of the game and speed running because that’s only real fun after beating the game besides PVP which is the worse one player vs players system so far
Go and consume brain dead normie don’t think about what you’re doing just get high and have fun
Go and consume Reddit tier memes
Go enjoy yourself don’t question quality over quantity
Consume retard because it’s what you’re good at
>Lets be honest this isn’t the game we wanted
Speak for yourself discord tranny. Most fun I've had in a video game in 6 years.
>I ENJOY video games
>I WILL NOT let discord trannys manipulate my opinions
>I WILL NOT let them make me start hating vidya
>they WILL NOT brainwash me into becoming a porn addicted freak
>they ARE NOT WOMAN. and NEVER will be.
man fromsoftware fans are different breed of stupid next to gta
>im an npc
We know
The lack of build variety in this game is insane too.
Why are humans so dumb?
Pointing out the flaws in something doesn't mean you hate it, stupid.
Op here it’s because I played the other games and have a high IQ. I’m sorry for having a high IQ. Reread this thread again until your adhd processes what I wrote.
this game should've been fantastic but dear god is it tedious and broken as hell especially the open world aspect completely fucking it over.
and the Elden Ring fanbase is by far the worst only rivaled by the Dark Souls 2 Dung eaters
That’s mean it’s not hard you fucking idiot. Does anyone actually think this game is hard after the starting point? Do any of you guys have standards? Or just more
can't believe this is just more of the same shit from dark souls 3, it's literally dark souls 3 but with an open world gimmick no one asked for
it was a fun timewaster, but I'm still quite disappointed
Why be a person just consume you fucking moron after society is failing or something