You didn't win the match

You didn't win the match

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>black ops cold war
>the LMGs have a slower time to kill than an SMG at long range

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You didn't play the game

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for me, it was ump45 and raffica

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I won the match

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but neither did you

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>no oma


this series was universally hated and no one talked about it during its cultural peak, yet its discussed with nostalgia now here

shitter cope

MW2 was the only call of duty game I enjoyed besides COD 1 with my friends

Children played it then and adults didn't. And now all the adults have left Yea Forums and the children have grown up and come here.

>Extended mags

I won the game.

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For as objectively shit as MW2 was, it was great fun

No one has ever used the thumper

any of you anons still playing this? it's so hard to find lobbies. been going back to the old cods lately out of boredom.

I still miss when those guns became really accurate when you dual wielded them
I remember playing in lobbies which didn't have anyone using them and it was a ton of fun until it got patched out

there's a separate mw2 client now called iw4x it's pretty populated

I think once I got the hang of it I preferred BFBC2 but this game was fucking great at the time.
I still sometimes have the maps looping in my head especially when I'm stressed
Like that quarry level where you get to the top and run behind that building and then you can jump through a hole in the building

the map design is still some of the best in the series. cod4 as well.

>no one talked about it during its cultural peak

games have gotten far worse, there's nothing to do now but look back at nostalgiakino

the biggest crutch in the game
>3 shot kill at any range (oneshots in HC at all ranges)
>almost no recoil
>32 round mags just because
>quick sprint to fire, aim down sight speed and movement because SMG
it only lost to a few guns in close quarters because of the moderate rate of fire, but it was basically the best gun in the game

>thumper while you have a underbarrel grenade launcher
but why?

>had a group of 5 friends who'd riot shield up in S&D all summer
>6 of us using variations of a Riot Shield, RPG7, C4, Smoke, Scavenger, Cold Blooded, Ninja loadout
>Would make bomb sites impossible to break into due to camping them with three guys, C4 everywhere and smoke grenades whenever we needed to confuse people
>Attacking was just as stupid, but more organized as it was all 6 of us going to one objective
>Won countless games doing this shit against people who were probably expecting quickscoping games or tryharding as usual
>The angry verbal abuse post rounds from the enemy team every time

Good times.

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u mad bro

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*Spetznaz enemy AC130 call-out intensifies*

>not SPAS-12

It's the second best weapon in the whole game


Marathon Pro
Lightweight Pro
Commando Pro
Magnum /w Tac Knife
Throwing Knife


Fuck you I used the F2000

OP you idiot
>you didn't get the nuke

>no one talked about it during its cultural peak
Because the people it was culturally significant for were literal kids, you retard. They're now at the age where they're nostalgic for this shit and actually have the capacity to express what made it great without sounding like retards.

At my local LAN cafe, you were either playing MW2, WC3, L4D or CS 1.6

ump is good but acr is the best primary weapon imo. while the mobility is shittier by comparison, the range and all-around performance you get from the acr is more versatile, especially when you factor in the bullshit like grenade launcher + danger close + oma, or stopping power.

Easily the worst weapon in the game
I was pretty bad at the game but i specifically remember that one being a struggle to get the fall camo on

>And now all the adults have left Yea Forums
I haven't.

Yea Forums enjoyed COD and had positive threads about each until the "boycott" faggots started shitting up every thread starting with MW2. The only notable grievance in the titles before MW2 were with COD2 switching to health regen but that was considered a non-issue when almost every weapon in COD2 killed in one to three shots anyway. The same went for COD4, almost everything killed in two or three shots thanks to Stopping Power. That, and the start of "the same game" because Treyarch was made to fill in the two year gap with the knockoffs COD3, WaW and the other console-only titles.

And since MW2 was also 2009, it was the turning point for Yea Forums getting packed full of hyper cynical cunts wanting everything to be the next TORtanic.
COD only started going to shit after the original devs left and Activision put three different B-teams on the series. Everything after MW2, what is looked back on with any fondness?

Is the multiplayer for this game alive on steam? I've been wanting to get it.

Shit, that was the easiest cuz if you aimed at the chest it would bounce up for a headshot. I remember thinking that 15 more head shots would most likely take 2 games and then did it in 1. Easily the fastest I got fall camo on a weapon in that game.

there are a couple hundred people playing vanilla on steam, but like said there is a separate client that typically has more people playing

Hm, sounds fun. So I can buy it on steam or pirate it then join this iw4x thing? Can you do 1v1 matches with it if I want to play against a friend?

Knife Build ALWAYS best Build.
Why shoot twice when I can stab once? Think of your action economy.

You didn't beat it.

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there are 1v1 servers for iw4x, but i believe private matches are for the steam version only. i would recommend buying the steam version but that shit never goes on sale

iw4x has a version available on their website for non steam versions of the game, so that probably would work with a cracked copy. and yeah you can do 1v1s.

Good for zoomers who like to camp in Terminal and noobtube oppenents shooting roof. Scavenger pro doesn't do much when you just stay still and spam granade launcher

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I don't care about winning the match, I care about making you lose ;)

>user has left the lobby

Jesus calm down nigga

This is probably the only instance of
>you didn't beat it
that I actually agree with

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>You will never get back the kino lmgs from call of duty 4
Dakka dakka bros why.

closest i gotten was 22 kills and i got killed by a random throwing knife

I always will use cold blooded and ninja. I hate being detected via UAV
Also vector bros where we at?

vector chad reporting in

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LMGs always get the shaft in shooters that aren't sims, its a universal truth like water being wet and OP sucking dicks

MW2 was objectively a shit game and the only reason people liked it was because of how piss easy it was to get a kill and feel good about yourself


People liked it because it was fun
Literally everything was busted it was great

uh yeah that is fun

It’s so odd how every weapon and perk was just absolutely overpowered. It actually made things pretty fun imo

>AK-47 FMJ with RPG-7
Anyone else?

Also what the actual fuck were they thinking when they made a "heartbeat sensor"?

I was a 16 year old zoomer when MW2 came out. Now that I'm a boomer it's a certified classic. Remember when Yea Forums shat on Halo for ruining FPS with regen health?

>that faggot who camped in the greenhouse on estate