Platinum Games thread


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Do you think they're friends? :D

What an awful headline.

They sold Eidos to focus on shit like this and NFTs!!!

A game doesn't have to sell 20 billion copies just to be considered good and fun.
Babylon's Fall is a good game and despite only having a small community the developers have already confirmed that they are going to continue development on it.
Square Enix is most likely satisfied as it's a game that some people still enjoy and they are a video game company first and foremost.

>Nier Automata developer

Now there's a disingenuous statement if ever there was one.

>always online
There's no reason to buy it anymore since the servers will be shut down in a few months

Metal Gear developer

Kenji Saito is a hack. Metal gear rising was never good

>Babylon's Fall is a good game

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>Babylon's Fall is a good game
it plays like a mobile game with trash mobs and ok-ish bosses, not to mention all the microtransactions and other live service bull shit. the gameplay is shit when you compare it to their other games.

Good, this game sucked ass and everybody could tell from the very first footage. I want Square Enix to be raped non-stop for the next five years. They deserve to be humbled.

Platinum hasn't made a good game since Revengeance

Honestly been on a downwards trend since Transformers, with Nier being an except and that's more due to Taros autism than platinum's gameplay.

Played in multiple betas including ones with NDAs. Game was awful and I have no pity for anyone who didn't listen.

Remember in 2013 when this entire place was
>OHHHHHHHH PLATINUM GAMES SHOULD ADAPT [flavor of the month anime]

everytime they make platinum do a live service game it fails, why can't they understand that. Just have them make an action game

It's clickbait, it works.

Rest in piss
They still have to make a good game
"Character action" games are barely games, even less Platinum cutscene QTE fests

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They were.

thank you totally not viral marketeer

>Platinum gameplay

Platinum didn't do anything, it's largely the same gameplay mechanics from Cavia's Nier, it just cleaned up some of the jank and gave you an overpowered dodge.

>put yoko taro on a mobile game
>instead make a flop
Why didnt they give him a budget for automata 2?

Eidos the studio that killed thief, tomb raider and deus ex? Oh must be a huge loss bro

>Babylon's Fall is a good game and
i stopped reading right there

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Platinum games had some good entries but they are extremely overrated devs.

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>Platinumgames didn't develop Nier Automata
based retard/ It's by far Platinums' most successful game in terms of sales and reception.
What else would you say? "Bayonetta developer platinumgames?" :LMAO. Not even the owner of said IP wants that crap. At least Squeenix is moving forward with Nier despite Squeenix being just as retarded as Sega.

Its all Squarenix's fault

Corporate meddling killed Deus Ex and Mankind Divided is still a great game despite that

Game is shit but who is too blame? P* or SE?

>trying to pin the blame on platinum games when squareenix makes stupid decisions all the fucking time

still mad about bayonetta 2 huh

Ya sure dude
>corporate meddling killed thief 4, mankind divided, avengers and shadow of the tomb raider!!
Or maybe some dumb fucks work at eidos? Could be, possibly.
Selling for 300 mil= "get the fuck out"

SE's big wigs are infamous for their incessant meddling in the game's development as of late.
Their worst enemy lies within. No game can be good, regardless of the developer, if a bunch of old men who have never played a video game in their lives keep calling she shots based entirely on data from excel spreadsheets

I didn't even know much about this Babylon game. What's wrong with it exactly?

It’s probably the worst action game I’ve ever played, it’s up there with DMC2 and Ninja Theory games on the shit pedestal


I don’t give a flying fuck about those other games
Augment your preorder, micro transactions, and breach mode all came from the suits in management

Its incredibly boring and grindy.

>Babylon's Fall is a good game
most people disagree with you

Hows Sol Cresta going for?

>he's still unironically mad about bayonetta 2

get over it already loser

Fuck, platinum is down bad. Zhe fuck happened. Also Bayo 3 when?

>Babylon's Fall is a good game
stopped reading there lmao

>He replies the wrong user

Learn to reply already loser

Sol Cresta is actually pretty good, it would never sell at that price though.

Square might be retarded but Platinum has been on decline for the last decade too
The fact the combat director of MGR made this shows how much they’ve degenerated

Try the demo words can’t describe how terrible the combat feels

I wish someone would make a good co op action dungeon crawler that didn’t involve guns.

Ok eidos employee
Reminder you and your friends are so shit at your job square gave you away for free just to get rid of you
>b-but the negress in mankind divided was corporate meddling!!
>b-but making lara croft flat in shadow of the tomb raider was also corporate meddling!!!!!!

This. Ridiculous if you think Automata sold well because of the gameplay. It's generic action as fuck and barely had any depth even compared to Platinum's other stuff.

all the repliesbtaking this seriously... this boards is dead a gatheringbof lie iq animals

Castle Crashers? From soft shit?

Their only contribution was making the already existing combat system from Nier less ass. Not a single thing that made Nier Automata popular came from them.

Ok /pol/tard

Castle crashes fucking sucks. I want cool looking characters. Not little midget knights trapped in a flash game.

They still developed the game dumdum.

>gets woke and goes broke
>b-but you're a poltard!! poltard!!
I won

Imagine being this fragile

Imagine being sold for 300 mil when you have 4 big name ips
lmaoing @ you

>30 more people in this thread than in the game

You always attack non-ally products and companies.

t. One of the eight retards that play this crap

Winners don’t seethe this hard
And Deus Ex is coming back now after this deal how that make you feel? I’m pretty happy the Jensen trilogy will be finished

>Babylon's Fall is a good game
There are more replies laughing at this post than players in the game.

>Square makes a retarded business decision

I just want to destroy enemies with my friends or random strangers without shooting them

Pls something other than monster hunter


Dragon's Crown has existed for a long time

Its not coming back that article was debunked cope more.
And its gonna be shit anyways as it will be made by the same retards.
>b-but 4 flops in a row were corporate meddling
Whatever helps you cope with being a shit developer
>selling a studio that killed 4 franchises and eats 100 mil a year is a bad decision

More like
>OHHHHHHHH PLATINUM GAMES SHOULD ADAPT [flavor of the month anything]

Try Stranger of Paradise

That probably has as many players as Babylon’s fail

Keep coping, seething, and dilating
Deus Ex is coming back and there’s nothing you can do about it

Hmmmm. I’ll give it a shot.

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>Square Enix ruins everything

I’m still pissed the set Desu Ex MD in lame ass Prague. At least make the shit feel more cyber punk. As for tomb raider, bring back crazy shit like fighting dinosaurs and searching through a fucked up atlantis.
Try warhammer vermintide 1/2
>Castle crashes fucking sucks
Nah bruh, you just got shit taste.

I liked the part where I had to delete my save then restore the cloud copy

Platinum peaked with Nier:Automata and then kinda went to shit.

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It's disingenuous because the article frames it like "Wow this developer responsible for one of the most beloved games of the last generation has delivered a mega turd" but they're not responsible for why it was beloved in the slightest.

It will be made by the same shit dev though. So it will be low quality and woke.
>jensen assassinate this guy he is an alt right online influencer

Souls games

Factually incorrect because HR and MD were both great games
Keep having muh wokeness live in your head rent free

holy shit you autist, keep it to one thread

hr was before the woke virus took over the west
md was woke thats why no one bought it

>A game doesn't have to sell 20 billion copies just to be considered good and fun.
It's hilarious how PG fans always claim that good sales are bad

Take your meds MD underperformed because of terrible marketing and the story ending on a cliffhanger

Funny how all woke games magically underperform because of terrible marketing and 10 other reasons hmm
And story ending on a cliffhanger is not going to stop any sales as you get to that point after purchasing the game.
retard x 2

What’s HR and MD?

>what is augment your preorder
>what is word of mouth
I swear your IQ gets lower with every post

>What’s HR and MD?

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Blame Squeenix because every time they advertised/marketed Automata, they had Platinumgames on the forefront which means they wanted to bring attention to them.
So for all attents and purposes, Platinumgames are the developers of Nier Automata.

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no one claims good sales are bad
anyone with half a brain claims shit companies and retards like you think you need to sell billions copies to make a profit

>without shooting them
>Pls something other than monster hunter
But you can shoot them in Monster Hunter, not using guns but still