I'm bored as fuck to be honest, this might be the most overrated game I've ever played
I'm bored as fuck to be honest, this might be the most overrated game I've ever played
Just your average Jap """RPG""". Grindy, repetitive dungeon crawling """gameplay""" (aka menu traversal simulator) with visual novel interludes where you get to pick Fallout 4 tier dialogue options (Yes, Yes but different).
persona in smash was the worst thing to happen to this franchise
fpbp absolutely correct
You literally just started the game
As much as I enjoyed Joker's addition, you're so right. Normalfags ruin every single niche they are exposed to.
This game has the slowest start of any game ever. Try to stick with it if you wanna see a group of kids help each other overcome their insecurities and anxieties. that's the basic gist of the game,there's also a murder subplot disguised as a main plot but it's just an excuse for the kids to bond together. there's also a system of collecting pokemon/summons and fusing them that's the same for every smt game.
It's the best Japanese HS kid simulator I've played (never played P5) and the music is also really good, but that's about it. When people were saying this was the next Final Fantasy it was cringe, considering how underwhelming the exploration and dungeons are
It has the best girlfriend.
Any game that takes place in Japanese High School is instantly shit.
And yes that includes 13 Sentinels.
I agree, tried to play this twice on Vita and dropped it after 5 or so hours both times. Never got the hype.
The start of the game is 30 hours
>dude you're just at the start, you can't hate it so soon
>dude you already spent 30 hours on the game, you can't hate it if you played so long
that's how I felt about red dead redemption 2
it's easy to forget but personal taste can vary so widely that even games that receive nearly unanimous praise can still be shit.
I'm using day to day guide so as not to miss out on anything. Like fuck would I ng+ this long ass game to 100% it.
You're playing a JRPG mixed with VN, were you expecting that to be fun?
I'm surprised nobody's spoiled who the killer is yet
Yeah you're right, spoiling who the killer is never happened in Persona 4 threads until very recently
My mistake
I agree. got a little further in P3 before I dropped it at least to like floor 30 of tartarus, but I couldn't even get more than a few hours into this shit.
The awful grating mystery piano loop is probably the biggest reason, the music you hear for most of this game blows. The yellow aesthetic is second reason. Maybe because I had been spoiled on most of the game's story by people all over the internet, but none of the characters or anything seemed very interesting.
The life sim aspect of persona is a waste of time, if I want jrpg I want to play jrpg if I want to see an anime vn I will read one. Not flipflop between the two constantly.
And then there's the incels thaf post "adachi was right" every day.
Seriously. Just fuck this game.I am glad tbey started making real SMT games again.
why even bother playing at that point. you're just recreating someone else's playthrough.
I enjoy jungian psychology and the games combat. I hate having limited time to do shit is all. They should make the game better, more options perhaps.
That game was made for weebs.
Highly cringe virginal post.
Anyone who says they enjoy the dungeons in these games is a fucking liar.
go read a book then.
If it's that restricting you can use the save editor to time travel but the fun of NG+ is wrapping up any loose ends from NG and powering through shit with max social stats, busted level 99s, and maybe a brief nostalgia of your original climb.
100%/not missing out on anything requires NG+ anyway for the secret boss fight and fusing the last purseowner so I hope you don't have completionist OCD.
wow that's a nice looking school
highly faggot post
Yeah no wonder the same fags who begged for a pc port for years are now quiet. Just an insanely boring game with so much flavor text you subconsciously start ignoring it, a combat system that relies entirely on grinding and a predictable slog of a story. Just skip it, heck, skip the entire Persona series since none of them are good (Except P5 until the end of the Kamoshida arc, then it turns to shit)
I felt the same. I was told this was a good friendship simulator, but all of the characters are just whiny, annoying teenagers. Especially Chie, fuck Chie. I usually like tomboys but Chie is just so fucking annoying. Also the dungeons are tedious as fuck
you played the nu-chie version, didn't you? she's likable in the ps2 release.
absolutely based
>defending a trash game by trash japanese developers
Would be better without dungeons.
As someone that dropped Persona 5 middway through January (With Kasumi and the doctor) while actually enjoying the characters i think i burnt myself out. The final boss fight was bullshit so i lowered the difficulty because i just didn't care anymore. It also pissed me off how my choices literally meant nothing and the relationship dynamic was so simplistic and bare bones in writing.
I think the DLC could be interesting at the conclusion as Kasumi and the Doctor in January have the most going for them. Is it worth doing the final dungeon and finishing the game or does it amount to nothing?
"niche" series that broke into mainstream with an anime adaptation. thats why the series is so divisive. it's made for a small subset of people while having to justify its mainstream success. same deal as souls
I totally forgot about Nu-Chie. Avoid this fucking game unless it's the PS2 version. She's that fucking bad
stfu you clown
did they rewrite chie or something?
>tried to play P3 as I loved the aesthetic
>bored to tears by repetitive boring combat
you know im right
shut the fuck up kiddo
they changed the va and she's super annoying
They are probably talking about the english va. Which is what they get for playing the game in english
4 niggas in a row has to be the most boring, archaic and uninteractive combat/gameplay system ever and Japs still can't let go of it in 20 fucking 22. Two nukes were not enough.
yep persona games are boring, in order to enjoy them you have to just lay back and relax in a dark room with some hot choccy and pop some drugs
somehow i still fucking love them
P4 sold a million copies way before anime was even a thing.
>literally who anime garbage
What did you expect exactly?
the PC release is dual audio and there's probably an undub for Vita floating around. you'd still be playing with dubtitles though.
3 is much better in my opinion. The only glaring flaw being that there's only one dungeon that looks the same for the entire game.
show tits
I had fun
fuck you from the bottom of my heart
damn straight
japan cant even make a decent mobile game nowadays so what does it tell about their shitty games at this point lmaooo
Don't know enemy's weakness beforehand? Too bad, game over. Know it? Game too easy.
Why are homosexuals tolerated on Yea Forums these days?
that is cringe as fuck nigga
it's better to just play it blind and not 100% it, you fucking bitch nigger
jfc you made me physically cringe
i can't believe nanako was actually a 9000 year old time traveling witch that sacrificed the whole town to resurrect Satan
your dose
uhh.. have you considered that they're quiet because they got the game they wanted?
you are a fucking retarded human being lol
People who missed out on highschool social life and romance are crazy about this game.
i seriously doubt the ps2 version sold 1 million. ps2 and vita versions combined sure
p3 is one of the best games of all time.... if tartarus didn't exist
what kind of slanty eyed retard though 264 floors of the same gameplay was a good idea?
nigga, you play it on very easy with max exp and money enabled while i play on hard. nigga. you play ng+5 whereas i have other games to get to, nigga. fuck your nerd ass, bitch ass, nigga.
It's better to just read fanfics or whatever though. You get to focus on those things, while grindy gameplay goes out of the window. If you're lucky with the particular fic, the main story is also changed to be better and less tropey.
Just watch the anime at that point.
another retard filtered
I like 4 niggas in a row
But not when you only get to control one nigga, then you are always forced into the healer role.
you are the type of retard who would look up a guide to kill yourself because you are so scared of what happens next
says a lot about you, typical jrpg tranny
P4 is not grindy, is pretty easy.
p5 dungeons were a vast fucking improvement compared to p3 and p4 to the point that i could actually believe someone enjoyed them.
I'm not even the same guy
kill yourself, schizo
every jrpg tranny never went outside that much to begin with
says a lot about them
ayo fuck you nigga, i only played the game once and you best believe i didn't max out all the socials cuz i aint no bitch nigga following a day to day guide
best believe i got dat golden ending doe nigga
I agree that the persona series is overrated as fuck, but they got a charm to them that makes them memorable
i love that little nigga like you wouldn't believe
yes, do kill yourself and do it without a gameFAQ guide please
do it right
do it right
come on, tranny, it's just one slight push until you can end your faggotry
>I like thing but I don't want to be seen liking thing on le 4chins
neck yourself
The first 2 dungeons on p5 were pretty good but they dropped the ball hard after that, which combined with the stupid writting make the rest of the game a slog to play and replay.
huh? did you quote my post by accident?
Little Nigga is one of the best characters in the series
p3 and p4 dungeons are wizardry ludo. p5 dungeons are world of warcraft drivel