Which one Mega Man?

Which one Mega Man?

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Ask a harder question next time.

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which one will make him a drilldo arm?

The one that doesn't try to actively kill him.

His sister obviously


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>sells all your shit
Only a bitch would pick Roll

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The answer remains consistent in every series.

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Both of them will.
Roll's drilldo will cost tens of thousands of Zenny, but is energy efficient and you can do a lunging attack with it that gives you iframes.
Tron's costs a few thousand Zenny to max out, consumes a lot of energy, and you have to stand in place to use it, but when its energy is spent it explodes to deal a big burst damage.

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Tron never sold my weapons.

Capcom should just sell this IP and let other developers work on it.

The one with the biggest bush

>Roll promised me an apricot pie in MML, never delivered
>Roll sold all my weapons in MML2, never paid me back with sex

>Your literal stepsister
>Or a gigantic bitch

They really didn't make this easy

>Just beat Legends 1 last night since release, like a few hours ago
>Homing Rockets and Shinning Laser just melts through every one
Jesus. At least the Fireball and Dragon Punch in X1 and X2 required a motion input plus you need to be at full health. Shining Laser and those Rockets just destroy any challenge the game has.
Should I go straight to 2 or play Tron's game, anons?

Anyway, my vote goes to the generic npc girl that was so bold enough to steal a kiss from Mega Man.

>Your literal stepsister
Being his actual sister didn't stop classic Roll from having a crush on him.

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I don't care if Tron murders me in my sleep I pick her.
Actually that would make it even better.

How did she get away with it? She stole his first kiss away from Tron and Roll.

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btw that npc in your pic is the one that likes climbing

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How does the Blue Boy do it?

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Finally a place to post this

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I will never forget. Fuck you Crapcom

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Are all Inafune produced series now doomed due to Japanese business politics shit or just coincidental timing that every series he worked on has died since he left capcom?
So many great series he helped produced like Dead Rising, Lost Planet, Onimusha, and of course Mega Man, are now dead. And I'm pretty sure he helped killed them when he decided that Capcom should pander to Americans.
Such a shame

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He was happy when dead rising went western so I doubt your conspiracy is completely true. But yeah, he was a great producer and business man, not so much a developer. When he made mighty number 9 and it turned out shitty, many of his old co-workers took the time to say this.

he pretty much said when capcom said "make DR2" he had no ideas and neither did his team so he looked for western input for what to include in the games. People always blame him for DmC but its always been a case of him saying Japanese devs should work more with western devs to share ideas, but people just say "he ruined dmc fuck him"

But you are right he is a shitty developer

Roll. Tron is great too though.

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>I wonder where I'll climb up next?
Yeah, hmm....

>"We sincerely apologize for being insufferably petty assholes."

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Inafune was the petty asshole in MML3's case.
>but Capcom-
Never greenlit it, had no driving force to make it happen when Inafune left, and as a final nail in the coffin, probably figured it would sell poorly just like the other Legends games despite retards on Yea Forums boldly claiming that MML3 would have sold millions.

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Roll is probably canon, Tron is more interesting.

eh.... sure

They canceled everything in development after he left, it was at least partly Capcom spite.

Tron looks like a good fuck
Roll might look like a good trade wife but she's a little too crazy and violent. She won't cook or clean
I'll take Sera for sure

Gunvolt/Luminous Avenger iX are doing quite well

This is the only true answer
my money is on tron

They really aren't.


>inafune leaves
>capcom drops a mega man that outsells every single one of the mega man projects hes worked on with nothing but a skeleton crew
thank god this nigger is gone

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It costs like a mil to fully upgrade those weapons each. I know you can grind out the t.v. mini games, but man it gets boring.

Tron Bonne is fantastic but Roll had me the moment she said "Good Luck!" at the title screen.

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Don't forget the next page

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w-what happens next?

oniichan fucks her silly and impregnates her like a cheap slut

I don't think there was ever a fourth page.

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