Hollow Knight

I have not played it but have been recommended it a few times, is it good or will I be wasting my time?

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It will waste your time, shit metroidvania

It is phenomenal


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Its a pretty great game

It sucks, but normies like it


It's OK. Plays nice and it's an original setting but the combat is a bit one dimensional and the fast travel is hopeless so if you go in blind expect a LOT of backtracking

just fuck off and play ot you cunt

It's really good but it's also very popular so you can't trust a single fucking word about it on here, listen to literally anywhere else, as is the case for anything popular

It's legit excellent to the point where it mindbroke a vocal minority who couldn't comprehend its glory.

It depends on your mindset, if you are a hardcore contrarian who hates everything that is either popular, loved/praised by others than you'll hate it. If you're not and you like atmospheric cute simple games im sure youll have fun

It has impeccable combat and great visuals
Everything else is average

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will I look like a dweeb if I wear sunglasses like that (ones with small circular lenses)

Most likely
Unless you already look cool by default

If you like metroidvania give it a go. Has nice scenery elements and world building.
Combat is just hitting the attack button with one move and nothing more, so you are playing this for the story and world.

It's a fucking metroidvania, of course there's gonna be backtracking.

If you like walking simulators in your metroidvania games then it's perfect for you.

Buy it, definitely worth the price.

Anyone hating it is doing it out of pure contrarianism, "too much backtracking" they say, that's like getting mad at a shooter because it has too many guns.

Well then I'll pass

It's good, a truly excellent game.

I am personally not a fan of backtracking

He's lying, it's not a walking simulator

Well I mean it's not necessary, lots of optional content more like.

Oh good, too bad there's backtracking

That is more than a good enough reason to hate something.
It's why when making a game stuff like that comes up in questions.
Should we add this gun, should we teak that?
When you make a new area in a open world game questions come up.
>What goes here
>How should this be shaped
>what will make this enjoyable.
Why the fuck do you think HK literally has a fast travel way point that you can put down?
Either the devs or playtesters made a note on how it wasn't fun and took too long to walk around.

He said a LOT of it, more so than other Metroidvanias.

It's really good but also it's popular so I hate it

It's really good. The whole platforming part of it is pretty easy outside of like one area, but the boss fights are great.

Boring map, bog standard combat for the most part, no cool abilities to unlock, really just mediocre unfun game, but bosses are good

Thank you

you say this as dread has constant doors that close behind you

Also ugly "dust" or "feather" effects on movement abilities.

The aesthetics are very dark souls-ish, very cartoony, but also lots of greys, also some greens in two of the areas

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The game is visually pleasing, but the level design and the map design is pretty fucking bad
The world has a handful of points of interest, but there is absolutely nothing interesting or worthwhile between them

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All said it's on sale now, and if you like metroidvanias at all I'd say it's worth the full price, right now it's a steal.

Of course it's possible you won't like it, anyway, and this might make me sound like a shill, but it's really cheap right now so even if you don't like it, it's not a huge waste of money.

the only metroidvania i've played is SOTN and thought it was decent, will i like hollow knight?

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No it's not retard, it's like hating a shooter because it has shit level designs with big and empty maps, backtracking and contents aren't the same thing.
Hollowkniggers aren't good even at doing comparisons, imagine at understanding videogames flaw.

It's competent but somewhat bland


I'm playing it, it's pretty fun.

Also I was watching this japanese guy play it for the first time, and so far (almost 4 hours in) he hasn't died ONCE

When he got to the 3 kings or whatever fight, I thought "this is it, finally he will die for sure" AND THE FUCKER BEAT THEM ON THE FIRST TRY. HE BARELY TOOK ANY DAMAGE TOO:

Can't you watch normal people?

But you WILL like Aria of Sorrow.

I need to consoom 日本語 to get better at it

I will never understand weebs

I thought it was very immersive which is pretty unusual for a 2d game

>Someone wants to learn another language!? UNBELIEVABLE!!!

NKG is such an amazing boss. Took me like 60 tries, but I never felt mad. It's just too fun

But why Japanese? It's useless

It's fun.

Go away

>I must learn Japanese because i must look cool to other weebs and i can watch faggy anime in their original faggy dubbing.
lool shut up, it's cringe

I haven't and won't learn Japanese or watch anime but I don't care if someone else does because I have bigger problems

Why do you let it bother you?

Literally one of the best games ever made. Only issue is you have to be smart enough to read a map, so, it's not for everyone.

Disregard what I said, I'm a faggot.

Made me quit the game and only beat him after a year.

It's good. Discussion about it on Yea Forums has been poisoned for a few years now so you will only hear disproportionate extremes.

Wrong on every count except for the fun bosses one which is correct


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Asking that on Yea Forums is pointless. But for what it's worth its fucking amazing and is pretty much the peak of the 2D Metroidvania genre.
Only contrarians aka Yea Forums will dissagree because it got popular and they hate the fanbase. Hating the fanbase is legitimate though. Never look into that and you will be fine.