Better game modes

>better game modes
>better guns
>better maps
>better graphics
>better music
>more fun
20+ years and quakesissies are STILL seething

Attached: UT99.png (600x900, 1.01M)

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C'mon. Q3A is still a great game. But I do love me some UT99.

Facing Worlds.


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>fuck yes

>better movement

It's only better if you can bhop in Q3A. The dodgeroll in UT99 is easier to pull off.

What do you mean IF

for me it's razorback and firebreath

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Is Quake 3 really that satisfying without using the bunnyhop? I feel like that's 70% of the fun you get from Quake 3s movement.

didn't mean to quote
don't @ me

Does this game ever go on sale on Steam?
I want to get it but $10 for a 23 year old game seems dumb.

Nigga strafe jumping is braindead easy, when people say "quack movement is sex" they're talking about overbounce bugs, wall climing, double jumps and other obscure ninja shit blended into one unbroken parkour move designed to be 0.5 seconds faster to the red armor than your opponent

Too late

I love both games but Quake movement is much better once you can circle jump

It's called strafe jumping. Bunny hopping is something your daddy used to do in QW.

Unreal deal pack used to go 80-90% off. I still bought every UT game individually because I don't want Unreal 2 in my library.

wish i could make my own server because 90% of them all are modded and i only like the vanilla experience but i'm too brainlet for it

>because I don't want Unreal 2 in my library.
Jeez is Unreal 2 that bad? I would have just gotten the pack and never touch it. It's what I do with FEAR 3.

I'd run a server but I'm autistic about posting my IP since I'm not using a VPN. Also I don't really have the best hosting computer so players would have to expect lag.

There's "remove permanently from library" button as well

Step 1 forward you're router ports
Step 2 launch designated Serbian exe
Step 3 configure said serbian, oldunreal forums might help
Step 4 run your server 24/7/365 and noone will join it

>run your server 24/7/365 and noone will join it
Not if he shills it on Yea Forums - video games. Then he'll get 4 players with 300 ping swearing slavic at each other.

maybe /vm/ will host a game one day
they alternate between lobby and server based games for some idiotic reason, when clearly a 32 player server is fucking superior

/vm/ is too fucking dead for small games like arena shooters. It works best for games that you can come in and out as you please like minecraft.

Daily reminder UT99 has horrendous input lag on modern systems without oldunreal patch

Quake 3 just works because the engine was made by smart people

UT was superior to Q3, sure.
But Quake was and is better than Unreal. To be fair, it's a question of "amazing" vs "great".

circle jumping and strafe jumping are the same thing

Circle jump is a stationary single strafe key jump
Strafe jumping is a continious motion
You may often start a strafe jump with a circe jump but they are not the same

Q3 is a better competitive game, but UT is way more fun.

they tried making UT2k4 more "competitive" by such radical changes as "weapon balance" and in turn just ruined the whole thing
could've been best of both worlds with fun guns and good movement, but the balance trannies were out there to spoil your fun as early as that

What's your opinion on Xonotic, user?

I don't have an opinion because I've never seen anyone play it

Never heard of it. Which is sad because looking at it, it seems fun. Do people play?

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I do, there is almost always ~2 servers of ffa.


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Timmy needs his Fortnite money. He can't finish UT4

Because Epic Games don't actually care about making original games, they only care about money and jumping on whatever is popular at that moment in time, even though sweeney will try and convince you otherwise
>id makes quake
>epic games makes unreal
>id makes arena shooters with quake
>epic makes unreal tournament (although i prefer it to quake)
>games start to move towards consoles
>epic abandons the pc audience to make Gears of War exclusively on console
>early access games on steam become big
>epic announces they're doing some pseudo-early-access games such as unreal tournament 4
>moba games become popular
>epic starts development on paragon
>epic releases fortnite (stw)
>battle royales become popular with h1z1 and pubg
>epic makes a fortnite br mode
>abandons paragon, unreal tournament 4 and fortnite stw
>other companies start to make their own launchers like uplay, origin etc
>epic releases the epic games launcher to compete with steam
>roblox is becoming a huge thing with kids
>epic releases fortnite 'creative mode' to compete with roblox
>amogus becomes popular
>epic releases fortnite imposters mode

wow, who would have guessed that a company would want to make money instead of lose it

obviously a company seeks to only make profit, but their hypocritical CEO tries to paint a different picture constantly

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UT2004 came very close

Technically UT had more of Digital Extremes DNA in it, while Epic was leading stuff around Warframe (and Dark Sector) were somewhat built on the corpse of the old UT games which were a joint development between the two studios, so technically Epic sort of abandoned the ship much earlier then one might realize.

I thought UT2k4 took the opposite approach with the introduction of stuff like vehicles and addrenaline combos.

UT99 purists can never get their story straight because they only care about arguing that UT99 is the only good UT and perfect and can reverse hair loss and cure erectile dysfunction and other bullshit.

1. shield gun is bad game design
2. flak cannon sucks now
3. no RL grenades
4. shock rifle slightly less OP but still the most OP gun
5. sniper nerfed into the ground, sorry lightning gun
6. minigun no longer stunlocks people and that's a good thing
Movement is much improved with DODGE JUMPING, which wasn't intended I think
Wall dodges and ramp dodges are all good additions
Adrenaline is retarded but w/e you can turn it off

UT3 sucks donkey dicks because they removed dodge jumping, they had one job.
One small change and it would be better than 2k4 (and also you have to open UnrealEd and make a post processing preset that restores color saturation).

>and also you have to open UnrealEd and make a post processing preset that restores color saturation
Is that why UT3 is so fucking grey? Gears of Unreal

It's a very colorful and good looking game but only if you make your own mods for it lmao

I'm pretty sure the only people left really invested in the original Quake vs Unreal argument are in a nursing home or more concerned with their hernias.

I don't know if anyone made a dodge jumping mutator for UT3 in all these years because nobody played UT3. Would be wicked sick as they say.

I play and enjoy both, but arguing on the internet is fun. This thread I'm pro-quake, next thread I'll be pro-UT.

It's cool but the weapons are odd and the landing animation feels awful making jumping feel awful.
It's got nice sound.

You bastard. I need a third option to beat you. I'm pro-tribes.

I enjoy all the afps games

Attached: 1637975316831.webm (1152x720, 2.94M)

I'm terrible at tribes ergo bad game?

including Halo

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Shock primary fires 2fast, pls patch 18 year old game.


freezetag is a quake thing pls stop stealing game modes from better games

I don't like strafe jumping or dodge jumping.

But going fast is part of the fun.

>strafe jumping
Low skill

>dodge jumping
Low T

Play Low T no skill zoombot

What about boosting yourself with a well-timed rocket?

Doesn't happen in UT because the self damage is ridiculous
Impact hammer and shock orb serve the same purpose except much gayer

UT2004 was pretty imbalanced, multiplayer is nothing but shock rifle combo spam and flak cannon.

>complaining about spam in UT

Well, duh, in UT you can fling yourself with the hammer or the orb(or get hit in the gut by primary beam). In Quake you just rocket/grenade yourself to fly at very hihg speeds.

rIf it makes you feel better UT99 is much, much spammier
Razorjack thing (Ripper?) is purpose made for spam
Rocket grenades can be spammed out 8 at a time
Guess what shock combo deals even more damage in 99 and you can carry more ammo
Flak cannon is much, much stronger because the bounce damage penalty for shards is lower, and they bounce 1 extra time compared to 2k4

You can't go fast in UT99 pretty much at all
Quake rocket is an instant 800 UPS boost but we can go even faster beyond, but then you're faster than the rockets which don't inherit player velocity and basically stick to overbounce