Why is this praised?
Why is this praised?
it's good content
Content reuse is fine if it's good content, especially if that good content is remixed or gains new gameplay/context in different scenarios.
>reusing content is bad because... it just is, ok?
because if you can cut corners and make it look good, you should
People don't want to admit it but ER reuses content a lot less than a vast majority of games.
GTA has one enemy type
BotW has like less enemies including all bosses in it's entire game than Elden Ring has in first zone.
I'm glad Fromsoft didn't waste time re animating a laddering climb or opening door animation so their animators could instead spend time on animating more actual combat and actual gameplay stuff
The knights that have different regalia but similar models is expert reuse of content. They're reskins just like zelda's bokoblins but with more effort and style to them.
what's weird is that many enemy types are very underutilized.
I absolutely loved to see bosses again later on and get my revenge.
The first couple of times I came across the Crucible knights for instance I kept getting manhandled; but by Farum Azula it was finally my turn to throw them around.
Same thing with the ulcerateds, tree avatars, watchdogs, …
If there were nothing but new bosses all the time you’d never get a sense of progress, which is particularly important in such a huge game.
Elden drones are mentally ill
it isn't easy being an abused tranny freak so the experience is similar to playing Elden Ring
Look at the enemy variety in BotW for instance, it’s miniscule compared to ER. And the maps in both are roughly the same size.
Play some Ubisoft openworld game and you will see how awful this shit can be.
Elden Ring isn't perfect but handles this better than a lot of open world games.
This, it's like retards think that a boss becomes boring if I fight it a second time. It really is just contrarians looking for something to be mad at.
I have no idea why companies try to remake everything from scratch instead of just reusing assets. People genuinely do not care.
Yakuza and souls games still get good reviews and often better reviews than games that cost significantly more due to everything everything being made from the ground up.
not only ubisoft, all other developers are worse
the content rehashing from previous games is fine but when it internally re-uses things is where it's annoying
The only reused content that's an issue is Godefroy and sewer Mohg. They should have made one Apostle and noble minibosses great rune dungeons, not just Noble, and removed the overworld ones and they'd be fine too.
The different knight and soldiers also use different movesets and tactics based on who they serve
>I absolutely loved to see bosses again later on
how about a malenia with blue hair too?
try to make any good looking 3d model or design a level and see why reuse is common
it's not a bad thing inherently
Overhyped nirmalfag trash journos suck off because they are too afraid to be called bad
Godefroy was so egregious it was almost offensive, but that's the worst of it
No it isn't.
It's okay when From does it
you people deserve this trash
If you admit this is okay, I don't want to see ANY of you fucking faggots shit on DMC for reusing bosses ever again, especially when it actually made the bosses completely different for rematches unlike Elden Ring
These guys are so damn easy I looked forward to melting them. The definitely shouldn't have used so many tho
>get destroyed by the first ones
>destroy the late-game ones
It's called a progression arc.
DMC did it right ER didn't
I don't remember anyone complaining about reused bosses in DMC.
No, ER did it right, DMC didn't.
DMC is a two hour long corridor action game and not a massive open world. It has virtually no excuse.
Bell bearers, crucible knights, and erdtree guardians are the worst examples of reused enemies that barely change.
How about the excuse is that fighting Nelo Angelo is fucking fun and it's fun to do it three times?
>get destroyed by the first ones
>destroy the late-game ones
It's called a progression arc.
Crucible Knights are also fun and I enjoy re-fighting them
DMC will always be better than souls shit.
This but the other way around
Yeah, so good that people just choose to avoid the majority of the mobs fights and just went straight to the best place to grind for souls as google suggests. Great game design there FromHacks.
If there's something journalists know it's content reuse.
Grinding is a thing in any game of this type, what the absolute fuck are you talking about.
If anything it shows that the open world meme is terrible.
The game wouldve been much better if they cut about half of the filler shit.
Wouldn't you guys want them to put the effort in? Would you want something new or are you just simply content with having the same thing day in and day out? Reading through posts it feels like it's some Chinese bots defending lazy devs who don't give a shit anymore but of course when other companies do it then it's just bad I'm sure.
It's not difficulty that's the issue, it's that they're all basically the same fight and they just crank up their stats to remain a threat in place of adding new mechanics you haven't seen yet. My first erdtree guardian fight was amazing, I loved it a lot because it was massive and I was learning how to kill it. My fifth erdtree guardian fight was boring because there was nothing left to learn.
>it's that they're all basically the same fight
And at first it's difficult, but by the late game it's your turn.
Thats the whole issue with Elden Ring.
The game is essentially nothing but combat encounters, and the combat encounters are all just good the first time around at best.
Whenever anything repeats its just BORING.
>game content is filler
filler is filler.
>Whenever anything repeats its just BORING
I dunno, Monster Hunter gets along perfectly fine repeating the same fights over and over.
Every single re-used asset is filler.
That barrel in the corner you saw earlier? Filler shit by shit lazy devs.
>enemies are filler
I don't know about you, but I don't play souls games to completely mog a big HP bar boss without breaking a sweat, nor do I play them to fight the same boss over and over because they wanted to pad out the map.
CAPCOM did the same historically, people still loves it
Because fuck you LMAO
There's also a lot of platforming, wayfinding, puzzling...
Most games are mostly combat.
the worst part about the duo crucible knight boss is that it follows a really good dungeon
Monster hunter is containment for people who enjoy playing monster hunter. They're not normal.
>I don't play souls games to completely mog a big HP bar boss without breaking a sweat
Which is why this doesn't happen the first couple of times.
Also, making builds that oneshot bosses is one of the joys of Souls games.
Because the media tells us when to praise things and when to scorn them.
The mental gymnastics that I have to read from fromdrones are incredible
It works for Monster Hunter because both the player kit and the monster fights are infinitely more complex than what you do in souls games.
same shit enemies for over a hundred hours are, yeah.
I want more. They gave more. I happy. The end.
>The knights that have different regalia but similar models is expert reuse of content.
They're also assholes I hate them all so fucking much not just the ghost ones all of them.
ah yes amazing puzzles like follow glowy ghost man.
for the fifth time.
You'd be sick of fighting erdtree guardians before you hit level 30 in elden ring. It's incredible really, they start you off with a desire to explore the massive trees in the distance, and by the time you've made it to a few of them you know EXACTLY what will be there and all the mystery of discovery is lost.
How is
>Reused boss with no changes
Better than
>Reused boss completely changed with new attacks and a new arena
The only thing even slightly resembling a puzzle was the warping chest dungeon where it teleported you between 2 identical dungeons and you had to find this out through enemy spawns or you'd get stuck in a loop.
At the same time they put in those really busted flask balls into all of them so you feel forced to go there and beat them up anyways.
Its like the opposite issue of BOTW where nothing feels rewarding. In Elden Ring everything gives a reward so you do shit you dont want to do.
It just is okay! >:(
In Dark Souls, you can do multiple playthroughs, and in doing so, you choose to fight the same bosses over and over. Is this no different? Why would you do this? There's no further achievements to be had in killing a boss you've beaten a hundred times. There's only the literal act of fighting it. If you are replaying a Souls game, you fight for the sake of fighting them, and for no other reason. This is true in Elden Ring. The dungeons and little content can be enjoyed only if you enjoy the mere act of playing Elden Ring. Any other reason isn't a good one.
I dont replay souls games. they arent good enough to justify a replay.