What was your first vidya fap?
What was your first vidya fap?
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Soul Calibur 3 character gallery. Specifically Tira.
She gave me a type
I think it was playing strip liars dice in Leisure Suit Larry: Love for Sale. Got the demo in one of those game magazine demo disks but the demo would end right when you got her down to only her bra and she was about to take it off.
I never did get to see those boobs.
Probably Ivy or Taki from SC2.
Top row. Might have been my first introduction to anime art style comee to think of it.
I don't know if it counts really, but my first fap ever was a Starship Troopers disc in my PS2. I don't think I've ever finished that movie, but man can I remember the shower scene like nobody's business.
As for vidya itself, I'm not sure. Probably one of the Meet'N'Fuck games on NG. Or SOMETHING on NG, whatever it was it was probably there.
I dont fap because it ruins your brain, and only addicts do it.
Damn, did you ever find your Earth waifu irl?
masturbation is a sin
Nah, I decided on wizard powers instead.
snes rydia
if you don't sin then jesus died for nothing
my man
it was Taki for me, specifically in the art gallery
Who the fuck comments on a rule34 post let alone comes back years later to reflect on it?
I've never fapped to a game directly, just fanart. So in that regard it was probably Samus or Krystal.
>I've never fapped to a game directly, just fanart. So in that regard it was probably Samus
you were based
>or Krystal
now you are cringe
Your first fap was to Tail's voice actress?!?
based nostalgia fapper
We live in unprecedented times, when young people will leave near permanent records of their cringe that they can rediscover years later.
when you see it...
Playing as the rebel marksman in BF1 & 2
If God didn't want you to masturbate then he wouldn't have given you arms that were just long enough to do it.
Probably either mariss brood from star wars the force unleashed (the wii version not the shitty real versions) or fleurette from dragon quest swords, or maybe it was just princess peach
I've masturbated too much over the course of my life to remember exactly but I fantasized about pic related ten years ago and busted a fat nut to it.
Not even first vidya fap, my first fap ever using a PSP
aphrodite in god of war 3
strippers in gta 4.
Never had one
Hard to say what was the first, but definetely that one would be in the top 3.
I had my first orgasm holding a Xbox 360 controller against my dick while firing a Gatling turret in Halo 3
yeah we get it, you're a zoomer that has had easy access to internet porn your whole life
no need to rub it in
holy shit me too user
we posted at the same time :o but for me it was a prostitute I picked up in my Infernus
I was born in 1984
Misty dress up game, maybe
oh shit, so you played games that were so primitive there was no way to fap to them unless you were some kind of warped pervert
I hadn't even considered that
This dude has been lonely for years
Sawing up female raider bodies with the ripper in Fallout 3
I'm not following
Probably Feena from Grandia. Honorable mentions go to the girl from Sudeki.
Commander Jupiter from Pokemon Diamond. I don't know what in particular it was about her, but it just hit right for 11 year old me.
I was 10
randomly got horny
my runescape friend was being very nice
and I just got horny.
Bible Black
Female goron?
I wish I could remember mine.
I once took a polaroid of the girls of Super Off-Road, and that lasted me a while in grade school
I wanna slap the shit out of the Mafia 2 devs for turning me into the reprobate I am today. Jesus fuck.
probably this
Dizzy, or maybe that girl from .Hack I'm not sure which
This pic was printed on the DVD for the game, hot as fuck
probably my first exposure to hentai too