god why the FUCK is this game so good
God why the FUCK is this game so good
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It's not
It's kinda meh. Prefer Bloodborne over Sekiro because it actually built on the "Souls" formula to be a spinoff instead of hamfisting it into an action-rhythm game.
damn, guess all the people with taste are asleep
But I'm awake though
i said the people with taste are asleep
But I'm one of those people and I'm awake
>But I'm one of those people
post your degree
Degree in what?
>one r1 combo
It's a good thing it's pretty short and linear, or that combat would soon outstay its welcome.
And what would qualify as a degree in this case?
>action games are only about combos
I really hate what DMC has done to gaming.
Did 4 playthroughs straight with combat never outstaying it's welcome.
It was made with and around a singular idea in mind. A rarity these days. It's extra impressive when you see how it utilizes souls engine to its ends.
I really hope From will make more focused games like it instead of stuff like Elden Ring that tries to sit on too many seats at once.
Did you know that you're the only sensible person in this thread right now?
It's not you're just a weeb who liked dark souls but think katanas are superiors but they are not they are the plebiest melee weapons of all humanity even a club is more efficient and classy
I mean for non-autistic people
My taste is perfectly fine user. I like having a sprinkle of variety and Sekiro was boring as fuck after Genichiro. And he was only entertaining because of the lightning mixup that is used literally never ever again until the stupid meme boss.
Bloodborne and ER are just better uses of the Formula. Bloodborne built on it. ER expanded it. Sekiro removes 90% of it and then tells the player how to beat the game in a very specific way.
>Sekiro removes 90% of it and then tells the player how to beat the game in a very specific way.
And it's a much better game for it. No build in Elden Ring will ever make it's combat anything above serviceable at best.
>And it's a much better game for it
Only if you really like that one very specific build.
>No build in Elden Ring will ever make it's combat anything above serviceable at best.
There's so much more variety and depth to ER combat, it's not even comparable.
Depth is debatable depending on build. But in the grand scheme of things it's more applicable.
>Only if you really like that one very specific build.
Helluva lot better than any build in Elden Ring.
>There's so much more variety and depth to ER combat
>Elden Ring combat
Depth has never been any From games strong suit when it comes to combat. Difference is Sekiro embraces this while Elden Ring has to sacrifice tight enemy design in order to accomdate all the different playstyles. The rhythmic flow of Sekiro's boss fights is completely absent in Elden Ring because of this.
>Helluva lot better than any build in Elden Ring.
>Sekiro embraces this while Elden Ring has to sacrifice tight enemy design in order to accomdate all the different playstyles
"Tight design" is newspeak for "linear handholding pres X to win".
>"linear handholding pres X to win".
As opposed to dodging to win?
>Elden Ring
>dodge to win
Need more than just "dodge" to win with the shit ER throws at you and Sekiro doesn't even try to.
>Need more than just "dodge" to win
Of course, you also need Jump + R2.
>only way to circumvent dodge to win is to invest so heavily in poise that bosses now become mindless mash-fests
Wow. So where's the fun at?
>only way
>So where's the fun at?
In that particular webm?
After all the previous times when the Crucible knight bullied you, you get to turn the table and do to them what they did to you.
Could also parry. Use distractions. Options, user, OPTIONS. Not just Mash L1 and sometimes something else.
>only way is dodge or poise
Actually parrying works really well against Crucible Knights.
>Could also parry
Not applicable for every boss.
>Use distractions
So like using prosthetics in Sekiro to temporarily blind enemies or strike them from behind, among other things?
>Not applicable for every boss.
That webm shows crucible knights specifically.
And other bosses have other tactics.
>So like using prosthetics in Sekiro to temporarily blind enemies or strike them from behind, among other things?
Difference is tehre are a total of 10 prosthetics in Sekiro, versus many dozens of different options in ER.
It's genuinely one of the few games where people who suck at it will get filtered and say it's "not that good" and call it a rhythm game. Like these two:
Notice he said he stopped after Genichiro? Shit player or just bad taste. Sekiro is literally a perfect game with an amazing world and extremely tight gameplay
Sekiro shits on Elden Ring basic ass gameplay kek, doesn't matter how many "spells" or weapons there are, the combat is dry
Prosthetics in Sekiro are retarded and niche. Whereas the "distractions" in ER are at least fun and entertaining provided you're not just cheesing like you would attempt to do in Sekiro (eg fireworks spam).
If a game isn't infinitely replayable it isn't good
>stopped after Genichiro
I never said that you fucking retard. I said it was boring as fuck. The world is dumb beyond reason because they tried to pull le wacky DS1 interconnectivity and failed miserably.
>quit at genechiro
heres me beating him first try youtube.com
>That webm shows crucible knights specifically.
Yeah, that's the problem. Parrying is only a viable defense option against certain enemies,but generally speaking you're going to spend most of your defense dodging above all else regardless of build because it works on everything.
>many dozens of different options in ER.
And none of them make the combat feel any better.
If you think none of these terms apply to the "distractions" in ER, I don't know what to tell you.
>fireworks spam
Until you run out of Spirit Emblems.
>Parrying is only a viable defense option against certain enemies
All kinds of different strategies are "only" viable against certain enemies.
The great thing is finding out which works against which.
>different tactics work against some bosses but not others
>"this is a problem"
You are a roastie-tier turbopleb.
>The great thing is finding out which works against which.
Shame you never really have to do that because proper dodge-timing is so universal and effective on it's own.
It kind of hurts your "Elden Ring has depth!" argument when you use a mechanic that is completely unusable on at least half the enemies in the game as a sticking point.
It's pretty clear the people who call it a Rhytm game never went NG rounds, because the first playthrough essentially gives you enough Posture damage from deflections alone to simply defensively handle most bosses, but at the same time people who actually know how to utilize most tools never have to "spam" anything or resort to weird crutches. I mostly did playthroughs where i picked a combat art and one prosthetic and there's a whole lot in the combat system you can do, even if you limit your options.
>The world is dumb beyond reason because they tried to pull le wacky DS1 interconnectivity and failed miserably.
I would claim the opposite
They completely threw out interconnectivity out the window
There is a broken bridge right out of Dilapidated Temple that seemingly leads nowhere(my guess is cut content)
The bridge that leads out of Gun Fort also leads to literally nothing
There is no way to get out of Guardian Ape's arena at Bodhisattava Valley, other than teleporting out
There is no way to climb out of Ashina Depths once you've dropped in, other than teleporting out
After beating Dragon, the MC is directly teleported to Kuro's room in Ashina because?????
There is also no way to backtrack once you've reached Fountainhead, you'll have teleport out
Fighting against the Interior Ministry and plunging into Ashina Outskirts leads you to a unique teleporting idol which directly takes you to the Ashina Castle Gate where you fight Demon of Hatred
So either you have brain damage for claiming this, or you didn't play the game and are just making shit up. Well I guess we're on Yea Forums, so it's to be expected
Dodge-timing encounters like Godskin Duo, Malenia, Crucible Knights, ... is an absolutely nightmare.
Sure it'll work eventually, but finding the appropriate tactic is infinitely better.
The fact that certain tactics are extremely viable against some bosses, but not others, adds to the depth.
I'm seriously amazed at how incredibly stupid you are.
In most cases, Elden Ring goes about that pretty one-dimensionally. You either have bosses with tons of resistance to specific damage types and the occasional nice stuff like being able to counter Mohg's life drain with a Physick charge or using shackles etc. More often though, it lacks similar options that Sekiro had, where the Prosthetics also had universal usage outside of their obvious niche's (Sabimaru and Loaded Axe as combo extenders. Mist Raven Feather and Umbrella as defensive options, Firecracker, Spear and Shuriken as offensive posture drain options). So you had both situations where prosthetics are incredibly useful in fighting specific bosses and enemies, but they never really have situations where they are 100% useless (except Whistle being entirely situational)
Please, it's not like people used anything besides firecrackers and flamethrower to cheese some bosses.
There are other options, but it's mostly for fun and maybe to make your run a bit easier. At the end of the day what matters is you doing consistent damage to enemy's posture and that's it.
Certain tactics working on some bosses but not others is the polar opposite of "one dimensional".
One-dimensional is the same basic combat working on all bosses equally well.
>rune of Godrick
>goat armor
didnt beat it
>At the end of the day what matters is you doing consistent damage to enemy's posture and that's it.
If you want your gameplay to be boring and one-dimensional, then the gameplay will be boring and one-dimensional. I would have likely bored myself to death playing Elden Ring with only Katanas/Bleed and a variety of absolutely busted spells and weapons arts, instead of focusing on what i actually wanted to do. Sekiro has "less variety", but at the same time the entire game is built from the ground up to utilize all the tools available to the player. Elden Ring is more of the reverse, with bosses being incredibly universal due to having to accomodate to a variety of functional builds. If you made bosses that were only doable with magic, or bosses that were completely immune to magic you would lock players out of options. There is none of that in Sekiro, because everything is viable by design
insanely ba$ed playstyle
not sure what it is but it's just not sticking for me like elden ring did.
bloodborne shits on sekiro
>Notice he said he stopped after Genichiro?
he never said that retard he said it was boring after.
Huh, so this was the idea behind the insane tracking in last few souls games.
Kinda makes sense now.
Bloodborne shits on all of them