At what point do they just press the concede button?
At what point do they just press the concede button?
at what point do you develop real interests
idk I think they could go until their late 40's MAX
HOTs doesn't have one when 5 drunk brazilian monkeys decide to throw at the 1m mark. That's why I was permabanned from it.
i a really ugly guy should i just troon out so i can at least get some social capital
>these are the people who call you a nazi incel
What is it with speed running that just makes you want to be a tranny? I see the speed running thread on this board every now and then and wonder if any of those posters are trannies or will eventually be one
autism unironically
When did Yea Forums start hating transfolk? Is this a /pol/ psyop?
Nigger don't say "transfolk" say "faggots"
This is what lack of pussy and does to a mf
speedrunners are streamers generally
streamers need to garner attention to be viable
transitioning gets you free supporters just on principle
it's very low-cost, low-effort because trans is effectively a "state of mind" and no one in the trans community can call you out on it. sure you can get surgery and shit if you want but it's far easier just to take advantage of the fact that you're already overweight and have "breasts," then just grow your hair out and stay clean-shaven. technically, by their rules, you don't even have to do that, you can just say you're trans and not even show yourself if you don't want, but people respond better to something visual.
>be autistic
>can't empathize with people
>don't understand own sexual feelings
>associate sexual feelings with women
>fixate on and obsess over women
>can only express sexuality through symbols of women
>need to "become a woman" to express sexuality
sounds about right actually
>Trannies telling virgins to have sex isn't an insult, but infact a warning
Trump lost
Trump supports Israel
Fuck yea dog pile
i'm socially liberal, i just think low-effort/cynical trans are laughable
Find me a single American politician who doesn't publically and ethusiastically support Israel.
When the rope snaps taut
If he lost legitimately, and not as a result of an unfair election and manipulation by the media and tech industries, and sketchy actions by states to change election laws for mail in voting, why do you have to keep typing that Trump lost to convince anybody? Yeah he lost. And now the world is on the brink of WW3 and the assistant secretary at HHS is a hideous tranny. And now Roe vs Wade is on the cusp of being overturned. But yeah Trump lost. You got rid of the evil orange man. You stopped covid by wearing masks and hiding in your hidey holes. You saved Ukraine by buying video game bundles and putting the Ukraine flag next to your blue checkmark. Well done faggot. You sure showed us.
why they are always american and nintendo fans?
The one on the right is a meme btw. It's not actually him.
Neither supported or voted for him
>words words words
>ack ack ack!
And in my dream they were slaughtered on front yard
that's how the left memes though. thought you'd be used to it.
I only hear about trannies on 4channel
By niggers the end
Obama said words you know im just saying has God
>Yeah he lost. And now the world is on the brink of WW3
How would trump winnng have made russia stop being a murderous imperialistic shithole?
Lmao hahahahahahanhahahahaha
Trump actually had a pretty good track record when it came to dealing with tyrannical world leaders. Putin would be less likely to take such a risk with Trump in power. Still, we don't really know what Putins full reasoning is. It's easy to pretend it's just to gain control of Ukraine territory, but who knows the depths of the reasoning there. But when Biden fucked up the withdrawl from Afghanistan he pretty much gave Putin a green light.
I'm asking the same thing to OPs group of people because pretending to be a woman and trying to play games fast isn't a real personality and not real interests.
Lol i have an idea
Just saying
you can't spell Tranny
and Tyrannical without the same set of letters
Just saying wristbands elbowbands kneebandd anklelbands
gb2/gsg/, retard
lmao that fucker with the receding hairline looks like a xenomorph
it's true, both sides are pathetic
Ban me
These are literally incels who can't accept the fact that they are incels so they become "women" and try to convince dykes (only group of real women that have not rejected them yet) to have sex with them. If they refuse its not because the troons are just creepy, balding, skinnyfat incels but because the dykes are just bigots
Cavemen wore thongs too you know
I hate that there's good tranny porn and then on the side you have all of these mentally ill, unpassable twitter/tumblr addicts falling prey to a political fad because democrats want another minority to put under their belt of fake morality. Their lives exist only to be exploited and it's kinda sad desu
My MtF Brother is dating a FtM at the moment, and I really, really hate it.
Imagine for a second, you have a brother who is pretty much your best friend, and then one day they start popping hormones, their personality does a 180 into a horrible horrible person, and you're depressed you lost a connection you'll never get back in life, and if you express any of those emotions you're a "bigot".
It's a blog post but one of the many reasons I'm thinking about KMS.
Autists have a higher chance of becoming a tranny I think
No lie a few of them are pretty cute, asides the obvious turbo giga el GOBLINOS.
Why do gamer incels always end up trooning out? Is there a cause for this or are people who are obsessed with a child's hobby like gaming destine to be mentally ill?
He would have killed Putin with a drone and Russia would have been too scared to retaliate.
would fuck 17
Imagine having the shitter access on thumbnail pozminyacht
Halal my friend homosexuals brother installer
Your brother, They prob ate the shitty left wing agenda.
I know plenty of people who trooned out and are literally the same hardcore shitposting gaming assholes with the same personality and still play just the same as they used to. Still part of the crew part of the game m8.
>Ftm ever ever
euchh. Im sorry for your loss user, sorry your bro was fucking retarded and thinks he has to reinvent himself over his stupid transition. Dont hold it against all trannies and troonies though, your bro is just retarded
>severe mental weakness
>an oppressive society
Those Dark Gamer circles under the eyes just wont go away.
I just don't understand.
Greg Dean and Shmorky doing the same thing is terrifying. The former would make a comic about his sexual experience watching the first Ace venture movie. The latter has a chatlog where he roleplays eating babyshit, and they both drew webcomics
What the fuck man, stop looking at porn.
Ive seen so many “trans” people on twitter (have to use one for school purposes) its fucking hilarious. Unpassable bearded dudes whove never taken fucking hormones even who want to labelclaim to get social brownie points in their fucking retarded clownworld. If someone is trans, passing, and rightwing, youd never ever fucking know they were, and theres actually plenty of them. They know to shut their mouths, live their fucking lives quietly and happily in the one country in the world that wont outright murder you for being different, and that all this woke liberal agenda bullshit is just social engineered gaslight garbage meant to control the populace like a bunch of nigger cattle.
I hold it against all trannies and troons cause I think it's entirely a self-identity driven issue and the things they think "Make them female" is them living things naturally associated with women either due to marketing, propaganda, history, nature, etc. and the medical industry realized they can make billions off people being confused by this. Bottom surgery as they call it is genital mutilation full stop but the world doesn't care.
It's easier not to care when people are affected by it.
My friend group has a handful of troons in them I deal with, and they're overall decent people unlike the megalomaniac my brothers become. Good people. I'll never voice my opinions about it around them though. I'd be crucified by my friends if I did such.
As is the social standard for kids born in the late 90s onward.