Yes, (You).
How would you make a Sonic Game?
Yes, (You).
How would you make a Sonic Game?
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with my penis
Eggman game where you design levels and a Sonic AI tries to beat it
Can't make anything too OP like a wall of spike traps at the beginning or some dumb shit
Game ends with Eggman winning and getting a glimpse of his perfect world
It's revealed that while he enjoys the overall victory and complete domination over Sonic he does miss trying to best the hedgehog
forced racing sections
Sonic and Shadow (Spiritual successor to Sonic and Tails)
3D Game based on the speed gameplay of SA2.
2 campaigns, one for Sonic, one for Shadow.
Story of Sonic and Shadow having to team up to stop Eggman from collecting the seven Chaos Emeralds.
Story explores the character dynamic between Sonic and Shadow, reinforcing what we already know about them.
Rival battle between Shadow and Metal mirroring the Battle between Sonic and Shadow/Sonic and Metal.
I'd just make Rush 3.
>It's revealed that while he enjoys the overall victory and complete domination over Sonic he does miss trying to best the hedgehog
Cringe, and a mischaractization of Eggman. Eggman hates Sonic because he gets in the way of his plans. Eggman's central motivation is to be recognized as the world's greatest scientific genius and live up to the memory of his grandfather Gerald. He and Sonic don't have some retarded Joker/Batman dynamic, Eggman just genuinely hates Sonic because Sonic tries to stop him. The games even give us glimpses that Eggman isn't entirely "evil" when he's on the same page as Sonic and Tails, and it's their differing idealogies that pit them against each other.
Rush 3 exists: It's called Sonic Colors.
Chink leg surgery Snoik WORST Snoik
Would be a Sonichu game. I have no idea why one hasnt been made by now
In full 3d. I dont find anything fun in running through narrow passages and gliding on rails.
Is Blaze playable in it?
Fuck off.
Sonic robo blast 2 but made by Sega and no Fang
at least twelve SA2-style Sonic stages, with a few modern QoL changes (targeting reticle, bounce and light-dash are on separate buttons, spindash triggers much faster, rail balancing is back but you can be less precise, and rail switching is context sensitive so you don't just pop off into the abyss when trying to jump straight up while balancing)
five additional characters (it'd probably just be like knuckles/tails/shadow/two others)
you can play through the campaign with each of them, Sonic Advance style, where each have their own abilities, but are basically just variations on Sonic
also, put in the Chao Garden, even if it's literally 100% unchanged from SA2:B
that's it
just take the best part of 3D Sonic
and make it better
it'll get panned by the gaming press for being obscenely short and it'll be the most beloved Sonic game in 20 years by people who actually give a shit about the series and it'll sell great because even the bad Sonic games did unreasonably well
SEGA are good sports. Nintendo aren't.
Taxman sonic advance trilogy with more playable characters or pairs for the third game
Open World.
It'd be like Sonic Adventure 1 and 2 except with only Sonic/Shadow levels.
>The games even give us glimpses that Eggman isn't entirely "evil" when he's on the same page as Sonic and Tails, and it's their differing idealogies that pit them against each other.
eggman's plans for most of the series involved trying to fucking bulldoze as much land as he could so he could make his own personal amusement park
the man just doesn't give a fuck
why not just do a sonic maker
sonic adventure 2 but 3
with playable silver and blaze
I'd make a porn game called Sonic AdventureS BUTTHOLES
Shadow The Hedgehog 2
make it a first person shooter
Make a m rated spin off game involving tails trying to date rogue cream and vanilla
>How would you make a Sonic Game?
>press power button on the computer
>stop making sonic games
Yuji Naka has said he designed the original Sonic around the gratification he got from speed running NES Mario games
I would approach a 3D Sonic game by studying the gratification in 3D platformer speed running.
Utopia's gameplay with Robo Blast 2 level design. Namely Neo Palmtree Zone as the basis.
Good idea, but make it A/O
>I have no idea why one hasnt been made by now
Really? You have no idea why two multinational corporations won't humor an obese, mentally ill, egotistical manchild who fucked his mother, by enabling his insane fantasies and validating his shitty art and writing?
>Shadow The Hedgehog 2
Oh, FUCK ye-
>make it a first person shooter
Get out you worthless shit head.
You ever see the open world Zelda DLC for Lost World? That, but a full game.
Give it to the sonic mania guys. Also make them include rouge and honey so there will be a new influx of porn with them.
>Give it to the sonic mania guys.
>Why haven't they made a game about this copyright infringing OC made by a literal autistic incestuous rapist?
does anybody know about that 4 hour long video on how a scottish guy would design a sonic game?
it's so long and well done but nobody has seen it
someone one Yea Forums must know what I'm talking about?
Sonic Spitball by ShayMay, right? Don't know what your opinions on it are/were, but I'll just tell you it's always been shit, and has aged like shit as well.
Refine lost world traversal mechanics, open world.
Make a game where Sonic has Batman Arkham style/Spider-man PS4 combat mechanics and he has to fight Shadow, whose established himself as a real villain, by straight up murdering one of the many stupid sidekicks Sonic's got, or eggman or something. Raise the stakes.
Also, blatantly rip off the Avengers infinity war plot and have Shadow hunting down the chaos emeralds, and if he gets all of them, he'll do something horrible with them and rule the world or something. Maybe he'll commit genocide, who knows. Depends how ridiculous and dark you wanna go with it.
I'd personally love an inappropriately dark Sonic game, I think that'd be hilarious.
>open world.
I like the idea of improving what Lost World built, but Open World Sonic is just too much of a meme for me. I don't see any appeal in the concept, especially when the series has always been stage to stage based in its progression. Do people seriously think making Sonic open world will somehow be a "return" to his roots or something? It's made even weirder by the fact that most people in favor of it seem to be classicfags.
You could have it be like that Sonic Adventure game, where you've got the city hub, but then you can travel to different areas beyond that, as well, so you can get the different asthetics.
It could be pretty fun if you give it mechanics like the Speedster characters in the DC Universe Online game. Speeding up buildings and leaping huge distances.
Sonic Adventure (3 or some other subtitle. I don't care.) It'd go something like this:
>Four playable characters: Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, and Shadow
>Levels are divided into two cagegories: first being massive, sprawling and open-ended adventure zones with collectibles, side missions, and safer environments to practice your movement.
>The other being action zones, which are dedicated, heavily designed stages which are the usual story progression stages.
>Sonic plays essentially as he does in SA2 only with a few minor tweaks and ability changes.
>The biggest being the homing attack's homing property being tied to a button, allowing you to hold a bumper to lock on and select the target you want to homing attack.
>Doing the homing attack while holding the bumper, but not really aiming treats the H.A like it usually behaves, giving the player the ability to do "classic" homing attacks.
>Double tapping the jump button WITHOUT locking-on now does the air "thok" from SRB2, giving the player a movement option that's free, quick, and very fast if used properly
>Holding jump gives us the drop-dash
>The other bumper is for a SPECIAL ACTION (I'll get to that)
>Action zonss are speed stages, fast and full of fast-reflex rewarding platforming. Plenty of set pieces, but a focus on movement freedom and branching paths like the classic games between them.
>Take Generation's level design, make it alot more compact and with like twice as many alternate routes, and make boost something you can't hold you (you get the initial burst of speed and invulnerability but it automatically stops after 1 seconds and has a cooldown of somewhere between 2-3 seconds). Since boost nerfs have made levels take longer to traverse, we can remove 2D filler sections entirely
>Make Sonic the meat of the game, but once you beat a level you can go back and play as another character that has a different action assigned to the boost button that changes which routes they can/can't access. Tails gets "flight" that works like an upward version of Sonic's boost, Knuckles gets a glide that shoots him slightly upwards when used on the ground and slightly downwards in the air both of which can be jump cancelled, Shadow gets a teleport that lets you choose any horizontal direction you want and maintains his momentum, etc.
>Game is called something along the lines of Sonic Dimensions, story is Eggman broke the space time continuum and now each chaos emerald is in one of 7 different worlds themed after different Sega franchises (Super Monkey Ball, Jet Set Radio, NiGHTS, Space Channel 5, Billy Hatcher, Yakuza, Valkyrie Chronicles). 2 full size levels and a boss per world to fully explore the concepts while not slicing it up into mini missions like how Colors/Generations did.
>In adventure zones, controls similar to Sonic, except he has some fun gadgets and can fly.
>Action zones fall between two primary play styles. First, a Space Harrier-esque shooter segment where you use his gadgets to shoot down enemies and fly through an area, avoiding enemy fire and obstacles. The other simple, slower paced puzzle platforming with his flight being focused heavily.
>Adventure zones play the same, but you can glide, climb certain terrain, and break certain obstacles.
>Action zones are just the werehog stages from Unleashed but good. Give him a snappy, but weighty combat system with a decent move list and contextual heat moves. Avoid the biggest pitfall of Unleashed by making the enemies easier to beat, but more plentiful, so you feel strong as shit.
>Only character to follow a parallel story to our heroes, the only different player perspective on the game's events.
>Plays almost like Sonic, but with more combat oriented abilities.
>No air thok, he just has his homing attack.
>Locking on and using the jump button twice, however, uses CHAOS CONTROL to warp shadow to the locked enemy.
>Proper attack button, like Knuckles
>Score on stages is based on styling on enemies, jumping around and damaging them with different attacks while avoiding taking damage yourself.
Alright, so Special Actions:
>In adventure zones and the main hub, you can interact with NPCs and the Sonic side cast
>Sometimes just to talk and have a fun dialogue tree. Sometimes they ask you to fulfill side missions for them.
>Doing these increases your BOND with them.
>BOND rewards are usually little dialogue events that are specific to your character combination (These side-quests and bonds can be done with any of the playable characters).
>However, maximize your BOND with a character, and they give you a charm that gives you a Special Action, reminiscent of the Team Moves from Advance 3
>Example, maxing out Amy's Bond with Tails gives him the ability to use her hammer in the flight segments as a high-damage, low range attack. Or maxing out Cream's Bond with Knuckles has her send Cheese out to keep him company, and he just fucks shit up as an additional combo assist.
Sonic Battle but more characters. Add Tikal, Vanilla, Blaze, Vector, Marine, Sticks, Big.
Maybe have a City Trial-like side mode where you compete for power-ups with a randomized game mode or modifier after.
Make Sonic vulnerable
Just embrace the creepy fandom and make an adult dating sim.
2D Sonic, Super Mario Maker clone. 3D Sonic, take the gameplay of a first person racing game and give it a jump button.
The first person bit was just a jest, other than wanting a shadow 2 game I have no idea how to make it work
Who the fuck cares about the plot of Sonic?
These games were better when they were simply about a blue hedgehog fighting a bald, fat guy. Anything else is completely unneeded.
Sonic is elevated above Mario because it used to care about extra details like plot and has since Sonic CD, non-fan.
>These games were better when they were simply about a blue hedgehog fighting a bald, fat guy. Anything else is completely unneeded.
This is the sort of person who is tapping his foot fuming in anger when the space shuttle launch appears in Tetris.
I never understood anti-story gamers - not just Sonic, but any title. If everything - graphics, music, dialogue - is a distraction which sullies the purity of gameplay, then really you shouldn't be playing anything other than Pong.
Honestly, go back to the model of Sonic '06, an do it properly this time.
I'm not even joking. Sonic '06 wasn't so much a bad game as it was an unfinished one, shoved out the door to make a holiday deadline before it was ready like Cyberpunk 2077, and there are some genuinely interesting systems that could shine with a bit more polish.
Sonic '06 was essentially Sonic Adventure 3 in all but name (and probably wouldn't have been received so poorly if it was actually called that instead of being arrogantly promoted as the franchise's great reset, which inevitably loaded up the bases for a backlash) and it had some interesting evolutions of the hubs and stages design of Adventure 1.
One of the problems of the Adventure games is that badniks are completely perfunctory and little more than rhythm-jumps to the next platform, while one of the problems of the 'Boost' games is that they make 'Push Right Until You Win' into a caricature of itself. Sonic '06 goes a long way to solving both of those problems with its arena design, where you need to rack up combos to destroy badniks in kid-friendly accessible DMC-lite combat.
Watch this video from around 09:00 - the "forced combat" of '06 was a good feature that was simply incomplete and making its scoring more robust would make it vastly more entertaining:
Another thing that arena-style levels could promote is Sonic's AGILITY. He isn't just fast, he's flexible. Sonic should be backflipping and dancing away from attacks as much as blasting through them, especially because he's supposed to be a cocky guy who'll mock enemies as he's avoiding them. A dodge mechanic could be implemented into the combat - every successful 'parry', so to speak, would built up Static Charge as Sonic's quills electrify movie-style. Build up your meter for spectacular score-racking bonus finishers.
Abandon all previous design conventions of older sonic games
Copy mario odyssey with sonic and friends pasted in along with their aesthetic and theme
Less emphasis on jumping puzzles, more emphasis on running puzzles
Lots of unlockable characters (tails, knuckles, amy, shadow, rouge etc.)
Chao garden
Hey! Hey! You! You!
I don’t like your boyfriend!
No way! No way!
I think you need a new one
Hey! Hey! You! You!
I could be your boyfriend
sonicfags is there another big villan other than eggman ? or is he the only one
also what's shadow story and why does he have guns lmao
eggman is the only big one
other villains are just eggmans pawns that sometimes rebel against him
shadow is an experiment created by eggmans grandfather to be the ultimate lifeform
theres a lot more to shadow than that but im too lazy to explain his whole story
the guns are just there for show
Mania 2: Electric Boogaloo
Guys I only recently discovered Sonic Riders and it became worse than an addiction to me, I can't stop playing it. I fucking love it it's so good it's so good it's instantly in my top 5 Sonic games with the likes of 3&K, Mania, SA1 and SA2
3 gameplay styles, Adventure (Shadow), Boost (Blaze) and Parkour (Sonic).
Adventure is less slippery at top speeds, now has an actual turning arc and most of the moves aren't on the same fucking button.
Boost doesn't control horribly at low speeds, all Boost levels are 100% free of 2D sections and the controls are a refinement of what was seen in Generations.
Parkour is just Lost World's gameplay but, you know, not shit? Also no 2D sections, run button or homing kick.
Online side mode for racing against other players, not just their times and/or ghosts.
The story could be written by Pontaff, Flynn and Penders for all I care, get the gameplay right before you even think about anything else.
An extremely polished Sonic Adventure 3 taking good elements from the boost formula and Blaze is playable.
We used to have Eggman's descendant from the future who was consistently a Gerald-tier threat, but he hasn't done anything since Rivals 2, now all we have besides Eggman is the Deadly Six.
Also Shadow has guns because Iizuka wanted to please millennial kiddies wanted Sonic to have a gun, as far back as the first game, but he didn't think Sonic could use guns so Shadow was the next best thing. No, there is no in universe reason for Shadow using guns, he just does.
Amy finally gets her sex.
What's the plot twist?