Have they gone out of their way to give this the worst opening to a racing game of all time?

Have they gone out of their way to give this the worst opening to a racing game of all time?
>character creator
>unskippable cutscene
>straight line race with no braking required, with slow mo segments
>guy talking the entire duration
>swap cars
>drive somewhere else
>can't even change the music
I'm not sure I even wanted to play this given that 4 was really bad and right now this is excruciating to play

Attached: 71SMupnDiSL._AC_SY500_.jpg (347x500, 41.46K)

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Playground are soulless hacks.

These games are literally made for 10 year old retarded kids. You're too old to enjoy them.

Not him but the music was killing me even in Forza 4.
It would just start and I hate current day rap.

The issue is less that it's rap in general but more that it's squeaky clean shitty pop rap that you'd find in a triple A E3 trailer. The shittiest type of music around.

The entire point of the Horizon intros is to masturbate the player hard enough that they keep playing past the first ten minutes after installing the game takes forever

>still seething about the GOTY of 2021
Prepare your anus for Forza Motorsport 8 (presumably this year).

If you think that's bad, wait until your token minority cast of characters chauffers you throughout the entire game

I like the Motorsport games. Just not this Horizon dogshit. It's just yet more open world crap where every design choice is anti fun

And the constant push towards the gacha mechanics

5's opening was absolutely fucking horrific but after 4 I was ready. The campaign is almost as bad. However, the actual game and driving bits are fucking stellar and an improvement over 4 in every way.

Look and point at this Xbox tranny

Nobody cares about Forza Motorsport. Least of all long time Forza fans.

I used to play racing games: 30% for the tracks, 30% for the car grind, 40% for gameplay
This game completely takes away 2 of those.
Wtf happened to game sound tracks? I never used to mute games before

I wonder what are exactly the expectations from an arcade racer nowadays. Watch out because I played most 3D arcade racers and shit like "I have to make a character" or "unskippable cutscenes" are not arguments. Playground offers exactly what the average player wants. A huge environment which is mostly open from the start and lets you drive what you want.
You have time to shitpost because the GT7 servers are down again?

What the fuck do I give a shit what the average person wants if I don't? I don't want to do tedious shit that has nothing to do with racing or cars, I don't want open worlds and I want an actual progress system. It's me that decides if I buy and play a game not the fucking average person.

>Mock Forza

He's right though

>What the fuck do I give a shit what the average person wants if I don't?
Because your expectations are ridiculous. You can skip the character creator with a few button presses and you call a few minutes long intro unbearable because you can't skip it. Yet you demand a "progression" system which was always grinding laps in cars you don't want to drive on tracks you either like or not until you unlock what you actually want to drive. Forza is evolved in this way because people don't want to grind 40 hours to get to the good parts.

We play this game with every Microsoft game.
>Xbox gets the game
>PC gets the game
>Switch players don't care
>PS players are left out
I wonder who is more likely to have a reason to seethe about it?

>people don't want to grind 40 hours to get to the good parts.
>people want to just buy the game and be at end game already with zero effort
>this is totally normal
>you're the one with ridiculous expectation

>if it's on your platform it can't possibly be shit
wtf I love Bug Rigs Over the Road Racing now

Not true at all. With every new Horizon game, my interest in Forza Motorsport actually increases while my interest in Horizon has dropped to an all time low.

Sorry but you have no ground to argue here because achievement statistics prove this is normal. The majority of people never get to halfway in their games. If Forza was some hardcore game I could somewhat understand if you want take pride in completing it but what is the argument here? People don't care about driving shitboxes on roads the devs decide for them. There is a reason why other racers copy Forza now.

Well it helps if you actually play it before you try to bring up non issues here.

all of that sounds like opening to 4. doesn't the game open up and throw up a million races after you finish the "epic" intro like 4?

>racing games aren't made for you anymore
Yeah I figured
Enjoy your car theme park "games"

I'm surprised this wasn't posted yet.

Attached: 2019 racing game.png (1080x1271, 236.4K)

We got the power of the OOH-Yeah
I got the fever for the flava of it OOH YEAH

Attached: nfshp2.jpg (360x360, 26.55K)

There's a Yea Forums club that plays FH5 together.

Attached: FUUUUUUUUUCK.webm (1280x720, 2.92M)

Where is the DLC

Never EVER

Everyone laughs at Xbox trash. Cope.

>terrible AI (rain and curves do not affect drivatars speed/grip)
>braindead traffic AI
>total lack of sense of progression
>supbar track design with roads too wide
>lifeless map
>banwaves for the most stupid arbitrary reasons
>wheelspin gatcha cancer
>pronouns, prosthetic limbs but not beards
>zoomer magnet design-wise
>dreadful music selection

Attached: 13405251025025.webm (480x368, 142.14K)

You've beautifully summed up the gripes I've already had when I gave FH4 a try. Which is why I don't even bother with 5.
I really tried to like it but after 10 hours or so I just couldn't stand it anymore.
Also the cringe unskippable dialog the game serves you between campaign races and every npc is fellating the fuck out of you for doing the easiest races. It's a wish fulfillment fantasy for 10 year olds.

I would love an open world racing game that took itself and the player a little more seriously. And with some meaningful progression while not going to the extremes of GT7 where half the cars in the roster are practically unaffordable unless you fetch your credit card. Preferably with no microtransactions and gachashit at all...

Attached: tired dolan.png (544x456, 58.83K)

Lmao what year do you live in?

>Implying what user asked for is out of question for 2010+12

So funny when people forget (they probably weren't even born) what was arcade racing before the party era.

definitely not this and they are not debatable points because they are unfortunately facts. It's no coincidence that it's loved especially by those who hate racing games

I don't have big expectations for the new Test Drive but man, feels like it's the only hope now.

>It's a wish fulfillment fantasy for 10 year olds.
I'm seriously asking what exactly do you expect from arcade racers? Remember the "modern" NFS era before Horizon?
>You are the cool underground racer who can T-bone the police cars and girls suck you off between the races. Also censored rap music because that is mature.

Yeah perhaps. I enjoyed TDU2 quite a bit even though overall it was pretty janky. But the lineup of cars and the world, including the small rpg elements were pretty solid.

The last NFS I played was the 2010 Hot Pursuit remake, so I can't really say. But nevertheless what FH4 does feels over the top to me.

>The last NFS I played was the 2010 Hot Pursuit remake
Me too and it was pretty dogshit. Apparently Heat is/was pretty cool, though I watched my friend play it and the racing looked like the arcadiest game on the market.

Attached: my longest yea boi ever.webm (1000x562, 2.95M)

Heat is the best NFS from that Swedish studio but that really isn't a big achievement.

How did the remake fuck up 2010? I only played the original and didnt search anything about it.

It just wasn't very good. I last played it in 2012 so I don't really remember its problems, just that it felt really generic and uninspired. and the racing itself was really boring with the AI catchup stuff.

Attached: got em oh fug.webm (800x450, 2.94M)

People get assmad that their car's durability goes down quickly if you keep smashing it against cops iirc

>Wtf happened to game sound tracks? I never used to mute games before
Most games are now made by soulless, tone deaf idiots with absolutely no artistic sense. Think of it like this:

Most people enjoy food, but not so many understand how to make good food. Most game developers these days are the video game equivalent of some idiot flipping burgers at a fast food joint legitimately believing they're furthering the culinary arts. They aren't helping, they're actively making things worse and shouldn't go anywhere within a mile of a game development studio.

Ooh yeah you gotta roll through gas stations to fix it or some shit like that, right? That did seem like annoying tedium, not sure if punishing the player for doing something they're incentivized to do is the way to go. Otherwise all you can do is outrun them I guess, haven't played so I don't know if that's viable.

Attached: ls gtr overtake.webm (960x540, 2.95M)

oh I thought you were talking about the remake only, it just felt like a lazy graphics overhaul so I didnt bother checking it out. 2010 was pretty fun for me, honestly, its just that the atmosphere, cop chases and more laid back arcady feel of it really got me, online was pretty good too.

how do I join said Yea Forums club

I just stayed with Hospital records.

Too bad the FH5 tracklist for that radio station is a downgrade imo

This. I remember when I played horizon 4 and I was genuinely fucking confused at just how bad the music was. Usually skating and racing games have excellent music choices. I don't think I've ever heard a worse selected soundtrack than these games

Think just join the club. It has a 2000 people limit iirc

Go to the clubs section ingame and search for 4ch. You don't have to post in the thread or anything, you can just join.
Fair enough, back then I hadn't played any racing games online since Drift City with /o/ and Yea Forums.

Attached: russian teleporters.webm (800x450, 2.97M)

Considering the intro literally lasts 5 minutes of most in a game that takes up to 100 hours to "complete"... I don't see what the problem is.
It's barely an inconvenience.

>Too bad the FH5 tracklist for that radio station is a downgrade imo
Couldn't agree more, and I'd swear it's smaller too. These days I just listen to Spotify or shit off youtube while I'm racing and I feel like the game lost a bit of its identity because of it.

Attached: TARBO BOOST.webm (1280x720, 2.98M)

>Snoys still seething from the abysmal launch and horrible press that Gran Turismo received.

Cringe-Kino and hands down the funnest arcade racing game ever made.

I had a really kino race in A class on that track in my non-meta tuned NSX where I somehow beat a Shelby Daytona, a Boneshaker, a Lotus Elise and some retarded power build
wish I recorded it because it was just about perfect

Based, these days I just record the sessions with the boys since I make compilation videos of our races every so often. Now that I'm actually looking at my saved videos, I wish I had a few more meme-y 10-15 second ones instead of full races.

Attached: Now this is racing.webm (800x450, 2.95M)

>Usually skating and racing games have excellent music choices.
12+ years ago that was true. The music has been getting noticeably worse every year since then.