Anyone else feel like this game is dying? Even kids aren't playing it much anymore...

Anyone else feel like this game is dying? Even kids aren't playing it much anymore. The updates have taken so long to come out. They need a bigger team and some bigger ideas.

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my nephew played it for the first time on the tablet the other day and i was helping him, he became obsessed with it straight away and was watching youtube videos about it. it still has staying power and probably will for at least another 5 years, maybe 10

No matter how much I stay away from this game i always end up picking it back and i still have tons of fun with it, could i just be in denial that this is probably my favorite game

Minecraft YouTube videos still get millions of views a day

Haha I do the same, I actually use them as forced labor workers to build houses and I'm teaching them to build pixel arts, all of this on Minecraft, uhhh this is legal to do in Minecraft r-right?

i think the algorithm is great at pushing all the kiddy shit lolsorandum youtubers on kids as soon as they show any interest in games whatsoever

>make new world
>hit trees
>make crafting table
>make tools
>look for village
>add my own house
>make city walls
>get bored and uninstall
shit game

Mod it
I remember that years ago I moded Minecraft with comes alive mod and I had my waifu, until she died...

same happens to me, mods are fucking boring too cause you need to read like 100 page manual on them

thats why only kids enjoy minecraft cause they have excitement capacity to keep em going

The early to mid game is the most fun part of minecraft. All the RPG shit with enchanting and dragons and flying is not only boring but completely antithetical to the soul of the game which is centered around exploring and building. Once you've got your tools, a farm, and a nice house it's time to either start up a new world and look for a new spot to build or just start walking in a direction until you find somewhere you like.

>0.001 minor change version that only changes a few text
>breaks almost all mods
why are they like this


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Bedrock has been dead since day one anyone with half a brain plays Java with what ever mods they enjoy and not having to wait 10 years for Microsoft to add a fucking panda or some useless shit.

I remember making a hardcore survival with a bunch of ultra OP mobs, fortunately the mod also came with extremely OP gear too, for 30 real days i defended a small comes alive town from all kinds of weird shit, i was a true hero.
>just start walking in a direction until you find somewhere you like.
Once I get all the materials, i craft the tools and walk exactly 10km on a random direction, write down the highlights of the walk and once I walked the 10km i think about which place is the best for construction, i always end up choosing a place where 3 biomes crossover, dark Forest is my absolute favorite so it's always nice to find one during the walk.
This, not even trannies like bedrock.

>They need

They need to develop Minecraft 2 and stop with the shitting incremental and pointless adds to this old and boring game already. The modding community is keeping interest in Minecraft alive but it's time to move on to a bigger and better and newer Minecraft 2, but greedy scumbag Microshit wants to squeeze every last drop of blood out of Minecraft before they kill it with Minecraft 2.

I just don't get the point of a sequel? A game like Garry's mod getting a sequel as S&box makes sense, Garry moves to a whole new engine with new tools and everything but what are they supposed to do for Minecraft 2? Develop a new Minecraft engine? I just don't see it.

there is no point it's a stupid idea just like WoW 2 and i cringe every time i see someone say it. there's no good reason to throw away a decade+ of polish and modding just to make the same game again

One word for Minecraft 2.

It could be something simple as HL2 physics and the game would be a whole lot different.

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do you want polygons instead of squares too?

Wtf are you talking about, I hope you wasn't retard enough to imagine every block held by physics.

I'm talking about simple shit like ragdolls and weight for example

It's nowhere near the levels of when the SMP boom happened, but Minecraft's basically back to standard in terms of activity now.
Still played worldwide by kids on every platform known to man with tons of videos and streams watched by them, but it's not headline-worthy at this time.
Give it a few more years for the next period of nostalgia to settle and there's bound to be another resurgence.

I know this might come as a shock to zoomers, but games don't typically stay popular forever.

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A million monthly players. Literally no other game can boast that.

Oops, 100 million, that was supposed to be.

>I hope you wasn't retard enough to imagine every block held by physics.
Minecraft has physics.
No ragdolls are stupid.

There are only 8 million people in the world, this is impossible.

>Minecraft has physics.

Attached: average portuguese man.gif (220x243, 658.21K)

They're updating it way too slow and it never knew if it wanted to be more about building or adventure so kids who get into it eventually move on to other things that better provide what they're looking for.


it's simple physics, but it's still physics bruh

Yes, it has all the physics you need.

>it's simple physics
>it has all the physics you need.

Attached: FRHheWtXoAIv9cG.jpg (828x734, 57.14K)

You want titties physics isn't it?
You motherfucker based piece of shit

It certainly does.
Ragdolling in Minecraft would be aids. I'd take trees chopping down physics, but that's pretty much all I'd want elsewise.

>he thinks children aren't spending in Minecraft bedrock marketplace

>It certainly does.
Look it up, Create Mod.

And that isn't even physics, it's Half-Life 1 tier. but just a taste. Now imagine making trains, ships, aircraft, and ballons with actual blocks. Build contraptions physics based, have forces like wind, magnetism, ropes, and chemistry.

Also, hagdoll rocks

Attached: 1650274914410.webm (1080x608, 2.12M)

Okay, that create mod looks awesome.

It feels like an expansion and not a mod, this is the kind of stuff Mojang should focus on. Maybe give a big update every 2-3 years instead of delaying 4 times just to release 2 updates a year.

we need physics...

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Issue is stability though.
A create mod would be an absolute nightmare in the vanilla multiplayer environment. A server like 2b2t would actually have to never update just to remain viable as allowing the people access to lag machines like that would essentially ensure it's down 24/7.

It's fun to play when you have a video on in the background, but I get bored when I'm playing the game by itself.

>A create mod would be an absolute nightmare in the vanilla multiplayer environment
Don't play with subhumans.

My bf is into weird shit and i think if we could fuck in Minecraft he would love it, can I put those tits on my skin?

>don't play with other people
It would have so many server breaking issues. Playing the mod in singleplayer, or on a small modded SMP server with friends/people you know would be fun as fuck.
I just know that if that mod was implemented it'd actually be impossible to go to a public SMP server in vanilla with that mod because people would just create lag machines. Everywhere.
What's it matter to you tho because even if it was added in Vanilla MC you'd still install mods.

People create lag machines anyway with minecarts if they want.

>>don't play with other people
I said don't play with subhumans. I play on a vanilla server for more than a year, no problems, act like a nigger, grief, do a lag machine, get banned, simple as.

If you play on servers that people do lag machines, that is on (you).

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and there are bukkits to find these lagmachines easily, your point?
user's point is playing with trustworthy people, not some random fucking niggers.

holy zoomer brain cancer kill yourself this game literally doesnt need updates
what it does need is to stray away from this retarded "seasons" fotm design and go back to just being a fucking lego game

but to address my earlier point you really should kill yourself

not that user but in this mod you can drink a potion that let you become the fuckable NPC of your choices that this mod provides. Don't know if it's in the public version of it nor if it allows transformed players to fuck/get fucked by regular ones
Its the SchnurriTV's Sexmod btw

My point is that it wouldn't be as as he thinks in public server. And of course, playing with your friends is just better

Feels like they promised the mod API just a couple years ago but that was in 2014 maybe? They fucking suck.

Some people are several.

>game is dying
>kids aren't playing it anymore
what type of fantasy land do you live in

>Minecraft will probably never have a mod API because of Bugrock and the (((marketplace))), all while dividing the community between Bedrock and Java players
>Meanwhile, Terraria took the most popular mod loader, endorsed it as free official DLC, and is even looking into cross-platform play
What went so right, Terrariabros?

not being sold to a massive soulless corporation

>there's bedrock or java
>there's forge or fabric
>there's specific versions of the game more popular than others
This community is so split I'm surprised there's still people making amazing mods. I just wish they didn't break every time they update the game because they added a single texture or something meaningless.

Don't worry, they're adding frogs!! And flying pixels we're going to pretend they're fireflies! We'll release this massive content update in 6 months, please understand.

In 6 months the Create devs would add absolutely insane shit. What's wrong with mojang man, this game could be so good.

no one wants to play a game that only has shit to do once you install mods.
they either need to put the game to bed or stop spending 3 years to release a meager update for the world's best selling game

thats like saying skyrim is dead
its a fuckign game thats meant to be single player

>Create absolutely insane shit
>That doesnt fit with the feel of the game
Hate Modgers so much